NSF funds study of water and chemical transport

UNO Geology major Jessica Bozell is one of four U.S. students chosen to participate in the Nebraska Water Center’s International Research Experience for Students (IRES) this summer, a program funded by the National Science Foundation.
From May 29 through July 21, Bozell and others will conduct research on water and chemical transport in the Earth’s vadose zone in collaboration with faculty and students at Czech Technical University in Prague (photo above).
According to the NSF website, “The U.S. students will learn about creative, original, and potentially transformative methods the Czechs are using to study the fate and transport of water and contaminants through the unsaturated zone, particularly in terms of preferential flow. New research results and knowledge of novel technologies being used in Europe will be shared in the U.S. through this project, thereby contributing to the development of a more globally engaged science workforce as well as to the sustainability of valuable water resources which affect economic competitiveness both domestically and internationally.”
Dr. Chittaranjan Ray, Department of Civil Engineering at the UNL (and Director, Nebraska Water Center) leads the program in collaboration with Drs. Michal Snehota and Martin Sanda from the Czech Technical University.