Professor Nora Anne Bacon
- English, Professor
General Information
Teaching Interests
Composition Theory and Pedagogy
Prose Style
Writing for the Community
Research Methods in Composition Studies
Research Interests
Secondary and post-secondary composition (history, theory, teaching practices)
Prose style
Sentence pedagogies
Writing and learning to write in multiple settings
Additional Information
Research Areas
Transition from Academic to Nonacademic Writing
Service Learning
Prose Style
Bacon, Nora. “Style in Academic Writing.” The Centrality of Style. Ed. Michael Duncan and Star Medzerian. Parlor Press, 2013.
Bacon, Nora. The Well-Crafted Sentence: A Writer's Guide to Style. 2nd ed. Bedford/St. Martins, 2013.
Sather, Paul and Nora Bacon. "There is No Substitute for Experience." Diversity Digest 9:1 (fall, 2005).
Bacon, Nora. "Differences in Faculty and Community Partners' Theories of Learning. " Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 9:1 (fall, 2002): 34-44.
Deans, Thomas and Nora Bacon. "Writing as Students, Writing as Citizens: Service-Learning in First-Year Composition Courses." Service-Learning and the First-Year Experience. Ed. Zlotkowski. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2002.
Bacon, Nora. "Building a Swan's Nest for Instruction in Rhetoric." College Composition and Communication 51.4 (June, 2000): 589-609.
Bacon, Nora. "The Trouble with Transfer: Lessons from a Study of Community Service Writing." Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 6 (1999): 53-62.
Bacon, Nora. "Community Service Writing: Problems, Challenges, Questions." Writing for the Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Composition. Ed. Adler-Kassner, Crooks, and Watters. Washington, D.C.: American Association for Higher Education, 1997.
First-year Writing CoursesComposition Theory Pedagogy
College Writing Instruction
Community Service Writing
Rhetoric of the Sentence
Additional Information
Research Areas
Transition from Academic to Nonacademic Writing
Service Learning
Prose Style
Bacon, Nora. “Style in Academic Writing.” The Centrality of Style. Ed. Michael Duncan and Star Medzerian. Parlor Press, 2013.
Bacon, Nora. The Well-Crafted Sentence: A Writer's Guide to Style. 2nd ed. Bedford/St. Martins, 2013.
Sather, Paul and Nora Bacon. "There is No Substitute for Experience." Diversity Digest 9:1 (fall, 2005).
Bacon, Nora. "Differences in Faculty and Community Partners' Theories of Learning. " Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 9:1 (fall, 2002): 34-44.
Deans, Thomas and Nora Bacon. "Writing as Students, Writing as Citizens: Service-Learning in First-Year Composition Courses." Service-Learning and the First-Year Experience. Ed. Zlotkowski. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2002.
Bacon, Nora. "Building a Swan's Nest for Instruction in Rhetoric." College Composition and Communication 51.4 (June, 2000): 589-609.
Bacon, Nora. "The Trouble with Transfer: Lessons from a Study of Community Service Writing." Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 6 (1999): 53-62.
Bacon, Nora. "Community Service Writing: Problems, Challenges, Questions." Writing for the Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Composition. Ed. Adler-Kassner, Crooks, and Watters. Washington, D.C.: American Association for Higher Education, 1997.
First-year Writing CoursesComposition Theory Pedagogy
College Writing Instruction
Community Service Writing
Rhetoric of the Sentence