Reimbursement of expenses for the job applicant is done at the discretion of the dean or department chair.
The Visiting Personnel Non-resident Alien Independent Contractor Miscellaneous Expense Voucher should be completed and submitted for payment to the applicant.
Reimbursement Limits
Up to three applicants per position may be reimbursed for travel, meals, and lodging.
Expenses of Companions
Generally, the university does not allow reimbursement for expenses for the spouse (companion) or family members accompanying the applicant.
Meal Limits
Meals may only be reimbursed if the applicant must be accommodated overnight to facilitate the interview.
Direct Billing Encouraged
The university encourages the department to make arrangements for the upcoming interview (rather than the applicant) to make the reservations for commercial travel and lodging prior to the applicant's visit and to request that the bills be forwarded directly to the university for payment.
This ensures the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of those arrangements.
GL Coding
All expenses should be coded to Job Applicant Expense regardless of whether payment is to the applicant or to a vendor that provided services on behalf of the applicant.
Documentation accompanying payment claims for reimbursement to the applicant must include original receipts (except for meals), the applicant's name, and the position for which s/he interviewed.
The documentation must be attached to a completed
Visiting Personnel Non-resident Alien Independent Contractor Miscellaneous Expense Voucher. This form is available in the SAPPHIRE Business Forms section.