TikTok for the 2020 Census
REMINDER: Deadline to submit your TikTok is MARCH 13th, 2020!
- published: 2020/03/03

We want to let Nebraskans know how important the 2020 Census is. We need your help to spread the word. We're hosting a contest to see who can make the best #2020Census TikTok.
Don’t miss your chance to get creative and win big.
CPAR, the Department of Sociology/Anthropology and OLLAS, with UNO civic participation mini grant funds, are sponsoring a student competition for 2020 Census. Enter for a chance to win up to $350 - $1,000 total in prizes!
If you need help preparing or submitting your video, CPARs social media intern will be in the student union Monday, March 9th to help.
DEADLINE to submit your TikTok is MARCH 13th, 2020!
See the flyer with more details - cpar.unomaha.edu/tiktok