The Preserve (outdoors) continues to be open from 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset for daytime hiking.
Seasonal Building Hours
March 1 through December 21: The Barn does not have regular open hours but is generally open from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., Monday – Friday. Contact the preserve at to inquire about visiting the inside of the Barn or for restroom access.
December 22 through February 28/29: During winter months, the Barn at Glacier Creek is closed except for scheduled use by organizations, classes, research, etc. (see below).
Scheduled Barn Use
The Barn at Glacier Creek and associated outdoor field resources may be scheduled for use by organizations, classes, etc. throughout the year, although availability may vary during holiday periods. To determine availability, please email or call the Preserve at 402.554.6300 at least 48 hours in advance of whatever date(s) you are considering.
The Preserve is not available for private events such as weddings, family reunions, social gatherings and birthdays.
Click here to read additional information about the Barn's history and how to reserve the facility.
The goal of our preserve system is to protect wildlife and their habitat for the enjoyment of present and future generations. To that end, we have developed the following rules governing use of Glacier Creek Preserve and T.L. Davis Preserve:
- The preserves are open to the public from 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset throughout the year.
- Dogs and Other Pets are prohibited, whether on or off-leash. Exceptions are made for registered service dogs UNO Service Animal Policy.
- Weapons and hunting of any kind are prohibited.
- Commercial activity, which includes commercial photography and staged photography, is not permitted.
- No alcoholic beverages permitted on the preserves.
- No camping or open fires permitted.
- UNO is designated as a smoke-free campus but smoking is also prohibited due to the danger of causing a wildfire.
- Motorized vehicles of any kind are prohibited beyond the parking area. Exceptions include authorized service and research vehicles.
- At Glacier Creek Preserve we maintain internal roads for fire-control roads, which may also be used for hiking. You are also free to venture off-track. When doing so, please avoid the long-term research plots as well as any areas throughout the Preserves that are marked with metal posts, colored flags or flagging.
- Do not disturb or remove any equipment, flags, stakes, or other markers since they are used to mark ongoing research.
- Do not disturb or remove any plants, animals, or other material. Permission to collect specimens for classroom or research activities, however, may be approved by the Preserves Director.
- Do not introduce any plants or release any animals at the preserves.
- Be respectful of other visitors. Our preserves are places where natural sights and sounds should prevail.
- Please help us keep the preserves clean for the next visitor by not littering. Take all trash away with you.