Rosemary Strasser, PhD
- Associate Professor and Director, Neuroscience and Behavior Graduate Program
- 402.554.2705
Additional Information
Introductory Psychology, Research Methods, Learning, Animal Behavior, Hormones and Behavior
Courses Taught
- PSYC/BIOL 4270 Animal Behavior
- PSYC/BIOL 4280/8286 Animal Behavior Laboratory
- PSYC 4230 Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 9240 Comparative &Evolutionary Psychology
- PSYC/BIOL 4320.8326Hormones and Behavior
- NEUR 1500 Introduction to Neuroscience
- PSYC 1010 Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 3140 Inquiry into Psychological Methods
- PSYC 4020 Learning
- PSYC 4024 Learning Laboratory
- NEUR 4200 Neuroscience Laboratory
- Dr. Strasser is interested in how changes in the environment, including early hormonal environment, influences brain organization and behavior. She is interested in comparing differences both within and between species to further understand the role hormones play in a variety of social behaviors, as well as learning and cognition
- Dr. Strasser is interested in applied animal behavior research involving companion animal in a shelter environment or animals housed in a zoological park. This interests her both as a behavioral scientist seeking interesting comparative questions and also as an instructor who wishes to include community engagement in her teaching practices.
M.A, Ph.D., 1992-1998 Psychology, Bowling Green State University, J. P. Scott Center for Neuroscience, Mind, and Behavior
B.A., 1988-1992 Psychobiology and Psychology, minor in Environmental Studies, Hiram College, OH
Teaching Related Grants, Presentations, and Awards
Strasser, R . (Co-PI). REESE NSF 12-552 “CS-Flip: Investigating a Flipped Classroom Approach to Introductory Programming” (Submitted; $ 1,499,063).
Strasser, R . (Co-PI). Kelly Fund Award“Understanding Attrition in Introductory STEM Courses in the UN System” (2012; $15,000).
Strasser, R . & French, J. UNO Student Technology Project Proposals Neuroscience EEG and fNIR laboratory (2012; $48,275)
Dierberger, J., Sather, P., & Strasser, R. (2012). P-16 Service-Learning Initiative: Training and Collaboration with In-Service teachers. 3 rd International Conference on Service Learning and teacher Education, Duke University, North Carolina.
University of Nebraska-Omaha Service-Learning Award nomination (2007, 2008).
Strasser, R . & Brown, J. (2008). Teaching Evolution in the Psychology Classroom. Great Plains Psychology Conference, Vermillion, SD.
Strasser, R., (September, 2007). Going to the Dogs: Service Learning at an Animal Shelter. Midwest Consortium for Service Learning in Higher Education Conference. University of Nebraska-Kearney.
Strasser, R., (April, 2007). Psychology Goes to the Dogs: Service Learning at an Animal Shelter. Great Plains Psychology Conference, Vermillion, SD.
Strasser, R., (November, 2006) The Shaping Game: Applying Principles of Operant Conditioning in the Classroom and Community. Iowa Teaching of Psychology Conference, Central College.
Graduate Faculty Fellow at the University of Nebraska- Omaha (2003).
Freeburne Award for Graduate Teaching (1996). Given by the Psychology Department at Bowling Green State University for teaching excellence.
The Graduate College Teaching Assistant Award (1995). Given by the Graduate College at Bowling Green State University for teaching excellence.
Research Grants
UCRCA grant from the University of Nebraska-Omaha (2011) entitled “Animal-assisted reading programs with grade-school children”
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development R03 (2005-2008; $141,000) entitled “ Long-term maternal effects on developing offspring” (1R03 HD045320-01)
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Fellowship (2000-2002; $117,696) entitled “Maternal hormone exposure in the developing avian brain” (1 F32 HD 08542-01).
Buttner, A. P, Strasser, R., (submitted). Physiological Arousal Mediates Contagious Yawning in Dogs.
Schwabl, H. , Holmes D., Strasser, R., & Scheuerlein A. (2012) Embryonic exposure to maternal testosterone influences mortality patterns in a captive passerine bird. AGE, 34 (1), 87-94.
Dybdall, K., Strasser, R., & Katz, T. (2007). Behavioral differences between owner surrender and stray domestic cats after entering an animal shelter. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 104,85-94.
Strasser, R ., & Schwabl, H. (2004). Yolk testosterone organizes behavior and male plumage coloration in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 56, 491-497.
Strasser, R ., Ehrlinger, J., & Bingman, V. P. (2004). Transitive behavior in hippocampal lesioned homing pigeons. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 63, 169- 180.
White, A. R., Strasser, R., & Bingman, V. P. (2002). Hippocampus lesions impair landmark array spatial learning in homing pigeons: A laboratory study. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 78, 65-78.
Strasser, R . & Bingman, V. P. (1999). The effects of hippocampal lesions in homing pigeons on a one-trial food association task. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 185 (6), 583-590.
Strasser, R. , Ioale, P., Casini, G., Bagnoli, P., & Bingman, V. P. (1998). The homing pigeon hippocampus and the development of landmark navigation. Developmental Psychobiology, 33 (4), 305- 315.
Bingman, V. P., Strasser, R., Baker, C., & Riters, L. V. (1998). Nonspatial, paired-associate learning is unaffected by hippocampal lesions in homing pigeons. Behavioral Neuroscience, 112, 533- 540.
Budzynski, C.A., Strasser, R., & Bingman, V. P. (1998). The effects of zinc sulfate anosmia on homing pigeons, Columba livia, in a homing and non-homing experiment. Ethology, 104, 111- 118.
Strasser, R . & Bingman, V. P. (1997). Goal recognition and the homing pigeon, Columba livia, hippocampal formation. Behavioral Neuroscience, 111 (6), 1245-1256.
Strasser, R . & Bingman, V. P. (1996). The relative importance of location and feature cues for homing pigeon, Columba livia, goal recognition. Journal of Comparative Psychology, v110 (1), 77-87.
Recent Research Conference Presentations
(* indicates presentations with students)
Buttner, A. P.*, & Strasser, R. (2012). Social facilitation and learning in zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata [Poster & abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Plachter, E.*, & Strasser, R. (2012). Contagious Yawning in Dogs: Social Cognition or Stress? [Poster & abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Hogan, K.*, Dredge, S.*, Kelly-Vance, L. & Strasser, R. (2012). Improving Youth’s Emotional Well-being through Animal Assisted Intervention. [Poster] National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.
Buttner, A. P.*, Strasser, R. & Biodrowski, K. (2011). Are owners less attached to biting dogs they consider a burden? [Poster & abstract] International Society of Anthrozoology, Indianapolis IN.
Dybdall, K.*, & Strasser, R. (2011). Measuring Attachment Behavior and Adoption Time in Shelter Cats. [Poster & abstract] International Society of Anthrozoology, Indianapolis IN.
Strasser, R., Frank, W.*, & Harris, N. (2011). Meet your Match: An Investigation of an Adoption Program Based on Animal Personality. [Poster & abstract] International Society of Anthrozoology, Indianapolis IN.
Koutakis, P., Mukherjee, M. , Strasser, R., & Stergiou, N. (2010). Path integration of human walking on a circular path: The effect of the vestibular system. [Poster and abstract] Society for Neuroscience meeting.
Dybdall, K.*, & Strasser, R. (2009). Measuring stress and attachment behaviors of shelter cats. [Poster & abstract] International Society of Anthrozoology, Kansas City MO.
Snyder, J. L.* , Jacobs, J. *, & Strasser, R. (2007). Does in ovo testosterone treatment influence reaction to novel stimuli in zebra finches? [Poster and abstract] Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 11 th annual Meeting, Alisomar, CA.
Maitland, R.*, Osborn, K. *, & Strasser, R. (2007). Effects of pre-hatching testosterone treatment on the survival and early development of zebra finches. [Poster and abstract] Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 11 th annual Meeting, Alisomar, CA.
Snyder, J. L. *, & Strasser, R. (2006). Testosterone levels and physical attributes: Do Gouldian finches measure up? [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird UT.
Dybdall, K. *, & Strasser, R. (2006). Stress, contact seeking, and avoidance behaviors in shelter cats. [Presentation] Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird UT.
Pumphrey, D. *, Dybdall, K. *, Larson, S. *, Maitland, R. *, & Strasser, R. (2005). Mate attraction and the physiological effects on Zebra Finch. [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird UT.
Larson, S. *, Hahn, R. *, & Strasser, R. (2005). Early and long-term effects of rearing condition on offspring development in zebra finch. [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird UT.
Dybdall, K. *, & Strasser, R. (2005). Behavioral stress response in domestic cats entering an animal shelter. [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird UT.
Strasser, R ., Schwabl, H., Scheuerlein, A., & French, J. (2003). Benefits and costs associated with early testosterone exposure in house sparrow offspring. [Poster and abstract] Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 7 th annual Meeting, University of Cincinnati.
Schwabl, H., Strasser, R., & Poopatanapong, A. * (2003). Yolk steroids, behavior, and fitness in birds. [Symposium] Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 7 th annual Meeting, University of Cincinnati.
Strasser, R ., Schwabl, H., & Clark, C. * (2001). Maternal hormones influence the physiology, morphology and behavior of house sparrows. [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Oregon State University.
Clark, C. *, Strasser, R., Poopatanapong, A., & Schwabl, H. (2001). Effects of parental investment on offspring development and survival in the house sparrow. [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Oregon State University.
Strasser, R . & Schwabl, H. (2000). Organizational effects of yolk testosterone in house sparrows. [Presentation and Abstract] Society for Neuroscience Abstract, 30th annual meeting.
Strasser, R . & Schwabl, H. (2000.) Yolk testosterone affects the phenotype of male and female house sparrows. [Presentation and Abstract] Western Regional Comparative Endocrinology Conference, Corvallis OR.
Recent Professional Affiliations
Animal Behavior Society member (1993- present)
Society for Neuroscience member (1994- 2008)
Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology member (2001- present)
International Society for Anthrozoology (2009- present)
Midlands Chapter for Neuroscience (2004- present)
American Psychological Association (2011- present)
Recent Service
Ad-hoc reviewer of the Journal of Anthrozoology (2010- present)
Ad-hoc reviewer for Brain, Behavior and Evolution (2004- present)
Ad-hoc reviewer for Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2001-present)
Educational Policy Committee, UNO (2012-present)
OASA Priorities Committees: STEM at UNO (2012)
Undergraduate Program Committee, Psychology, UNO (member 2004- 2012; Chair 2010-2012)
Graduate Program Committee, Psychology, UNO (2012-present)
Excellence in Teaching Committee, UNO (2007; 2010-12)
Community engagement and service learning projects with the Nebraska Humane Society, Henry Doorly Zoo, and Nebraska Youth Correctional Facility.
Additional Information
Introductory Psychology, Research Methods, Learning, Animal Behavior, Hormones and Behavior
Courses Taught
- PSYC/BIOL 4270 Animal Behavior
- PSYC/BIOL 4280/8286 Animal Behavior Laboratory
- PSYC 4230 Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 9240 Comparative &Evolutionary Psychology
- PSYC/BIOL 4320.8326Hormones and Behavior
- NEUR 1500 Introduction to Neuroscience
- PSYC 1010 Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 3140 Inquiry into Psychological Methods
- PSYC 4020 Learning
- PSYC 4024 Learning Laboratory
- NEUR 4200 Neuroscience Laboratory
- Dr. Strasser is interested in how changes in the environment, including early hormonal environment, influences brain organization and behavior. She is interested in comparing differences both within and between species to further understand the role hormones play in a variety of social behaviors, as well as learning and cognition
- Dr. Strasser is interested in applied animal behavior research involving companion animal in a shelter environment or animals housed in a zoological park. This interests her both as a behavioral scientist seeking interesting comparative questions and also as an instructor who wishes to include community engagement in her teaching practices.
M.A, Ph.D., 1992-1998 Psychology, Bowling Green State University, J. P. Scott Center for Neuroscience, Mind, and Behavior
B.A., 1988-1992 Psychobiology and Psychology, minor in Environmental Studies, Hiram College, OH
Teaching Related Grants, Presentations, and Awards
Strasser, R . (Co-PI). REESE NSF 12-552 “CS-Flip: Investigating a Flipped Classroom Approach to Introductory Programming” (Submitted; $ 1,499,063).
Strasser, R . (Co-PI). Kelly Fund Award“Understanding Attrition in Introductory STEM Courses in the UN System” (2012; $15,000).
Strasser, R . & French, J. UNO Student Technology Project Proposals Neuroscience EEG and fNIR laboratory (2012; $48,275)
Dierberger, J., Sather, P., & Strasser, R. (2012). P-16 Service-Learning Initiative: Training and Collaboration with In-Service teachers. 3 rd International Conference on Service Learning and teacher Education, Duke University, North Carolina.
University of Nebraska-Omaha Service-Learning Award nomination (2007, 2008).
Strasser, R . & Brown, J. (2008). Teaching Evolution in the Psychology Classroom. Great Plains Psychology Conference, Vermillion, SD.
Strasser, R., (September, 2007). Going to the Dogs: Service Learning at an Animal Shelter. Midwest Consortium for Service Learning in Higher Education Conference. University of Nebraska-Kearney.
Strasser, R., (April, 2007). Psychology Goes to the Dogs: Service Learning at an Animal Shelter. Great Plains Psychology Conference, Vermillion, SD.
Strasser, R., (November, 2006) The Shaping Game: Applying Principles of Operant Conditioning in the Classroom and Community. Iowa Teaching of Psychology Conference, Central College.
Graduate Faculty Fellow at the University of Nebraska- Omaha (2003).
Freeburne Award for Graduate Teaching (1996). Given by the Psychology Department at Bowling Green State University for teaching excellence.
The Graduate College Teaching Assistant Award (1995). Given by the Graduate College at Bowling Green State University for teaching excellence.
Research Grants
UCRCA grant from the University of Nebraska-Omaha (2011) entitled “Animal-assisted reading programs with grade-school children”
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development R03 (2005-2008; $141,000) entitled “ Long-term maternal effects on developing offspring” (1R03 HD045320-01)
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Fellowship (2000-2002; $117,696) entitled “Maternal hormone exposure in the developing avian brain” (1 F32 HD 08542-01).
Buttner, A. P, Strasser, R., (submitted). Physiological Arousal Mediates Contagious Yawning in Dogs.
Schwabl, H. , Holmes D., Strasser, R., & Scheuerlein A. (2012) Embryonic exposure to maternal testosterone influences mortality patterns in a captive passerine bird. AGE, 34 (1), 87-94.
Dybdall, K., Strasser, R., & Katz, T. (2007). Behavioral differences between owner surrender and stray domestic cats after entering an animal shelter. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 104,85-94.
Strasser, R ., & Schwabl, H. (2004). Yolk testosterone organizes behavior and male plumage coloration in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 56, 491-497.
Strasser, R ., Ehrlinger, J., & Bingman, V. P. (2004). Transitive behavior in hippocampal lesioned homing pigeons. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 63, 169- 180.
White, A. R., Strasser, R., & Bingman, V. P. (2002). Hippocampus lesions impair landmark array spatial learning in homing pigeons: A laboratory study. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 78, 65-78.
Strasser, R . & Bingman, V. P. (1999). The effects of hippocampal lesions in homing pigeons on a one-trial food association task. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 185 (6), 583-590.
Strasser, R. , Ioale, P., Casini, G., Bagnoli, P., & Bingman, V. P. (1998). The homing pigeon hippocampus and the development of landmark navigation. Developmental Psychobiology, 33 (4), 305- 315.
Bingman, V. P., Strasser, R., Baker, C., & Riters, L. V. (1998). Nonspatial, paired-associate learning is unaffected by hippocampal lesions in homing pigeons. Behavioral Neuroscience, 112, 533- 540.
Budzynski, C.A., Strasser, R., & Bingman, V. P. (1998). The effects of zinc sulfate anosmia on homing pigeons, Columba livia, in a homing and non-homing experiment. Ethology, 104, 111- 118.
Strasser, R . & Bingman, V. P. (1997). Goal recognition and the homing pigeon, Columba livia, hippocampal formation. Behavioral Neuroscience, 111 (6), 1245-1256.
Strasser, R . & Bingman, V. P. (1996). The relative importance of location and feature cues for homing pigeon, Columba livia, goal recognition. Journal of Comparative Psychology, v110 (1), 77-87.
Recent Research Conference Presentations
(* indicates presentations with students)
Buttner, A. P.*, & Strasser, R. (2012). Social facilitation and learning in zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata [Poster & abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Plachter, E.*, & Strasser, R. (2012). Contagious Yawning in Dogs: Social Cognition or Stress? [Poster & abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Hogan, K.*, Dredge, S.*, Kelly-Vance, L. & Strasser, R. (2012). Improving Youth’s Emotional Well-being through Animal Assisted Intervention. [Poster] National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.
Buttner, A. P.*, Strasser, R. & Biodrowski, K. (2011). Are owners less attached to biting dogs they consider a burden? [Poster & abstract] International Society of Anthrozoology, Indianapolis IN.
Dybdall, K.*, & Strasser, R. (2011). Measuring Attachment Behavior and Adoption Time in Shelter Cats. [Poster & abstract] International Society of Anthrozoology, Indianapolis IN.
Strasser, R., Frank, W.*, & Harris, N. (2011). Meet your Match: An Investigation of an Adoption Program Based on Animal Personality. [Poster & abstract] International Society of Anthrozoology, Indianapolis IN.
Koutakis, P., Mukherjee, M. , Strasser, R., & Stergiou, N. (2010). Path integration of human walking on a circular path: The effect of the vestibular system. [Poster and abstract] Society for Neuroscience meeting.
Dybdall, K.*, & Strasser, R. (2009). Measuring stress and attachment behaviors of shelter cats. [Poster & abstract] International Society of Anthrozoology, Kansas City MO.
Snyder, J. L.* , Jacobs, J. *, & Strasser, R. (2007). Does in ovo testosterone treatment influence reaction to novel stimuli in zebra finches? [Poster and abstract] Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 11 th annual Meeting, Alisomar, CA.
Maitland, R.*, Osborn, K. *, & Strasser, R. (2007). Effects of pre-hatching testosterone treatment on the survival and early development of zebra finches. [Poster and abstract] Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 11 th annual Meeting, Alisomar, CA.
Snyder, J. L. *, & Strasser, R. (2006). Testosterone levels and physical attributes: Do Gouldian finches measure up? [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird UT.
Dybdall, K. *, & Strasser, R. (2006). Stress, contact seeking, and avoidance behaviors in shelter cats. [Presentation] Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird UT.
Pumphrey, D. *, Dybdall, K. *, Larson, S. *, Maitland, R. *, & Strasser, R. (2005). Mate attraction and the physiological effects on Zebra Finch. [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird UT.
Larson, S. *, Hahn, R. *, & Strasser, R. (2005). Early and long-term effects of rearing condition on offspring development in zebra finch. [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird UT.
Dybdall, K. *, & Strasser, R. (2005). Behavioral stress response in domestic cats entering an animal shelter. [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird UT.
Strasser, R ., Schwabl, H., Scheuerlein, A., & French, J. (2003). Benefits and costs associated with early testosterone exposure in house sparrow offspring. [Poster and abstract] Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 7 th annual Meeting, University of Cincinnati.
Schwabl, H., Strasser, R., & Poopatanapong, A. * (2003). Yolk steroids, behavior, and fitness in birds. [Symposium] Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 7 th annual Meeting, University of Cincinnati.
Strasser, R ., Schwabl, H., & Clark, C. * (2001). Maternal hormones influence the physiology, morphology and behavior of house sparrows. [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Oregon State University.
Clark, C. *, Strasser, R., Poopatanapong, A., & Schwabl, H. (2001). Effects of parental investment on offspring development and survival in the house sparrow. [Poster and abstract] Animal Behavior Society, Oregon State University.
Strasser, R . & Schwabl, H. (2000). Organizational effects of yolk testosterone in house sparrows. [Presentation and Abstract] Society for Neuroscience Abstract, 30th annual meeting.
Strasser, R . & Schwabl, H. (2000.) Yolk testosterone affects the phenotype of male and female house sparrows. [Presentation and Abstract] Western Regional Comparative Endocrinology Conference, Corvallis OR.
Recent Professional Affiliations
Animal Behavior Society member (1993- present)
Society for Neuroscience member (1994- 2008)
Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology member (2001- present)
International Society for Anthrozoology (2009- present)
Midlands Chapter for Neuroscience (2004- present)
American Psychological Association (2011- present)
Recent Service
Ad-hoc reviewer of the Journal of Anthrozoology (2010- present)
Ad-hoc reviewer for Brain, Behavior and Evolution (2004- present)
Ad-hoc reviewer for Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2001-present)
Educational Policy Committee, UNO (2012-present)
OASA Priorities Committees: STEM at UNO (2012)
Undergraduate Program Committee, Psychology, UNO (member 2004- 2012; Chair 2010-2012)
Graduate Program Committee, Psychology, UNO (2012-present)
Excellence in Teaching Committee, UNO (2007; 2010-12)
Community engagement and service learning projects with the Nebraska Humane Society, Henry Doorly Zoo, and Nebraska Youth Correctional Facility.