General Education Assessment Reports Due
Faculty teaching courses for general education credit should regularly assess the relevant general education student learning outcomes.
- published: 2023/02/13
- contact: Academic Affairs - Academic Affairs
- email:

The General Education Committee reviews assessment data for general education courses according to a three-year cycle. The Committee will be reviewing courses this year (2022-2023) that satisfy U.S. and Global Diversity requirements, as well as select courses from other areas that that have not previously collected/submitted assessment data. Courses on this year’s cycle can satisfy the assessment requirement in one of two ways:
- Assessing general education outcomes using common rubrics located in Canvas. Faculty are encouraged to use this approach to streamline data collection and reporting. Instructions and directions for using common rubrics are located at this link.
- Completing this template to summarize general education assessment activities in the course since the last time it was on the assessment cycle.
Units should aim to complete the requirement by June 30, 2023 using one of these approaches. There will be two virtual drop-in sessions prior to the due date in which faculty/staff can participate if they have questions related to general education assessment. Use this link and feel free to join anytime during the available windows below:
- March 20th from 10:00-11:00 AM
- March 29th 2:30-4:00 PM
Please contact if you need assistance outside of these times.