What is the value of the indicators?
The Academic Program Indicators (API) ensures that decisions are rooted in reliable information. Furthermore, the indicators support the need for user-friendly data presentation for all levels of the campus community for transparent and shared academic program data. This system is similar to the current campus use of the Academic Department Indicators but it is more detailed in that it includes academic programs as well as departments. Expected benefits of this initiative include a greater opportunity for faculty across academic programs to have data-informed conversations to identify growth opportunities and potential efficiencies. The API will provide UNO with the necessary data and analyses to make informed decisions about resources allocation and curriculum management, all while aligning with the university's mission and strategic goals.
How is this different than the Space Utilization project?
The Academic Program Indicators and the Space Utilization project pull from the same campus data sources but utilize different data. For example, the Space Utilization project included all faculty, staff and student workers and the Academic Program Indicators includes only those with teaching assignments in the SAP system. Another example is that the Space Utilization project included both delivery and administration site courses, and the Academic Program Indicators includes only administration site.
Who decided the metrics on the indicators?
Academic Affairs employed a highly inclusive process to identify the metrics used to create the Academic Program Indicators. This process continues to engage institution stakeholders and respect processes of shared governance and decision-making as refinement of the Indicators will continue through a continuous improvement approach. After integrating campus input gathered from October to December 2023 through SVC He’s Campus Town Hall presentation, Academic Affairs facilitated a series of meetings incorporating feedback from the Campus Data Working Group. This group consisting of Associate Deans and representatives from the offices of Institutional Effectiveness and Student Success, Innovative Learning-Centric Initiatives, as well as the Registrar, and Faculty Senate leadership. In addition to the Campus Data Working Group, campus stakeholders will be asked to review the draft data and continue to provide input as we refine the dashboard.
Who is building the indicators?
Our campus process refined our discussions toward a vended solution for our Academic Program Indicators. Funding was identified via reallocation of existing funds designated for campus-wide initiatives and we began our process of identifying potential partners in January 2024 via the NU system formal contract request protocols for procurement. In Spring 2024, https://www.graydi.us/ was selected as the vendor to build the indicators.