Request for Proposals: Teacher-Researcher Partnership Program (TRPP) 2019
- published: 2018/10/30
- contact: Heather Leas - Biology
- phone: 402.554.3459
- email:
- search keywords:
- Faculty Mentors

The science Teacher-Researcher Partnership Program (TRPP) at UNO is seeking proposals from faculty interested in serving as research mentors to OPS teacher-researchers during summer 2019. The deadline to submit a proposal is Friday, January 11, 2019. Full details and application instructions are posted at:
The TRPP is a partnership between the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) and Omaha Public Schools (OPS), which supports the creation of a science ecosystem by providing opportunities for teachers and subsequently youth in the Omaha area to conduct genuine scientific research projects. Participating K-12 science teachers and instructional coaches are matched with UNO faculty mentors in a broad range of science disciplines. Teachers and mentors collaboratively conduct an approximately 80-hour research project over 4-6 weeks between June 1-July 15. Weekly journal club discussions and a post-project research symposium provide valuable opportunities to evaluate current research, develop collaborative relationships, and broaden the scope of each experience beyond a single project. Mentor benefits include a summer stipend for research, mentorship, and time, plus funding for supplies and services that support the research. Teachers learn transferable skills via opportunities to network and collaborate with leaders in science disciplines and gain access to resources, equipment, and technical training at UNO. Most importantly, research collaborations continue into the academic year to translate authentic science research into the K-12 environment.
If you have questions, contact Heather Leas ( or William Tapprich (