Courses that Count for LLS Credit
Latino/Latin American Studies Major (LLS), Chicano/Latino Studies Minor (CLS) & Graduate-Level Courses in LLS/CLS as of Fall 2017
Latino/Latin American Studies (LLS)
1000 Latin America: An Introduction (s)
1020 Introduction to CLS: Humanities (h)
2800 Special Topics in LLS: Humanities (h)
2810 Music in Latin American Culture (h)
2900 Special Topics in LLS: Social Sciences (s)
3140 (or 8145) Latino/a Politics (s)
3420 Latin American Civilization (h)
3510 Immigration Law and Latinos (s)
3680 (or 8685) Government & Politics of Latin America (s)
3800 Special Topics in LLS: Humanities (h)
3900 Special Topics in LLS: Social Sciences (s)
4170 Introduction to Latino American Literatures (h)
4280 (or 8286) International Relations of Latin America (s)
4650 (or 8956) Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas (s)
4900 (or 8906) Independent Study
4910 (or 8916) Contemporary Topics in LLS (s)
4920 (or 8926) Contemporary Topics in LLS (h)
4950 (or 8956) Latin American Study Abroad (s)
INDS 4950 Latino/Latin American Studies Capstone (s)
Anthropology (ANTH)
4230 Ethno-Medicines of the Americas (s)
Art and Art History (ART)
1040 Cross-Cultural Survey of Art (h)
4000 (or 8006) Special Seminars: Art Edu. in Mexico (h)
4700 (or 8706) Cross-Cultural Art History for Teachers (h)
Criminology & Criminal Justice (CRCJ)
3000 Applied Statistics and Data Processing in the Public Sector (r)
Critical & Creative Thinking (CACT)
8400 A History of American Immigration Policies & Laws (h)
8410 Immigration, Migration, and Diaspora: Critical Approaches and Theories of Movement in Literature (h)
8420 Mexico and the U.S Borderlands: Two Histories, One Destiny (h)
English (ENGL)
2000 Topics: Language in the Minority (1 credit) (h)
2230 Ethnic Literature (h)
2490 Introduction to Latino/a Literature (h)
3300 Junior Topics: Chicana/o Short Fiction (h)
4160 (or 8166) Topics: Southwest Literature (h)
4230 (or 8236) Latino/a Literature (h)
4240 (or 8246) Teaching Latino Literature
4960 (or 8966) Topics: New World Contact & Conquest (h)
8100 Graduate Seminar: Latina/o Testimonial Literature (h)
Geography (GEOG)
3070 Geography of Latin America (s)
Goodrich (GDRH)
3010 Special Topics Seminar: Study Abroad to Costa Rica (s)
Health Education (HED)
3000 Special Projects: Latino Health Issues in the U.S. (s)
History (HIST)
2470 Latin America: Mexico & the Caribbean (h)
2480 Latin America: South America (h)
4460 American Immigration History (h)
4910 (or 8916) Topics in History: (h)
1) Argentina, Brazil and Chile
2) Brazil
3) Central America and the Caribbean
4) Democratization in Latin America
5) Food in Latin American History
6) Latina/Latin American Women
7) Modern Mexico
8) Spanish Speaking Caribbean
Political Science (PSCI)
3000 (or 8005) Quantitative Analysis in Political Science (r)
3140 Latino/a Politics (s)
3680 (or 8685) Government & Politics of Latin America (s)
3920 Topics: International Development (s)
4280 (or 8286) International Relations of Latin America (s)
4920 (or 8926) Advanced Topics: Cuba at the Crossroads (s)
Psychology (PSYC)
3130 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (r)
Religion (RELI)
3500 Special Topics in Religion: Roots of Cuban Spirituality (h)
Sociology (SOC)
2130 Social Statistics (r)
2510 Research Methods (r)
2800 Major Social Issues: (s)
1) Women of Color
2) Cultural Groups and Equality
3) Immigration, Gender & Employment
3900 Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S. (Sanchez) (s)
3950 Sociology of Latin America (s)
4170 Introduction to Latin American Literatures (h)
4250 (or 8256) Latino/a Migration in the World Economy; Latin American Migration (s)
4700 (or 8706) Women’s Health and Issues of Diversity (s)
4750 (or 8756) Social Change and Globalization (Gouveia) (s)
4800 (or 8806) Contemporary Topics: (s)
1) Immigration, Race & Globalization
2) Latino Migration and Integration
3) Urban Latin America
4) Migration, Development, Citizenship
5) Latinos & Gender
Social Work (SOWK)
4030 (or 8036) Social Work with Latinos (s)
4890 Special Studies in Social Work: Nicaragua (s)
Spanish (SPAN)
3010 Spanish for Heritage Speakers I (h)
3020 Spanish for Heritage Speakers II (h)
3050 Latin America in Context (h)
3210 Survey of Latin American Literature I (h)
3220 Survey of Latin American Literature II (h)
3420 Latin American Civilization (h)
4040 (or 8046) Advanced Composition and Stylistics (García; Walls) (h)
4070 Hispanic Bilingualism (h)
4160 (or 8166) Latin American Lit. of the 20th Century (h)
4350 (or 8356) Latin American Short Story (h)
4450 (or 8957) Introduction to Literary Criticism (García) (h)
4450 (or 8956) Pro-seminar: Literature and/or Film (h)
1) Gender, Social Violence in Latin American Literature & Film
4960 (or 8966) Pro-seminar: Culture & Society (h)
1) Central American and Caribbean Lit. and Culture
2) Human Rights Literature in Latin America
3) Latin American Indigenous Contemporary Literature
4) El Bilingüismo
5) Introduction to Sociolinguistics
6) Latin American Theater through Performance
7) Latin American Film and Society
8) 20th Century Mexican Society
4970 Pro-seminar: Spanish Sociolinguistics
1) El Lenguaje del Reggaetón: Race, Gender & Caribbean Flows
Urban Studies (UBST)
8940 Directed Research: Comparative Perspectives on Residential Segregation: the U.S. & Latin America (s)
Women & Gender Studies (WGST)
4050 Special Topics: Latino & Gender (s)
(s) Can be used to meet the College of Arts & Sciences Social Science requirements
(h) Can be used to meet the College of Arts & Sciences Humanities requirements
(r) Can be used to meet the LLS major Research Methods requirement