Erin Pleggenkuhle-Miles starting as a Leadership Faculty Fellow
Academic Affairs has announced Erin Pleggenkuhle-Miles, Ph.D., as a Leadership Faculty Fellow starting in January 2024.
- published: 2024/01/02
- contact: Academic Affairs
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Academic Affairs is pleased to announce Erin Pleggenkuhle-Miles, Ph.D., associate professor of management, as the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s newest Leadership Faculty Fellow (LFF).
As LFF, Dr. Miles will work closely with Candice Batton, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs. Dr. Miles will focus her efforts on faculty affairs, including supporting the development of a faculty handbook, which is a collaborative effort between Academic Affairs and the Faculty Senate.
"We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Erin Miles as she starts her role as a Leadership Fellow within Academic Affairs," said Candice Batton, Ph.D., Assistant Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs. “Dr. Miles’ wealth of expertise and dedication align seamlessly with our mission for excellence and UNO's engaged metropolitan vision."
The LFF program allows faculty to develop leadership skills while working collaboratively on campus initiatives in ways that expand capacity within Academic Affairs in areas such as program assessment, faculty affairs, and more.
Dr. Miles earned her Ph.D. from the University of Texas Dallas in 2012 and currently serves as an Associate Professor of Strategy Management in the College of Business Administration. Dr. Miles’ areas of expertise include strategic management and entrepreneurship with specific interest garnered toward how institutional or environmental factors influence firm strategy. She teaches classes in strategic management, has taught in the Executive Education program at UNO, and served as a faculty advisor for EMBA International & Domestic Capstone projects. Dr. Erin Miles is also the director of the award-winning Capstone Cup.
The LFF program was originally launched in the 1990s as Administrative Leadership Academies and re-launched in 2012 as Administrative Faculty Fellows. Since 2012, nine faculty have served as fellows and, in the years following their service, have gone on to hold key leadership positions across the university.