John McCarty
Click here to download my current CV as a pdf
Current Position Professor of Biology Director of the Environmental Studies Program University of Nebraska Omaha |
Office: 422G Allwine Hall Lab: 103 Allwine Hall Ph: 402.554.2849 |
Ph.D. Cornell University, Field of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 1995Dissertation Title: Effects of Short-term Changes in Environmental Conditions on the Foraging Ecology and Reproductive Success of Tree Swallows, Tachycineta bicolor. Major Professor: Dr. David W. Winkler.

B.Sc. University of Wisconsin - Madison, Zoology, 1987
Senior Thesis Title: Diel Periodicity of Movement and Feeding of Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin. Advisor: Dr. John Magnuson.
Awards, Honors, Leadership Activities
Elected Member, American Ornithologists' Union, 2012
2014 University of Nebraska Omaha Excellence in Teaching Award
2013-2014 Alumni Outstanding Teacher Award, College of Arts and Sciences, UNO
2011-2012 College of Arts & Sciences Excellence in Research Award, UNO
Governing Council, Association of Field Ornithologists (2010-2013)
Board of Directors, Ornithological Council (2010-2013)
Certified Senior Ecologist - Ecological Society of America (2008- )
Board of Trustees, The Nature Conservancy - Nebraska (2004 - )
2004 - Fellow, Aldo Leopold Leadership Program
2002 - Fellow, Center for Great Plains Studies
2001 - Fellow, University of Nebraska Graduate Faculty
2000 - AAAS Roger Revelle Fellowship in Global Stewardship
1998 - AAAS Science Policy Fellowship
1995 - Award for Excellence in Teaching, Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University
1988-93 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow
1990-91 Cooper Ornithological Society Student Membership Award
1988 - A.D. White Fellowship, Cornell University
Professional Affiliations
August 2001 to Present: University of Nebraska Omaha
Adjunct Professor, University of Nebraska Lincoln School of Natural Resources
Sept. 2000 - Aug. 2001: AAAS Roger Revelle Fellow, USDA Forest Service, Research, Washington Office.
June 1998 - July 2001: Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park.
Sept. 1998 - Aug. 2000: AAAS Science and Engineering Fellow, sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
June 1996-May 1998: Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Zoology, University of Florida.
Aug. 1995- Aug. 1996: Visiting Assistant Professor, State University of New York, College at Brockport.
Summers 1994-1995: Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, New York Field Office, Cortland, NY.
Professional Societies
American Ornithologists' Union
Association of Field Ornithologists
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)