National Geographic features biology service learning project.
- search keywords:
- Rodie
- Sustainability
- Community Service
- Landscape

Last fall UNO students taking Professor Steve Rodie’s Landscape Appreciation and Environmental Sustainability course and Omaha Northwest students in Ms. Rachael Burns' Horticulture class collaboratively surveyed, calculated and designed a rain garden for the high school.
The rain garden, installed in the spring of 2016, will not only increase sustainable solutions to storm water runoff, but also serve as a means of continuing environmental education.
The partnership is part of the UNO P-16 Initiative. As part of UNO’s Service Learning Academy, the P-16 Initiative facilitates partnerships between three key groups:
- UNO students and their teachers
- Preschool-through-high school students and their teachers
- Community organizations and their members
Through these service-learning partnerships, P-16 brings the classroom into the community through application of education to find solutions to real-life problems.
Read the full article here.