Math department hosts 4th Annual High School Calculus Bee

On Friday, April 8th, "Calculus: The Musical" was presented for over 1000 students from throughout the area at the Baxter Arena. The performance was by the "Know Theater" of Cincinnati. After the Musical, the UNO math department hosted the 4th annual high school calculus bee. Seven hundred students from over 20 schools attended. During the "clicker round," 95 semi-finalists competed for the 8 finalist spots. Those advancing competed in a head-to-head double elimination tournament. It was an exciting event and concluded with the crowning of Jared Ott from Papillion LaVista South as the calculus champion. 2nd place went to Connor Jolley of Millard North and 3rd place was earned by Mai Vu of Papillion LaVista South. A great time was had by all!