The project is anonymous, so that others might see themselves in the work and not focus on the writer.
Every Freshman Buffett Scholar takes a class called Autobiographical Reading and Writing. In that class, we practice storytelling to learn about ourselves, where we are from, and where we are going, and to build community and empathy through listening and sharing our stories with others. In my class, we are discussing poetry and performance, and the #autobiopoetryproject is a way to share our stories with a greater audience and connect with the UNO campus. We looked at Guerilla Art, or the act of creating and placing anonymous art in public places. Often, it’s a minor altercation to an everyday space, to our familiar environment. It asks people to stop, to slow down, to pay attention, a reminder that art exists everywhere. We also talked about Guerilla Poetry. What effect might pop-up poetry have on the community?
Our assignment was to practice communicating a concept or human experience through metaphor and hang it somewhere intentional. Then, take a picture of its location and post an explanation, including how sharing our stories with a wider audience feels. We have been discussing how we are not alone in what we are experiencing and feeling right now, and maybe someone else on campus will be delighted to know that they too are not alone. If nothing else, it will slow someone’s pace and remind them to look up every now and then.
Any questions can be directed to Jen Lambert at jllambert@unomaha.edu