Coursework for the Graduate Minor

Graduate students will need to complete 9 credit hours in two departments.
- Departments of History, English, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, and Art and Art History
- A student is not required by the graduate faculty to have a minor. However, a student may elect a minor with permission of the major department/school and the minor department/school.
- The minor must consist of no fewer than nine graduate hours. The courses must be included on the Change in Plan of Study form and the minor department must sign off on this form. The minor will be reflected on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
- Students who elect to complete a minor may be required to take a comprehensive examination over the minor field. This requirement will be at the discretion of the minor advisor. If such an examination is given, it should be given at a date arranged at the convenience of both the student and the minor advisor, but falling within the limits established for all comprehensive examinations.
- Courses Available for the Minor (listed by department)
Art and Art History
ART 8726 - Women in Ancient and Medieval Art
ART 8736 - Classical Art History
ART 8756 - Late Roman and Byzantine Art History
ART 8936 - Special Topics in Art History: Pop Antiquity; Pyramids, Pharaohs, and Sphinxes; Gender and Sexuality in Antiquity
ENGL 8800 - Special Topics in Language and Literature: Ancient Greek and Roman Drama
HIST 8826 - Ancient Persia and Mesopotamia
HIST 8836 - Greek Myth, Religion, and Magic
HIST 8846 - Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Origin
HIST 8856 - Rome and the Early Church
HIST 8916 - Special Topics in History: Byzantine History
HIST 9100 - Seminar in History: Ancient Macedonia; and Greek Religion and Mystery Cults
HIST 9200 - History Colloquium: Race, Gender and Sex in Ancient Greece; Ancient Etruria
PHIL 8900 - Readings in Philosophy: Plato; Myth, Medicine & Cosmology
Political Science
PSCI 8316 - Classical Political Thought
RELI 8900 - Special Topics in Religion: Jerusalem; Ancient Israel; Biblical Archaeology; Biblical Cities; Jesus and Archaeology; The Dead Sea Scrolls; Ancient Mediterranean Religions; Apocalypticism; Holy Land Pilgrimages