Academic Integrity: Doing your own work to the best of your ability is always the expectation of students at UNO. Students found guilty of violating academic integrity guidelines will be removed from the Honors Program.
Active in Program: Students are expected to undertake at least one Honors course/option each semester at UNO; students may sit out of Honors (not undertake any Honors work) for ONE semester without losing Honors priority registration privileges. Students must notify the Director IN WRITING if they are “sitting out” a semester; students should do so by the end of the first week of the semester in which they are "sitting out".
Colloquia: Students are strongly recommended to complete one colloquium in their first year and another in their sophomore year.
Contracts: Students can undertake no more than TWO contracts in any one semester; contracts are generally available on academic courses carrying a maximum of five credits (most contracts are associated with 3 credit courses).
First Semester: All incoming first-year students are required to take an Honors-only course in their first semester at UNO in the Honors Program (general education course rather than colloquium).
Earned Grade: Courses in which students wish to earn Honors credit must be completed successfully with a grade of B or higher for Honors credit to be awarded.
Graduate courses: Graduate credit earned while an undergraduate can carry Honors credit: check out all the details and submit this form.
Maximum Honors per semester: Students should not undertake more than 11 credits of Honors work in any one semester.
Portfolio: All Honors students must complete a portfolio of their efforts by the end of the fifth week of the semester in which they plan to graduate (separate guidelines are available on the Honors website).
Probation: Students whose GPA falls below 2.5 will be considered on probation in Honors. While they are welcome to continue in the Program, they can do so only after meeting with an Honors advisor to discuss their progress and to map out Honors requirements over the remainder of their course of study. If students’ GPA remains below a 2.5 after one semester on probation, they will be removed from the Honors Program. If their GPA moves to or above 2.5, they can apply to rejoin the Honors Program by contacting the Director.
Thesis/capstone/creative experience: All students are expected to meet this culminating academic expectation; separate guidelines are available here.