Celebrating Fall 2023 CAS Graduating Students
- published: 2023/12/06

Congratulations to all of our College of Arts and Sciences students! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and we wish you all the best on your graduation. Below we're highlighting just some of our outstanding graduating students.
- Brenda Sanchez-Andrade
- Miranda Barna
- Olivia Carusi
- Rachel Hartgerink
- Elizabeth Hill
- Hannah Hrbek
- Macyn Moravec
- Vy Nguyen
- Collin Patrick
Brenda Sanchez-Andrade, CAS Student Marshal
Majors: Psychology and Latino/Latin American Studies
Minor: Sociology
“As a Psychology and Latino/Latin American studies major, I have been able to overcome the obstacles that any first-generation student encounters, such as navigating college on my own. I did this with the help of the Psychology Department, but specifically all the professors that have impacted my drive to be a bilingual psychologist one day in the future. The Office of Latino/Latin American Studies also played a role in my education by assisting me with feeling connected to my roots and culture.”
Reflecting on impactful courses and professors, she recalls the guidance and inspiration provided by educators like Bethany Lyons, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology and Thomas Sanchez, Ph.D., associate professor of sociology and Latino/Latin American Studies. Their mentorship not only shaped her academic journey but also helped her reconnect with her cultural roots, which helped her to build a sense of belonging and understanding within the Latino community in Omaha.
Read the full feature story about Brenda!
Miranda Barna
Majors: Political Science and Criminology & Criminal Justice
Minor: Policing
Miranda Barna volunteered as an undergraduate research assistant at the Nebraska Deterrence Lab and now mentors other undergraduate students on the project. She’s been involved in conducting deterrence experiments, participating in a Model NATO event, and even attending the U.S. Air Force’s 65th Academy Assembly to learn about China’s growing influence in the international community.
“All of these opportunities have improved my skills in research, writing, and speaking, which will be critical to my success in my future career. Overall, the College of Arts and Science has afforded me valuable opportunities to apply my classroom learning, enhance career skills, network with professionals, and ultimately define my future career.”
Read more about the deterrence experiment Miranda participated in.
Olivia Carusi
Major: Psychology
Minors: Spanish and Victimology & Victim Services
Olivia Carusi plans to continue to graduate school after building a foundation of academic and research skills through her undergraduate Psychology program with a concentration in Mental Health. She credits her Spanish minor and service-learning experiences as being particularly impactful for preparing her to be a future mental health practitioner working with underserved and marginalized communities.
“Through experiences such as working with excellent faculty members, studying abroad, and completing service-learning activities, the College of Arts and Sciences has equipped me with tools that will help me contribute to the world in a positive way.”
Rachel Hartgerink
Major: Biology
Minors: Chemistry and Spanish
Rachel Hartgerink said she loves the intersections of arts and sciences at universities, because they go well together.
“They require imagination, curiosity, innovation, and a desire to make the world a better place. As a student with a biology major and a Spanish minor, I am leaving this college with a well-rounded appreciation for the world and a curiosity to discover more!”
Rachel plans to pursue optometry as a career and credits her Spanish minor coupled with the science courses with allowing her to better relate to and serve a wide patient demographic.
“The Spanish department at UNO challenged me not just to learn the vocabulary but also to know the culture, acknowledge the social impact on linguistics, thoughtfully review Spanish literature and art, and even seize the opportunity to immerse myself in a J-term study abroad trip to Spain. This experience gave me insight into Spanish culture while also developing my empathy for those who live here in America, not knowing the English language.”
Elizabeth Hill
Major: Biology
Minors: Gerontology and Medical Humanities
As a natural leader, Elizabeth Hill’s impact extended far beyond the academic realm. Among her numerous achievements, Elizabeth's influence in spearheading heritage month for the Asian Student Union is amongst her most cherished achievements. Her initiatives to honor and celebrate various cultural heritages not only brought communities together but also reinforced the importance of diversity and cultural appreciation within the UNO campus community.
Looking ahead, she envisions a future where she channels her UNO-rooted values of excellence, engagement, and integrity into her professional pursuits. Her aspirations extend beyond her personal growth; she aims to be an advocate for marginalized communities, particularly in healthcare settings. With her sights set on becoming a physician's assistant, she aims to bridge gaps in healthcare accessibility and provide compassionate care to underserved populations.
Read the full feature story about Elizabeth!
Hannah Hrbek
Major: Biology
Minors: Psychology and Spanish
Hannah Hrbek credits the Health Careers Resource Center (HCRC) with helping her explore possible careers and offering support through graduate school applications and preparing for interviews, ensuring she feels confident to take the next steps into her future. Her biology major coupled with minors in Spanish and Psychology offered opportunities to expand her knowledge in many areas.
“Having this variety of knowledge has made me a more open-minded person, helped me to see the value in all topics, and taught me how to apply my knowledge from one area to another. In addition to learning in Arts and Sciences Hall, the College of Arts and Sciences allowed me to take my studies abroad to Chile. This experience not only improved my Spanish but also pushed me out of my comfort zone, helping me to grow as a student and a person. While abroad I became more adaptable, self-confident, and culturally competent, all characteristics that are valuable in the workplace.”
Macyn Moravec
Major: Medical Humanities
Minor: Psychology
Macyn Moravec mentions that the College of Arts and Sciences’ culture of intellectual curiosity and commitment to lifelong learning has fostered a passion for continuous growth that she’ll carry into her future endeavors.
“In the College of Arts and Sciences, I embraced a multidisciplinary approach to education, studying diverse subjects, which expanded my horizons and nurtured critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These experiences have taught me to approach complex issues with an open mind and seek innovative solutions.”
Macyn participated in research projects during her time at UNO, most notably her capstone project that explored burnout in medical professionals. She worked with the UNMC Orchestra and collaborated with peers and faculty to complete the work.
“This research project has sharpened my communication and teamwork skills, enabling effective work in diverse environments and with individuals from various backgrounds.”
Vy Nguyen
Major: Neuroscience
Minor: Chemistry
Vy Nguyen said her most transformative experience with the College of Arts and Sciences was being a part of a research lab on campus. She joined Dr. Ryan Wong’s lab and was especially interested in the work examining the neural and genomic differences behind different stress-coping styles/personalities in zebrafish.
“By joining the lab, I got to obtain hands-on experience with planning, conducting, data collecting, and data analyzing for a research project. For the two and a half years that I have been a member of Dr. Wong’s lab at UNO, I have grown as a student, a mentee, a team player, and most importantly, a scientist. All these traits will be crucial for me as I work towards my career goal of becoming a physician.”
Vy got to practice and sharpen skills of effective communication in science during weekly lab meetings where they’d present and discuss research articles. She also participated in outreach activities with the lab at the Nebraska Science Festival, showcasing projects and findings to the public to highlight the importance of research work.
Collin Patrick
Major: Molecular and Biomedical Biology
Minors: Chemistry and Medical Humanities
Collin Patrick has participated in a variety of extracurricular activities including research, employment, and volunteering that helped cement his goal to become a physician and helped prepare him for the future.
“I have been able to accomplish many academic feats with the help of the College of Arts and Sciences that I did not previously think were possible for me. Not only has the College of Arts and Sciences helped me to improve academically, but it has also helped me to grow significantly as a person because of my experiences throughout my career at UNO. I truly believe the College has shaped me into a greater person with the capacity to make significant contributions to the community.”