Welcome to the Geography/Geology Department!

Travel & Tourism is one concentration available to geography majors. You can also study topics like world geography, human geography, and cartography.

Geology majors participate in field research projects at locations throughout the world. Here students report on beach processes at Bald Point, Florida.
GEOGRAPHY | The study of Earth’s landscapes, peoples, places, and environments
The Geography major at UNO prepares students to achieve successful and satisfying careers in a culturally diverse, high-tech, interconnected global society.
Geography is much more than learning about what is where; it is the discipline that seeks to answer powerful questions, such as:
- Why do some regions of the world enjoy peace and prosperity while others endure poverty and the ravages of war?
- What will happen as the world runs out of oil, and what can we do to better manage this and other vital resources?
- How will climate change affect people and biodiversity in different places and at different times?
- Is our society really becoming less equitable, and if so, why?
There is perhaps no other discipline as diverse as geography — an enviable strength given the complex and interdisciplinary nature of the social, economic, and environmental challenges we face today. Geographic knowledge and skills are central to the future of the developing global society.
The world needs inquisitive, well-rounded thinkers; the world needs geographers!
The department offers both a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Geography. We also offer concentrations in Geographic Information Systems & Technology, Travel & Tourism, and Physical Geography, as well as a minor in Geography.
GEOLOGY | The study of the earth’s physical structure and substance, its history, and the processes that act on it
Geologists investigate the Earth, from the atomic structure of minerals to entire mountain chains and ocean basins. They search for mineral and energy deposits, help protect and clean up our environment, study climate change, and travel the globe studying the physical and biological history of our Earth. So, as a Geology major, the world is your classroom — you might find yourself studying earthquakes here in Nebraska, or you might investigate ancient dinosaur tracks or even explore landslides and avalanches in the Himalayas.
Many students choose Geology as a major because they love the outdoors, hiking, camping and being out in nature. One of the best parts of being a Geology major at UNO is that you will travel to interesting places to learn about geology around the world. Many of our courses involve weekend field trips and you will have opportunities to participate in longer excursions over Spring Break or after the Spring Semester ends. We have taken trips to Ireland, Iceland, Northern California, Death Valley, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, the Black Hills, and many other locations. Students may also participate in field research projects at locations throughout the world.
Because of their ability to help solve real-world problems, Geology majors are in demand in the job market. So, if you’re ready to explore the world and set yourself up for a great career, come and join us!
The department offers a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science as well as a minor in Geology.