Program-level SLO assessment requires consideration of the general question, “What should students know or be able to do when they complete the program?” Or, "What are the defining characteristics of the degree program in terms of the knowledge, skills, or dispositions expected of a graduate?"
The Academic Assessment Committee works with every academic program to assure a review of student learning outcomes takes place on a consistent basis.
Learn more about the assessment cycle.
The following four questions are central to the process of SLO assessment:
- What are the program’s key Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)? SLOs should be specific, observable, written in the context of the discipline, and communicated to stakeholders.
- How is student performance on the SLOs measured? Measures should be directly aligned with the SLOs, and at least some direct measures should be employed.
- What results have been obtained? Data should be collected regularly and systematically, sufficient for analysis, and regularly analyzed. Additionally, results should be communicated within the program.
- How has the program used the results to inform decisions and actions? Data-informed decisions and actions taken should be documented and lead to program improvement.
High-quality reports offer detailed results including an explanation of what counts as a successful outcome, along with evidence of whether that level of proficiency was achieved, and should state how the unit responded to the findings.
View a digital version of the Degree Program Assessment Guide, editable reporting templates, and other resources.