William DeGraw, Ph.D.
- Professor Emeritus
Additional Information
Teaching Fields
- Principles of Biology
- Endocrinology
- Writing in Biology
- Human Physiology
Research Interests
Avian physiology and endocrinology Studies tracking seasonal changes in blood lipids in free-living and captive populations of White-crowned Sparrows documented dramatic metabolic adaptations attending preparations for migration. Work with Harris' Sparrows, a migratory visitor to eastern Nebraska, dealt with the control of lipid mobilization, particularly the role of the pancreatic hormone glucagon. Additional studies in this species focused on metabolic adaptations during fasting under winter conditions, the importance of lipid reserves, and the role of glucocorticoid hormones. More recent work described dramatic plasma volume expansion associated with postnuptial molting in Harris' Sparrows. Collaborative work with J. French and S. Hendricks (Psychology, UNO) included radioimmunoassay of LH in golden lion tamarins and studies of feedback control of its release.
Additional Information
Teaching Fields
- Principles of Biology
- Endocrinology
- Writing in Biology
- Human Physiology
Research Interests
Avian physiology and endocrinology Studies tracking seasonal changes in blood lipids in free-living and captive populations of White-crowned Sparrows documented dramatic metabolic adaptations attending preparations for migration. Work with Harris' Sparrows, a migratory visitor to eastern Nebraska, dealt with the control of lipid mobilization, particularly the role of the pancreatic hormone glucagon. Additional studies in this species focused on metabolic adaptations during fasting under winter conditions, the importance of lipid reserves, and the role of glucocorticoid hormones. More recent work described dramatic plasma volume expansion associated with postnuptial molting in Harris' Sparrows. Collaborative work with J. French and S. Hendricks (Psychology, UNO) included radioimmunoassay of LH in golden lion tamarins and studies of feedback control of its release.