Karen S. Shafer
- she, her, hers
- Biology, Lecturer
General Information
Teaching Interests
During my 3 years at Buena Vista University, 8 years at Dana College, and 2 years at UNO, I have taughta large variety of courses. My main focuses have been in Anatomy & Physiology, and as my researchbackground is in molecular biology and genetics, I also gravitate towards molecular, cellular and geneticcourses. I have also taught General Biology for majors for the last 10 years, and really enjoy having thisopportunity to get students excited about science as they first encounter a science class at the collegelevel.I have additionally taught courses in Microbiology, Immunology, Parasitology, Zoology, Evolution andLife Science classes for non-majors. I learned a great deal from teaching such a wide variety of coursesand know that this has helped provide me with a breadth of knowledge that I utilize in my currentclasses.I vividly remember my PhD advisor giving me a bit of advice when I was feeling a bit apprehensive aboutgoing off for my first college teaching job interview. I was feeling a little unqualified to enter teachingat the college level. He said to me, "Karen, you can teach anything." This statement has stuck with me,and I feel that if I can understand the material, I can teach it. I believe some of the classes in which I wasjust a step ahead of the students in terms of learning have been some my most successful.
Research Interests
My research interests primarily center on the study of Apis mellifera (the European honeybee) and native bees. Current projects investigate identifying genetic honeybee strains that are best able to fight off ecological threats, such as infestations of the Varroa destructor mite and wax moths. I'm also interested in providing undergraduate students with small research projects that get them excited about asking scientific questions, and designing and executing approaches to answer those questions. Recent projects include identifying methods for small scale fungal propagation, and the development of new techniques to investigate tooth decay. Best pedagogical practices for teaching science are also an interest. Manager of the UNO Apiary & Advisor for the Pre-Physical Therapy Club.