European Studies Conference presents Mehnaz Afridi, “Muslims and the Holocaust: Challenges, Cooperation and Transformations”
- published: 2018/08/12
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- Afridi
- European Studies
- Holocaust
- Islam

Dr. Afridi is an Associate Professor of Religious studies and Director of Holocaust, Genocide, and Interfaith Education Center at Manhattan College. She is committed to Islam and the Holocaust education. She teaches Islam, Holocaust, Genocide and issues of gender within Islam. Her articles have appeared in books such as; “Sacred Tropes: Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an as Literature and Culture”, (Brill, 2006). “Not Your father’s Anti-Semitism: Hatred of the Jews in the 21st Century” (Paragon House, 2008). “Gurdwara Sikh Killings: Domestic or Global Taxonomy of Terrorism?”(Taylor & Francis, 2013). “The Role of Muslims and the Holocaust” in Oxford Handbooks Online, (Oxford University Press, 2015). She is the co-editor of a book entitled: “Orhan Pamuk and Global Literature: Existentialism and Politics” (May 2012, Palgrave Macmillan), and her recent book is entitled “Shoah through Muslim Eyes” (Academic Studies Press, 2017).
For additional information, please visit the European Studies Conference Site.