Flag Policy
- Effective: 08-04-2009
- Last Revised: 06-01-2016
- Responsible University Administrator: Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance
- Responsible University Office: Public Safety
- Policy Contact: Public Safety • unopublicsafety@unomaha.edu
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This policy applies to all active faculty/staff, retirees and students who have died.
Policy Statement
Official Locations
Official flag locations on campus must be approved by the chancellor. Currently, UNO has designated four official flag locations:
- South of Eppley Administration Building and the pep bowl area
- Near the Henningson Memorial Campanile
- SW corner of 67th & Pacific
- East of the Thompson Alumni Center
Public Safety is responsible for the proper handling, raising, lowering, disposing and replacing of flags at the official flag locations. Landscape Services is responsible for purchasing all flags.
Flag Display and Lowering
Public Law 94‐344 shall govern the proper use and display of flags on the UNO campus. The U.S. flag and the State of Nebraska flag will be lowered as directed by the governor of Nebraska or the U.S. President.
- Active and retired University faculty and staff members
- Currently enrolled UNO students
- Past and present members of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents
- Leaders elsewhere in the University of Nebraska system
- Government officials as directed
Reason for Policy
To define UNO's policy for flag lowering on campus.
The following procedures will be implemented prior to flag lowerings:
- The Office of Strategic Marketing and Communications (MarComm) will inform Public Safety of the time and duration of the flag lowering and will provide them with a typed notification for the flag pole signs.
- Public Safety personnel will be responsible for the lowering and raising of the flags and display of pertinent information.
- In cases where the body of the deceased has been willed to science or when notification has been received after interment or memorial service, the university will observe a flag lowering as it deems appropriate.
This policy was developed and approved prior to the implementation of the campus policy development and approval process approved by the Chancellor’s Cabinet in October 2015.