Director of School Psychology program will lead national association
- published: 2018/06/01
- search keywords:
- Kelly-Vance
- Psychology

This spring, Lisa Kelly-Vance, Professor of Psychology and Director of the School Psychology Graduate Program at UNO, was elected by the association membership to serve as President of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Her term begins in July 2018 and her theme is "Unlock Potential: Prevention is Key."
Kelly has held a number of positions with NASP over the last decade and has served on the Board of Directors as Strategic Liaison - Information Services since 2014. She remains active in state and local organizations as well, for example, serving on the Monroe-Meyer Institute Operating Board since 2000.
Her research and applied interests are assessment and interventions with preschool children in the context of play, mental health in early childhood, school-based academic and social interventions, prevention, and self-care.