Tammie Kennedy, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor
Additional Information
Teaching Awards
- Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award (OTICA), NU, 2018
- Excellence in Teaching Award, UNO, 2017
- College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Outstanding Teacher Award, UNO, 2017
Ph.D., MA, University of Arizona
MS, Illinois State University
BS, Illinois State University
Research Areas
- Rhetorical Theory and History
- Writing Theory and Pedagogies
- Cultural Rhetorics/Studies—Feminist; Queer; Whiteness/Race Rhetorics
- Memory Studies
- Rhetoric and Film
- Interdisciplinary Studies
Teaching Areas
- Exploratory Studies/Interdisciplinary Studies
- Rhetorical Theory and History
- Writing Theory and Pedagogies
- Rhetorical Memory
- Feminist, Queer, and Race/Whiteness Studies
- Film Studies
- Creative Non-fiction—memoir, graphic memoir, lyrical essay
Recent Publications
“Conspiracies and Religion in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.” Critical Insights: Conspiracy. Ed. James Plath. Salem P, 2020: 3-20.
From the Heartland: Critical Reading and Writing at UNO. 4th edition (with Maggie Christensen). Fountainhead Press: Southlake, TX, 2020.
Rhetorics of Whiteness: Postracial Hauntings in Popular Culture, Social Media, and Education (co-edited with Joyce Irene Middleton and Krista Ratcliffe). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2017.
Winner: 2018 Conference on College Composition and Communication Outstanding Edited Book Award
“Oxymoronic Whiteness: From the Whitehouse to Ferguson” (with Joyce Irene Middleton and Krista Ratcliffe). Rhetorics of Whiteness: Postracial Hauntings in Popular Culture, Social Media, and Education. 2017: 171-186.
“Boxed Wine Feminisms: The Rhetoric of Women’s Wine Drinking in The Good Wife” Food, Feminisms, and Rhetorics. Ed. Melissa Goldthwaite. Carbondale, IL: SIUP, 2017: 171-180.
“Comics and Composition, Comics as Composition: Navigating Production and Consumption” (with Jessi Thomsen and Erica Trabold). Composition Studies 43.1 (Spring 2015): 183-200.
“A Pedagogy for the Ethics of Remembering: Producing Public Memory for the Women’s Archive Project” (with Angelika Walker). Pedagogies of Public Memory: Museums, Memorials, and Archives as Sites for Teaching Writing. Eds. Jane Greer and Laurie Grobman. New York: Routledge, 2015. 91-104.
“Show, Don’t Tell: Using Graphic Narratives to Teach Descriptive Writing” (with Tracey D. Menten). Creative Composition: Inspiration and Techniques for Writing Instruction. Eds. Danita Berg and Lori A. May. Multilingual Matters, 2015. 154-168.
“Sustaining White Homonormativity: The Kids are All Right as Public Pedagogy.” Journal of Lesbian Studies 18.2 (Summer 2014): 118-32.
“Smaller Boxes.” Emrys Journal 30 (2013): 47-49.
“Mapping ‘Memoryscapes’: Reconfiguring the Theoretical Terrain of Rhetoric and Memory” JAC: Journal for Interdisciplinary Study of Rhetoric, Culture, and Politics 33.3-4 (Fall 2013): 763-81.
“Mary Magdalene and the Politics of Public Memory: Interrogating The Da Vinci Code.” Feminist Formations 24.2 (Aug. 2012): 120-139.
“Dead Babies Photo.” Brevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Non-Fiction 36 (May 2011).
“Reading, Writing, and Thinking about Disability Issues” (with Tracey D. Menten). English Journal 100.2 (Nov. 2010): 61-67.
Dr. Kennedy's other administrative responsibilities include serving as Editor for the UNO Women’s Archive Project.
Additional Information
Teaching Awards
- Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award (OTICA), NU, 2018
- Excellence in Teaching Award, UNO, 2017
- College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Outstanding Teacher Award, UNO, 2017
Ph.D., MA, University of Arizona
MS, Illinois State University
BS, Illinois State University
Research Areas
- Rhetorical Theory and History
- Writing Theory and Pedagogies
- Cultural Rhetorics/Studies—Feminist; Queer; Whiteness/Race Rhetorics
- Memory Studies
- Rhetoric and Film
- Interdisciplinary Studies
Teaching Areas
- Exploratory Studies/Interdisciplinary Studies
- Rhetorical Theory and History
- Writing Theory and Pedagogies
- Rhetorical Memory
- Feminist, Queer, and Race/Whiteness Studies
- Film Studies
- Creative Non-fiction—memoir, graphic memoir, lyrical essay
Recent Publications
“Conspiracies and Religion in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.” Critical Insights: Conspiracy. Ed. James Plath. Salem P, 2020: 3-20.
From the Heartland: Critical Reading and Writing at UNO. 4th edition (with Maggie Christensen). Fountainhead Press: Southlake, TX, 2020.
Rhetorics of Whiteness: Postracial Hauntings in Popular Culture, Social Media, and Education (co-edited with Joyce Irene Middleton and Krista Ratcliffe). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2017.
Winner: 2018 Conference on College Composition and Communication Outstanding Edited Book Award
“Oxymoronic Whiteness: From the Whitehouse to Ferguson” (with Joyce Irene Middleton and Krista Ratcliffe). Rhetorics of Whiteness: Postracial Hauntings in Popular Culture, Social Media, and Education. 2017: 171-186.
“Boxed Wine Feminisms: The Rhetoric of Women’s Wine Drinking in The Good Wife” Food, Feminisms, and Rhetorics. Ed. Melissa Goldthwaite. Carbondale, IL: SIUP, 2017: 171-180.
“Comics and Composition, Comics as Composition: Navigating Production and Consumption” (with Jessi Thomsen and Erica Trabold). Composition Studies 43.1 (Spring 2015): 183-200.
“A Pedagogy for the Ethics of Remembering: Producing Public Memory for the Women’s Archive Project” (with Angelika Walker). Pedagogies of Public Memory: Museums, Memorials, and Archives as Sites for Teaching Writing. Eds. Jane Greer and Laurie Grobman. New York: Routledge, 2015. 91-104.
“Show, Don’t Tell: Using Graphic Narratives to Teach Descriptive Writing” (with Tracey D. Menten). Creative Composition: Inspiration and Techniques for Writing Instruction. Eds. Danita Berg and Lori A. May. Multilingual Matters, 2015. 154-168.
“Sustaining White Homonormativity: The Kids are All Right as Public Pedagogy.” Journal of Lesbian Studies 18.2 (Summer 2014): 118-32.
“Smaller Boxes.” Emrys Journal 30 (2013): 47-49.
“Mapping ‘Memoryscapes’: Reconfiguring the Theoretical Terrain of Rhetoric and Memory” JAC: Journal for Interdisciplinary Study of Rhetoric, Culture, and Politics 33.3-4 (Fall 2013): 763-81.
“Mary Magdalene and the Politics of Public Memory: Interrogating The Da Vinci Code.” Feminist Formations 24.2 (Aug. 2012): 120-139.
“Dead Babies Photo.” Brevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Non-Fiction 36 (May 2011).
“Reading, Writing, and Thinking about Disability Issues” (with Tracey D. Menten). English Journal 100.2 (Nov. 2010): 61-67.
Dr. Kennedy's other administrative responsibilities include serving as Editor for the UNO Women’s Archive Project.