David Becker
- Adjunct
- Geologist, US Army Corps of Engineers Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise
- characterization and remediation of soil & groundwater contamination, geologic hazards
Additional Information
M.S. Geophysics, Southern Methodist UniversityB.S. Geology, University of Nebraska Omaha
Courses taught
- GEOL 2600 Geohydrology
- GEOL 4400 Geophysics
- GEOL 1010 Environmental Geology
Truex M.J., C.D. Johnson, D. Becker, M.H. Lee, and M.J. Nimmons. 2015. Performance Assessment for Pump-and-Treat Closure or Transition. PNNL-24696. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Performance Assessment for Pump-and-Treat Closure or Transition
Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, A.K. Rice, C.D. Johnson, K.C. Carroll, D. Becker, and M.A. Simon. 2014. "Estimating the Impact of Vadose Zone Sources on Groundwater to Support Performance Assessment of Soil Vapor Extraction." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 34, no. 2:71-84.
Truex M.J., D. Becker, M.A. Simon, M. Oostrom, A.K. Rice, and C.D. Johnson. 2013. Soil Vapor Extraction System Optimization, Transition, and Closure Guidance. PNNL-21843. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Soil Vapor Extraction System Optimization, Transition, and Closure Guidance
Becker, D., B. Minsker, R. Greenwald, Y. Zhang, K. Harre, C. Zheng, R. Peralta. 2006, Reducing Long-Term Remedial Costs by Transport Modeling Optimization, Ground Water, v. 44, n. 6, November-December, 2006.
Nobel, C, J. Anthony, and D. Becker, A Roadmap to Long-Term Monitoring Optimization, EPA/USACE, EPA 542-R-05-003, May, 2005
Baker, R.S., D.M. Groher, and D.J. Becker, 1999, Minimal Desaturation Found During Multi-phase Extraction of Low Permeability Soils. Ground Water Currents. EPA 542-N-99-006. n. 33, pp. 1-2.
Baker, R., and D. Becker, 1998, Soil Vapor Extraction, Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis and Remediation, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Becker, D.J., and D.D. Blackwell, 1993, Gravity and Hydrothermal Modeling of the Roosevelt Hot Springs Area, Southwestern Utah, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 98, no. B10, pp. 17,787‑17,800.
Becker, D.J., and J.E. Topi, 1986, Seismic Hazard Analysis in the North Central United States, in Proc. of the Third U.S. Conf. on Earthquake Engrg., Charleston, S.C., Earthquake Engineering Res. Inst., El Cerrito, Ca., pp. 257‑268.
Becker, D.J., and J.K. Miller, 1985, The Microfiche Reader as a Petrographic Aid, American Mineralogist, v. 70, pp. 646‑647.
Shroder, J.F., and D.J. Becker, 1984, Geology of Dakota Aquifer and Geothermal Evaluation at Scottsbluff, Nebraska, in Geohydrology of the Dakota Aquifer, Proc. of the First C.V. Theis Conf. on Geohydrology, Lincoln, Nebraska, October 5‑6, 1982, National Water Well Association, Worthington, Ohio, pp. 169‑175.
Gosnold, W.D., D.J. Becker, D.A. Eversoll, 1981, New Heat Flow Data from Nebraska (abstract), Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 62, p. 1064.
Additional Information
M.S. Geophysics, Southern Methodist UniversityB.S. Geology, University of Nebraska Omaha
Courses taught
- GEOL 2600 Geohydrology
- GEOL 4400 Geophysics
- GEOL 1010 Environmental Geology
Truex M.J., C.D. Johnson, D. Becker, M.H. Lee, and M.J. Nimmons. 2015. Performance Assessment for Pump-and-Treat Closure or Transition. PNNL-24696. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Performance Assessment for Pump-and-Treat Closure or Transition
Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, A.K. Rice, C.D. Johnson, K.C. Carroll, D. Becker, and M.A. Simon. 2014. "Estimating the Impact of Vadose Zone Sources on Groundwater to Support Performance Assessment of Soil Vapor Extraction." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 34, no. 2:71-84.
Truex M.J., D. Becker, M.A. Simon, M. Oostrom, A.K. Rice, and C.D. Johnson. 2013. Soil Vapor Extraction System Optimization, Transition, and Closure Guidance. PNNL-21843. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Soil Vapor Extraction System Optimization, Transition, and Closure Guidance
Becker, D., B. Minsker, R. Greenwald, Y. Zhang, K. Harre, C. Zheng, R. Peralta. 2006, Reducing Long-Term Remedial Costs by Transport Modeling Optimization, Ground Water, v. 44, n. 6, November-December, 2006.
Nobel, C, J. Anthony, and D. Becker, A Roadmap to Long-Term Monitoring Optimization, EPA/USACE, EPA 542-R-05-003, May, 2005
Baker, R.S., D.M. Groher, and D.J. Becker, 1999, Minimal Desaturation Found During Multi-phase Extraction of Low Permeability Soils. Ground Water Currents. EPA 542-N-99-006. n. 33, pp. 1-2.
Baker, R., and D. Becker, 1998, Soil Vapor Extraction, Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis and Remediation, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Becker, D.J., and D.D. Blackwell, 1993, Gravity and Hydrothermal Modeling of the Roosevelt Hot Springs Area, Southwestern Utah, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 98, no. B10, pp. 17,787‑17,800.
Becker, D.J., and J.E. Topi, 1986, Seismic Hazard Analysis in the North Central United States, in Proc. of the Third U.S. Conf. on Earthquake Engrg., Charleston, S.C., Earthquake Engineering Res. Inst., El Cerrito, Ca., pp. 257‑268.
Becker, D.J., and J.K. Miller, 1985, The Microfiche Reader as a Petrographic Aid, American Mineralogist, v. 70, pp. 646‑647.
Shroder, J.F., and D.J. Becker, 1984, Geology of Dakota Aquifer and Geothermal Evaluation at Scottsbluff, Nebraska, in Geohydrology of the Dakota Aquifer, Proc. of the First C.V. Theis Conf. on Geohydrology, Lincoln, Nebraska, October 5‑6, 1982, National Water Well Association, Worthington, Ohio, pp. 169‑175.
Gosnold, W.D., D.J. Becker, D.A. Eversoll, 1981, New Heat Flow Data from Nebraska (abstract), Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 62, p. 1064.