Andrew W. Swift, DSc
- Associate Professor
- Department Chair
- DSC 237 / 402.554.3637
- Statistics, Probability, Operations Research, Sports Statistics, Bayesian Statistics
Additional Information
D.Sc., Operations Research, The George Washington University, 2001M.A., Mathematics, University of Oxford, England, 2002
B.A., Mathematics, University of Oxford, England, 1998
Research Interests
- Statistics
- Probability
- Operations Research
Selected Publications
From S.G., and Swift, A.W., Some New Bounds and Approximations on Tail Probabilities of the Poisson and Other Discrete Distributions, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 34 (1), 53-71, (2020).
Ciurej, A.K., Oblander, A., Swift, A.W., and Wilson, J.A., Melanism as a potential thermal benefit in eastern fox squirrels (Sciurus niger), European Journal of Ecology, 5 (2), (2019)
Sellers, K.F., Swift, A.W., and Weems, K.S., A flexible distribution class for count data, Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, 4:22 (2017).
Hodge, A., Love, B., Grandgenett, N. and Swift A.W., A flipped classroom approach: Benefits and challenges of flipping the learning of procedural knowledge. In P. R. Lowenthal, C. S. York, J. C. Richardson (Eds.) Online learning: Common misconceptions, benefits and challenges, 49-60. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers (2014).
Love, B., Hodge, A., Grandgenett, N. and Swift, A.W., Student learning and perceptions in a flipped linear algebra course, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 45 (3), 317-324 (2014).
Swift, A.W. and Wang, B., Moment-Based Approximations of Discrete Probability Distributions Using Rational Functions, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 42 (10), 2203-2222 (2013).
From, S.G. and Swift, A.W., A refinement of Hoeffding's inequality, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83 (5), 977-983 (2013).
From, S.G. and Swift, A.W., Generalized Median Estimators for Small Even Sample Sizes, Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences, 4 (2), 145-164 (2010).
From, S.G. and Swift, A.W., Convolution of Independent Bernoulli Random Variables and Some New Approximations, Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences, 2 (1), 37-50 (2010).
Swift, A.W., Stochastic Models of Cascading Failures, Journal of Applied Probability, 45 (4), 907-921 (2008).
Swift, A.W., Methods for assessing network reliability, In Mathematical Reliability: an expository perspective, 55-68, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 67, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston MA (2004).
Singpurwalla, N.D., Kong, C.W. and Swift, A.W., Predicting damage, In Mathematical and statistical methods in reliability, 267-281, Series on Quality, Reliability & Engineering Statistics, 7, World Science Publisher, River Edge, NJ (2003).
Singpurwalla, N.D. and Swift, A.W., Network Reliability and Borel's Paradox, The American Statistician, 55 (3), 213-218 (2001).
Additional Information
D.Sc., Operations Research, The George Washington University, 2001M.A., Mathematics, University of Oxford, England, 2002
B.A., Mathematics, University of Oxford, England, 1998
Research Interests
- Statistics
- Probability
- Operations Research
Selected Publications
From S.G., and Swift, A.W., Some New Bounds and Approximations on Tail Probabilities of the Poisson and Other Discrete Distributions, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 34 (1), 53-71, (2020).
Ciurej, A.K., Oblander, A., Swift, A.W., and Wilson, J.A., Melanism as a potential thermal benefit in eastern fox squirrels (Sciurus niger), European Journal of Ecology, 5 (2), (2019)
Sellers, K.F., Swift, A.W., and Weems, K.S., A flexible distribution class for count data, Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, 4:22 (2017).
Hodge, A., Love, B., Grandgenett, N. and Swift A.W., A flipped classroom approach: Benefits and challenges of flipping the learning of procedural knowledge. In P. R. Lowenthal, C. S. York, J. C. Richardson (Eds.) Online learning: Common misconceptions, benefits and challenges, 49-60. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers (2014).
Love, B., Hodge, A., Grandgenett, N. and Swift, A.W., Student learning and perceptions in a flipped linear algebra course, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 45 (3), 317-324 (2014).
Swift, A.W. and Wang, B., Moment-Based Approximations of Discrete Probability Distributions Using Rational Functions, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 42 (10), 2203-2222 (2013).
From, S.G. and Swift, A.W., A refinement of Hoeffding's inequality, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83 (5), 977-983 (2013).
From, S.G. and Swift, A.W., Generalized Median Estimators for Small Even Sample Sizes, Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences, 4 (2), 145-164 (2010).
From, S.G. and Swift, A.W., Convolution of Independent Bernoulli Random Variables and Some New Approximations, Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences, 2 (1), 37-50 (2010).
Swift, A.W., Stochastic Models of Cascading Failures, Journal of Applied Probability, 45 (4), 907-921 (2008).
Swift, A.W., Methods for assessing network reliability, In Mathematical Reliability: an expository perspective, 55-68, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 67, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston MA (2004).
Singpurwalla, N.D., Kong, C.W. and Swift, A.W., Predicting damage, In Mathematical and statistical methods in reliability, 267-281, Series on Quality, Reliability & Engineering Statistics, 7, World Science Publisher, River Edge, NJ (2003).
Singpurwalla, N.D. and Swift, A.W., Network Reliability and Borel's Paradox, The American Statistician, 55 (3), 213-218 (2001).