Interested in Teaching a TLC-sheltered course?
The Thompson Learning Community values its faculty. We could not be making a difference in our students' lives without the integral support of our amazing faculty.
Faculty for the Thompson Learning Community (TLC) courses are drawn from various UNO departments. Participating departments are compensated for the faculty member's time.
In addition, the participating faculty members are awarded stipends for each section taught, as well as supplementary funds for course development and enhancement.
General Education
The course offerings in TLC are intended to satisfy general education requirements for most UNO students. In addition to providing a high-quality educational experience, TLC courses are intended to connect Thompson Scholars with each other, faculty, and the university.
TLC aims to recruit distinguished instructors who are dedicated to the retention and success of undergraduate students. TLC instructors should be willing to join TLC colleagues in the planning and coordination of the TLC curriculum, as well as the planning and participation of out-of-class activities.
Participating professors will be known as Thompson Learning Community Professors. Candidates for these positions will be nominated by their departments. For additional information, please contact Jerry Cederblom.
Selection Process
Faculty and course offerings are selected based on:
- The satisfaction of general education requirements
- Potential student demand for the course
Please note that if we do not choose you, that does not mean we consider you unworthy.