Call for Proposals for 2021 No Limits! WGS Student Conference
- published: 2020/10/29
- contact: Karen Falconer Al-Hindi - Women's and Gender Studies
- phone: 402.554.3834
- email:

The UNO Women’s & Gender Studies (WGS) program announces the 2021 No Limits! Conference call for proposals. No Limits! is an interdisciplinary academic conference that explores a wide range of women’s, gender, and sexuality issues. This year’s conference includes a keynote address by UNO WGS Graduates. The 2021 No Limits! will be held on March 5, 2021, totally online via Zoom conferencing.
Call for Proposals — proposals are due by January 29, 2021
Undergraduate and graduate students, and recent graduates, are invited to submit proposals to present their women’s and/or gender studies-related research or creative work.
Students desiring to present their work at the conference should submit by email to Dr. Karen Falconer Al-Hindi ( the following information:
- Subject line of email: "No Limits" and [Student's Last Name]
- In body of email:
- Student's contact information (name, university affiliation, mailing address, email, phone)
- Faculty mentor contact information (name, university affiliation, email address)
- Submit the project information as an attachment (.doc, .docx, or .rtf) including the following:
- Title and abstract of approximately 250 words describing the project and its significance. Research involving human subjects must have IRB approval.
- Biographical statement: Student's major/minor, hometown, academic and/or career goals, and a fun fact (50-75 words).
- Format: Indicate whether this will be a paper (20 minutes), poster presentation (48"x36"), or other format.
Download the conference poster or call for proposals:
2021 No Limits! Conference Poster
Call for Proposals
This event is sponsored and hosted by the UNO Women’s & Gender Studies Program; co-sponsored by UNL Women’s & Gender Studies and UNK Women's, Gender, and Ethnic Studies; and supported by NU Central Administration, UNO Academic and Student Affairs, Office of Research and Creative Activity, College of Arts and Sciences, School of the Arts, Gender & Sexuality Resource Center, and the UNO Departments of Sociology/Anthropology, Political Science, Geography/Geology, and English.
If you have questions, contact: Karen Falconer Al-Hindi, Ph.D., at
The event is free and open to the public.