Vyacheslav Rykov, PhD
- Professor
- DSC 229 / 402.554.3117
- Bioinformatics, Combinatorics, Information and Coding Theory
Additional Information
Ph.D., Moscow State University / Central Research Institute for Telecommunication, Russia, 1977M.S. Moscow State University, Russia, 1974
Research Interests
Information and Coding Theory
Selected Publications
38. Macula, A.J., Rykov, V. and Yekhanin, S.M., Trivial two-stage group testing for complexes using almost disjunct matrices. Discrete Applied Mathematics, (2004).
37. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Optimal Superimposed Codes and Designs for Renyi's Search Model. Jornal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 100, 281-302 (2002).
36. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., DNA Codes: A Tutorial, with A.G.D'yachkov, D.C.Torney, Proc. of SETA01, Bergen, Norway, 13-17 (2001).
35. Macula, A.J. and Rykov, V, Probabilistic Nonadaptive Group Testing in the Presence of Errors and Inhibitors. Recent Advances in Experimental Designs and Related Topics, S. Altan and J. Singh, Nova Scientific, 73-86 (2001).
34. Davis, T., Macula, A.J., Rykov, V. and Torney, D.C., Bounds for the DNA Minimum Alphabetic Similarity Distance Codes, with Macula A.J., Torney D.C. etc. Proceedings of 4-th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, V.8, Orlando, Florida, USA (2001).
33. Macula, A.J., Rykov, V. and Torney, D.C., DNA Sequences and Quaternary Cyclic Codes. 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Washington, USA (2001).
32. Macula, A.J., Rykov, V. and Torney, D.C., DNA Sequences Constructed on the Basis of Quaternary Cyclic Codes. Proceedings of 4-th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, V.8, Orlando, Florida, USA (2000).
31. D'yachkov, A.G., Macula, A.J. and Rykov, V., New applications and results of superimposed code theory arising from the potentialities of molecular biology, In the book "Numbers, Information and Complexity", pp.265-282, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2000).
30. D'yachkov, A.G., Macula, A.J. and Rykov, V., New Constructions of Superimposed Codes. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 46, no. 1 (2000).
29. D'yachkov, A.G., Macula, A.J. and Rykov, V., New Applications and Results of Superimposed Code Theory Arising from the Potentialities of Molecular Biology. Proceedings of the Bielefeld Conference "Numbers, Information and Complexity", Bielefeld University, Germany (1998).
28. D'yachkov, A.G., Macula, A.J. and Rykov, V., On Optimal Parameters of a Class of Superimposed Codes and Designs. 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Boston, USA (1998).
27. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Superimposed Codes for Multiple Accessing of the OR-channel. 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Boston, USA (1998).
26. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On associative nets. 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, p. 215 (1997).
25. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., The capacity of the Boolean associative memory. Fifth International Conference on ''Artificial Neural Networks'', Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 158-160 (1997).
24. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Some constructions of optimal superimposed codes. Conference ''Computer Science & Information Technologies'', Yerevan, Armenia, 242-245 (1997).
23. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On superimposed codes. Fourth International Workshop ''Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory'', Novgorod, Russia, 83-85 (1994).
22. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., A survey of new (unpublished) results in superimposed code theory. IEEE 1994 International Workshop on Information Theory, Moscow, Russia (1994).
21. Butrimenko, A.V., D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Mathematical modeling of information flows and statistical estimation of scientific & technical potential. Problemy Inform. System, No.8, Moscow, International Center for Scientific & Technical Information, 78-87 (1990) [in Russian].
20. D'yachkov, A.G., Rashad, A.M. and Rykov, V., Superimposed distance codes. Problems of Control and Information Theory, v.18, no.4, 237-250 (1989).
19. Antonov, M.G., D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., New Bounds on Rate of the Superimposed Codes. The 10-th All-Union symposium for the redundancy problem in information systems, Papers, part 1, St-Petersburg (1989).
18. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On a model of associative memory. Problemy Peredachi Inform., v.24, no.3, 107-110 (1988) [in Russian].
17. Davidov, M.E., Rykov, V., Sokolov, N.A. and Tarasov, S.P., Application of Computers to Projects and Designs (Student Laboratory Manuel), Release 1, Moscow (1986).
16. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On Equiweight superimposed codes. The 9-th All-Union symposium for redundancy problem in information system, Papers, part 1, St-Petersburg (1986).
15. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., The Neural networks and superimposed codes. Bionics and Biomedcybernetics-85, Papers, part 1, St-Petersburg (1985).
14. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., A Generalization of superimposed codes and its application to the Multiple-access channel. The 6-th International Symposium on Information Theory, Abstracts of Papers, part 1, 62-64 (1984).
13. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On Bs-sequences. Matem. Zametki, v.36, no.4, 593-601 (1984) [in Russian].
12. Butrimenko, A.V. and Rykov, V., Relation between parameters of channel, network and transport protocols. Software and its application in telecommunication networks. International Center for Scientific and Technical Information, v.25, part 1 (1983) [in Russian].
11. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On one model of number coding. 8-th All-Union symposium for redundancy problem in information system, Papers, part 1, St.-Petersburg (1983).
10. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Bs-codes application on ALOHA system with Feedback. 7-th All Union Workshop on Computing Networks, Papers, part 3, Erevan (1983).
9. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., An improvement of the code length lower bound for a multiple-access adder channel. Problemy Peredachi Inform., v.19, no.4, 103-105 (1983) [in Russian].
8. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., A survey of superimposed code theory. Problems of Control and Information Theory, v.12, no.4, 229-242 (1983).
7. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Bounds on Length for Random Design of Screening Experiments. 4-th Joint Japanese-Soviet Symposium on Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Papers, v.1, Tbilicy (1982).
6. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Bounds on Length of superimposed codes. Problemy Peredachi Inform., v.18, no.3, 7-13 (1982) [in Russian].
5. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., New Upper and Lower bound on Length of Bs-codes. 8-th Conference on Coding and Information Theory, Papers, v.2, Kujbyshev (1981) [in Russian].
4. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On one application of codes for multiple access channel to ALOXA-system. In: Proc. 6-th All-Union Seminar on Computer Networks, Part~4, Vinnitsa, 18-24 (1981) [in Russian].
3. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On a lower bound to the length of B4-codes. Problems of Control and Information Theory, v.10, no.5, 301-307 (1981).
2. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., A coding model for a multiple-access adder channel. Problemy Peredachi Inform., v.17, no.2, 26-38 (1981) [in Russian].
1. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Limits of attainable rate in one model of coding for a multiple-access channel. The Forth All-Union Seminar-Workshops on Computer Networks, Abstracts of Reports, v.1, 1979, Tashkent, 93-97 (1979) [in Russian].
Additional Information
Ph.D., Moscow State University / Central Research Institute for Telecommunication, Russia, 1977M.S. Moscow State University, Russia, 1974
Research Interests
Information and Coding Theory
Selected Publications
38. Macula, A.J., Rykov, V. and Yekhanin, S.M., Trivial two-stage group testing for complexes using almost disjunct matrices. Discrete Applied Mathematics, (2004).
37. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Optimal Superimposed Codes and Designs for Renyi's Search Model. Jornal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 100, 281-302 (2002).
36. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., DNA Codes: A Tutorial, with A.G.D'yachkov, D.C.Torney, Proc. of SETA01, Bergen, Norway, 13-17 (2001).
35. Macula, A.J. and Rykov, V, Probabilistic Nonadaptive Group Testing in the Presence of Errors and Inhibitors. Recent Advances in Experimental Designs and Related Topics, S. Altan and J. Singh, Nova Scientific, 73-86 (2001).
34. Davis, T., Macula, A.J., Rykov, V. and Torney, D.C., Bounds for the DNA Minimum Alphabetic Similarity Distance Codes, with Macula A.J., Torney D.C. etc. Proceedings of 4-th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, V.8, Orlando, Florida, USA (2001).
33. Macula, A.J., Rykov, V. and Torney, D.C., DNA Sequences and Quaternary Cyclic Codes. 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Washington, USA (2001).
32. Macula, A.J., Rykov, V. and Torney, D.C., DNA Sequences Constructed on the Basis of Quaternary Cyclic Codes. Proceedings of 4-th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, V.8, Orlando, Florida, USA (2000).
31. D'yachkov, A.G., Macula, A.J. and Rykov, V., New applications and results of superimposed code theory arising from the potentialities of molecular biology, In the book "Numbers, Information and Complexity", pp.265-282, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2000).
30. D'yachkov, A.G., Macula, A.J. and Rykov, V., New Constructions of Superimposed Codes. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 46, no. 1 (2000).
29. D'yachkov, A.G., Macula, A.J. and Rykov, V., New Applications and Results of Superimposed Code Theory Arising from the Potentialities of Molecular Biology. Proceedings of the Bielefeld Conference "Numbers, Information and Complexity", Bielefeld University, Germany (1998).
28. D'yachkov, A.G., Macula, A.J. and Rykov, V., On Optimal Parameters of a Class of Superimposed Codes and Designs. 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Boston, USA (1998).
27. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Superimposed Codes for Multiple Accessing of the OR-channel. 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Boston, USA (1998).
26. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On associative nets. 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, p. 215 (1997).
25. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., The capacity of the Boolean associative memory. Fifth International Conference on ''Artificial Neural Networks'', Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 158-160 (1997).
24. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Some constructions of optimal superimposed codes. Conference ''Computer Science & Information Technologies'', Yerevan, Armenia, 242-245 (1997).
23. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On superimposed codes. Fourth International Workshop ''Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory'', Novgorod, Russia, 83-85 (1994).
22. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., A survey of new (unpublished) results in superimposed code theory. IEEE 1994 International Workshop on Information Theory, Moscow, Russia (1994).
21. Butrimenko, A.V., D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Mathematical modeling of information flows and statistical estimation of scientific & technical potential. Problemy Inform. System, No.8, Moscow, International Center for Scientific & Technical Information, 78-87 (1990) [in Russian].
20. D'yachkov, A.G., Rashad, A.M. and Rykov, V., Superimposed distance codes. Problems of Control and Information Theory, v.18, no.4, 237-250 (1989).
19. Antonov, M.G., D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., New Bounds on Rate of the Superimposed Codes. The 10-th All-Union symposium for the redundancy problem in information systems, Papers, part 1, St-Petersburg (1989).
18. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On a model of associative memory. Problemy Peredachi Inform., v.24, no.3, 107-110 (1988) [in Russian].
17. Davidov, M.E., Rykov, V., Sokolov, N.A. and Tarasov, S.P., Application of Computers to Projects and Designs (Student Laboratory Manuel), Release 1, Moscow (1986).
16. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On Equiweight superimposed codes. The 9-th All-Union symposium for redundancy problem in information system, Papers, part 1, St-Petersburg (1986).
15. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., The Neural networks and superimposed codes. Bionics and Biomedcybernetics-85, Papers, part 1, St-Petersburg (1985).
14. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., A Generalization of superimposed codes and its application to the Multiple-access channel. The 6-th International Symposium on Information Theory, Abstracts of Papers, part 1, 62-64 (1984).
13. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On Bs-sequences. Matem. Zametki, v.36, no.4, 593-601 (1984) [in Russian].
12. Butrimenko, A.V. and Rykov, V., Relation between parameters of channel, network and transport protocols. Software and its application in telecommunication networks. International Center for Scientific and Technical Information, v.25, part 1 (1983) [in Russian].
11. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On one model of number coding. 8-th All-Union symposium for redundancy problem in information system, Papers, part 1, St.-Petersburg (1983).
10. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Bs-codes application on ALOHA system with Feedback. 7-th All Union Workshop on Computing Networks, Papers, part 3, Erevan (1983).
9. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., An improvement of the code length lower bound for a multiple-access adder channel. Problemy Peredachi Inform., v.19, no.4, 103-105 (1983) [in Russian].
8. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., A survey of superimposed code theory. Problems of Control and Information Theory, v.12, no.4, 229-242 (1983).
7. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Bounds on Length for Random Design of Screening Experiments. 4-th Joint Japanese-Soviet Symposium on Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Papers, v.1, Tbilicy (1982).
6. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Bounds on Length of superimposed codes. Problemy Peredachi Inform., v.18, no.3, 7-13 (1982) [in Russian].
5. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., New Upper and Lower bound on Length of Bs-codes. 8-th Conference on Coding and Information Theory, Papers, v.2, Kujbyshev (1981) [in Russian].
4. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On one application of codes for multiple access channel to ALOXA-system. In: Proc. 6-th All-Union Seminar on Computer Networks, Part~4, Vinnitsa, 18-24 (1981) [in Russian].
3. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., On a lower bound to the length of B4-codes. Problems of Control and Information Theory, v.10, no.5, 301-307 (1981).
2. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., A coding model for a multiple-access adder channel. Problemy Peredachi Inform., v.17, no.2, 26-38 (1981) [in Russian].
1. D'yachkov, A.G. and Rykov, V., Limits of attainable rate in one model of coding for a multiple-access channel. The Forth All-Union Seminar-Workshops on Computer Networks, Abstracts of Reports, v.1, 1979, Tashkent, 93-97 (1979) [in Russian].