Passionate, Professional, Ready to Take Flight
Discover the hidden gem of the skies: UNO's Aviation Institute. Since 1990, we've been propelling students to new horizons through top-tier flight training and comprehensive aviation education. From mastering flight skills to excelling in air traffic control, airport management, and security, we're your gateway to the endless possibilities of the aviation world.
Aviation Partnerships

Offered Degrees in Aviation

Bachelor of Science in Aviation, Air Transport Administration
This degree prepares students for careers in airport administration, airline operations and government entities.

Bachelor of Science in Aviation, Professional Flight
This degree prepares students who are looking to pursue a career as a professional pilot.

Bachelor of Science in Aviation, Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Prepares students for a career in operating unmanned aircraft as well as management and operations of a company or organization that utilizes unmanned aircraft

Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies
Concentration in Aviation Studies in conjunction with the Division of Continuing Studies

Minor in Aviation
For UNO students who wish to complement their major coursework

Minor in Uncrewed Aircraft Systems
Have an interest in UAS technology? Check out the new minor in UAS!