Brandon Jeffery Weihs, PhD
- Adjunct
Additional Information
Ph.D., Geography, Kansas State University
M.A., Geography, University of Nebraska at Omaha
M.A. Certificate in Geographic Information Science and Technology, University of Nebraska at Omaha
B.S., Geography, Geographic Information Science and Technology concentration, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Current Research Projects
Climate Changes and Dendrochronology at the Prairie-Forest Border- Western Iowa
Predicting and Modelling Landslide Dams and Catastrophic Outburst Floods
- Himalayan Range
Landslide Disturbance Regime Landscapes
- Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Terracette Genesis
- Pottawattamie County Iowa
Playa Lake Inundation Patterns
- Southern High Plains, USA
Courses Taught
- Environmental Geology
- Cartography
- Earth System Science
- Physical Geology
- Physical Geography
- Human Geography
Shroder, J.F., Jr, Eqrar, N., Waisy, H., Ahmadi, H., Weihs, B.J. (accepted - minor revisions submitted, 2021). Review of the Geology of Afghanistan. International Geology Review, Vol. TBA.
Shroder, J.F., Jr., & Weihs, B.J., 2017. Mass Movement. In: Gilbert (editor). Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag, 1046p. (currently editing for 2nd edition)
J.S. Kargel,† G.J. Leonard, D.H. Shugar,† U.K. Haritashya,† A. Bevington, E.J. Fielding, K. Fujita, M. Geertsema, E.S. Miles, J. Steiner; E. Anderson, S. Bajracharya, G.W. Bawden, D.F. Breashears, A. Byers, B. Collins, M.R. Dhital, A. Donnellan, T.L. Evans, M.L. Geai, M.T. Glasscoe, D. Green, D.R. Gurung, R. Heijenk, A. Hilborn, K. Hudnut, C. Huyck, W.W. Immerzeel, JIANG Liming, R. Jibson, A. Kääb, N.R. Khanal, D. Kirschbaum, P.D.A. Kraaijenbrink, D. Lamsal, LIU Shiyin, LV Mingyang, D. McKinney, N. K. Nahirnick, NAN Zhuotong, S. Ojha, J. Olsenholler, T.H. Painter, M. Pleasants, Pratima KC, QI Yuan, B.H. Raup, D. Regmi, D.R. Rounce, A. Sakai, SHANGGUAN Donghui, J.M. Shea, A.B. Shrestha, A. Shukla, D. Stumm, M. van der Kooij, K.Voss, WANG Xin, B. Weihs, D. Wolfe, WU Lizong, YAO Xiaojun, M.R. Yoder, and N. Young (2016). Geomorphic and geologic controls of geohazards induced by Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha Earthquake. Science, 351, 6269, p. 140.
Weihs, B.J., Bergstrom, R., Ruffing, C., McLauchlan, K.K., 2016. Woody encroachment of a riparian corridor in a tallgrass prairie: dendrochronological evidence from Kansas, USA, Applied Geography, 2, 1, p. 1-8.
Shroder, J. F., Jr. & Weihs, B.J., 2014. Mass-movement disturbance regime landscapes, hazards and water implications: Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. University of Wyoming-National Park Service Research Center 36th Annual Report 2014.
Shroder, J.F., Jr. 2014. Natural Resources in Afghanistan: Geographic and Geologic Perspectives on Centuries of Conflict. San Diego, CA: Elsevier, 572 p. Drafting and Cartography by Brandon Weihs.
Bishop, M.P., Shroder, J.F., Ghanzanfar, A., Bush, A.G.B, Haritashya, U., Roohi, R., Sarikaya, M.A, Weihs, B.J., 2014. Remote sensing of glaciers in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In: Kargel, J.S., Leonard, G.J., Bishop, M.P., Kaab, A., Raup, B.H. (editors). Global land ice measurements from space. New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 509-548.
Weihs, B.J., & Shroder, J.F., Jr., 2011. Mega-terracettes and related ungulate activities in Loess Hills, Iowa, USA. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 55, 1, p. 45-61.
Shroder, J.F., Jr., Weihs, B.J., & Jensen-Schettler, M., 2011. Mass movement in northeast Afghanistan. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 36, 16, p. 1267-1286.
Shroder, J.F., Jr., Jensen-Schettler, M., & Weihs, B.J., 2011. Loess failure in northeast Afghanistan. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 36, 16, p. 1287-1293.
Marston, R.A., B.J. Weihs and W.D. Butler, 2010. Slope failure and cross-valley profiles, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. University of Wyoming-National Park Service Research Center 33rd Annual Report 2010. pp 51-64.
Shroder, J.F., Jr., & Weihs, B.J., 2010. Geomorphology of the Lake Shewa landslide dam, Badakhshan, Afghanistan using remote sensing data. Geografiska Annaler, 92 A, 4, p. 469-483.
Webpage Designs
- Owner and operator
- Site is concerned with Geo-Consulting, Mapping and Aerial Photography, and Property and Hazard Analysis.
- Co-investigators: Dr. Bryce Marston, and Dr. John F. Shroder, Jr.
- HausFax.com
Transboundary Water Resources Webpage and Distance Learning Modules
- Coauthors: John F. Shroder, Sher Jan Ahmadzai, and Patrick McNamera
- https://www.unomaha.edu/international-studies-and-programs/center-for-afghanistan-studies/academics/transboundary-water-research/index.php
Omaha Centers Project
- Coauthor: Justin Pence
- http://maps.unomaha.edu/GoogleMapGallery/omahacenters/index.html
Professional Service
Manuscript Reviewer
- Geomorphology article reviewer, 2011-
- Dendrochronologia article reviewer, 2016-
Book Reviewer
Safeguarding Mountains
- Elsevier, 2021
Book Editor
Transboundary Water Resources in Afghanistan: Climate Change and Land-Use Implications
- Elsevier, 2016
- Coeditors: John F. Shroder Jr., and Sher Jan Ahmadzai
Additional Information
Ph.D., Geography, Kansas State University
M.A., Geography, University of Nebraska at Omaha
M.A. Certificate in Geographic Information Science and Technology, University of Nebraska at Omaha
B.S., Geography, Geographic Information Science and Technology concentration, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Current Research Projects
Climate Changes and Dendrochronology at the Prairie-Forest Border- Western Iowa
Predicting and Modelling Landslide Dams and Catastrophic Outburst Floods
- Himalayan Range
Landslide Disturbance Regime Landscapes
- Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Terracette Genesis
- Pottawattamie County Iowa
Playa Lake Inundation Patterns
- Southern High Plains, USA
Courses Taught
- Environmental Geology
- Cartography
- Earth System Science
- Physical Geology
- Physical Geography
- Human Geography
Shroder, J.F., Jr, Eqrar, N., Waisy, H., Ahmadi, H., Weihs, B.J. (accepted - minor revisions submitted, 2021). Review of the Geology of Afghanistan. International Geology Review, Vol. TBA.
Shroder, J.F., Jr., & Weihs, B.J., 2017. Mass Movement. In: Gilbert (editor). Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag, 1046p. (currently editing for 2nd edition)
J.S. Kargel,† G.J. Leonard, D.H. Shugar,† U.K. Haritashya,† A. Bevington, E.J. Fielding, K. Fujita, M. Geertsema, E.S. Miles, J. Steiner; E. Anderson, S. Bajracharya, G.W. Bawden, D.F. Breashears, A. Byers, B. Collins, M.R. Dhital, A. Donnellan, T.L. Evans, M.L. Geai, M.T. Glasscoe, D. Green, D.R. Gurung, R. Heijenk, A. Hilborn, K. Hudnut, C. Huyck, W.W. Immerzeel, JIANG Liming, R. Jibson, A. Kääb, N.R. Khanal, D. Kirschbaum, P.D.A. Kraaijenbrink, D. Lamsal, LIU Shiyin, LV Mingyang, D. McKinney, N. K. Nahirnick, NAN Zhuotong, S. Ojha, J. Olsenholler, T.H. Painter, M. Pleasants, Pratima KC, QI Yuan, B.H. Raup, D. Regmi, D.R. Rounce, A. Sakai, SHANGGUAN Donghui, J.M. Shea, A.B. Shrestha, A. Shukla, D. Stumm, M. van der Kooij, K.Voss, WANG Xin, B. Weihs, D. Wolfe, WU Lizong, YAO Xiaojun, M.R. Yoder, and N. Young (2016). Geomorphic and geologic controls of geohazards induced by Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha Earthquake. Science, 351, 6269, p. 140.
Weihs, B.J., Bergstrom, R., Ruffing, C., McLauchlan, K.K., 2016. Woody encroachment of a riparian corridor in a tallgrass prairie: dendrochronological evidence from Kansas, USA, Applied Geography, 2, 1, p. 1-8.
Shroder, J. F., Jr. & Weihs, B.J., 2014. Mass-movement disturbance regime landscapes, hazards and water implications: Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. University of Wyoming-National Park Service Research Center 36th Annual Report 2014.
Shroder, J.F., Jr. 2014. Natural Resources in Afghanistan: Geographic and Geologic Perspectives on Centuries of Conflict. San Diego, CA: Elsevier, 572 p. Drafting and Cartography by Brandon Weihs.
Bishop, M.P., Shroder, J.F., Ghanzanfar, A., Bush, A.G.B, Haritashya, U., Roohi, R., Sarikaya, M.A, Weihs, B.J., 2014. Remote sensing of glaciers in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In: Kargel, J.S., Leonard, G.J., Bishop, M.P., Kaab, A., Raup, B.H. (editors). Global land ice measurements from space. New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 509-548.
Weihs, B.J., & Shroder, J.F., Jr., 2011. Mega-terracettes and related ungulate activities in Loess Hills, Iowa, USA. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 55, 1, p. 45-61.
Shroder, J.F., Jr., Weihs, B.J., & Jensen-Schettler, M., 2011. Mass movement in northeast Afghanistan. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 36, 16, p. 1267-1286.
Shroder, J.F., Jr., Jensen-Schettler, M., & Weihs, B.J., 2011. Loess failure in northeast Afghanistan. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 36, 16, p. 1287-1293.
Marston, R.A., B.J. Weihs and W.D. Butler, 2010. Slope failure and cross-valley profiles, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. University of Wyoming-National Park Service Research Center 33rd Annual Report 2010. pp 51-64.
Shroder, J.F., Jr., & Weihs, B.J., 2010. Geomorphology of the Lake Shewa landslide dam, Badakhshan, Afghanistan using remote sensing data. Geografiska Annaler, 92 A, 4, p. 469-483.
Webpage Designs
- Owner and operator
- Site is concerned with Geo-Consulting, Mapping and Aerial Photography, and Property and Hazard Analysis.
- Co-investigators: Dr. Bryce Marston, and Dr. John F. Shroder, Jr.
- HausFax.com
Transboundary Water Resources Webpage and Distance Learning Modules
- Coauthors: John F. Shroder, Sher Jan Ahmadzai, and Patrick McNamera
- https://www.unomaha.edu/international-studies-and-programs/center-for-afghanistan-studies/academics/transboundary-water-research/index.php
Omaha Centers Project
- Coauthor: Justin Pence
- http://maps.unomaha.edu/GoogleMapGallery/omahacenters/index.html
Professional Service
Manuscript Reviewer
- Geomorphology article reviewer, 2011-
- Dendrochronologia article reviewer, 2016-
Book Reviewer
Safeguarding Mountains
- Elsevier, 2021
Book Editor
Transboundary Water Resources in Afghanistan: Climate Change and Land-Use Implications
- Elsevier, 2016
- Coeditors: John F. Shroder Jr., and Sher Jan Ahmadzai