Papers feature analyses of public opinion data
- published: 2017/12/02
- contact: Greg Petros
- search keywords:
- Political Science

Two political science students recently received awards for presenting two of the top 10 papers at the triennial meeting of the Pi Gamma Mu honor society, held in Kansas City from November 2-4. The students, Claudia Granillo and Liz Nunez, are both enrolled in the Master's Degree program. The papers featured original statistical analyses of public opinion data. Claudia’s paper concerned public attitudes toward euthanasia, while Liz's paper examined if Latinos who were more interested in the immigration issue were more likely to vote in the 2012 Presidential election.
The theme of the 2017 conference was “Leadership, Scholarship and Service.” Pi Gamma Mu is a national honor’s society founded in 1924, and it is the oldest honor’s society for social science students. There are 150 active chapters in the U.S. Aside from generating student scholarship and publishing it in their own academic journal, the honor society also facilitates community service projects in the spring. Anyone who is interested in the group should contact the faculty advisor, Associate Professor Dr. Gregory A. Petrow, at