OLLAS distributes more than $375,000 to incoming and returning UNO students each year, and helps students find thousands more in funding through the links on this page.
For your convenience, OLLAS has compiled a list of relevant scholarships in the following categories:
OLLAS Scholarships | University Scholarships | Local/Regional Scholarships | National Scholarships | Scholarships for Hispanic Students Interested in STEM | Other Financial Aid OpportunitiesAnne C. Boyle Scholarship | |
About |
The Anne C. Boyle Scholarship was established to honor the memory and life-long political and community engagement of Anne C. Boyle. The scholarship will support a UNO student and consist of $8,000 per academic year for a maximum of two years. Funding can only be applied to tuition, fees, and books. |
Application Deadline | May 30, 2025 at 5 P.M. |
Eligibility Requirements |
1. Demonstrate compelling evidence of sustained community/political engagement in the spirit of Anne C. Boyle’s legacy 2. Be of at least junior standing at UNO 3. Have a grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.2 4. Be a full-time student (minimum of 12 credit-hours per semester) 5. Be a resident of Nebraska for tuition purposes 6. Be enrolled at UNO’s College of Arts and Sciences or College of Public Affairs & Community Service Applicants must also provide: 1. A well-written essay of between 400-500 words about the student’s own history of involvement in political or community organizations and dedication to the kinds of causes Anne C. Boyle supported. 2. Two letters of recommendation from: a) head of a political or community organization which can attest to the depth and quality of the student’s community/political engagement; and b) faculty or staff member who can attest to the student’s academic record and pursuit of academic excellence, alongside community and political engagement. |
Amount |
$8,000 per academic year for a maximum of two years |
How to apply |
To complete your application:
Next Generation Leadership Scholarship (NGLS) | |
About | The Next Generation Leadership Scholarship (NGLS) was established by Nancy Mammel in the Mammel Foundation to encourage and reward academic excellence and community engagement among UNO students with significant financial need. |
Application Deadline | June 6, 2025 at 5 P.M. |
Eligibility Requirements |
Amount |
Multiple scholarships of up to $15,000 per student will be awarded based on financial assistance to high school seniors and UNO students per academic year. Renewable scholarship |
How to apply |
To complete your application:
University Scholarships
Davis Memorial Scholarship
The R.H. "Rick" Davis Scholarship recognizes the most academically talented students from diverse backgrounds that find the financial requirements of post-secondary education an obstacle. Awarded for the first time in 1990, the Davis Scholarship is already recognized as one of the University's most important ways of honoring outstanding Nebraska students. The value of the Davis Scholarship is based primarily on the family's ability to help meet college costs. The amount can equal the full cost of attendance. The typical award is between $2,000 and $4,000 a year.
Contcat the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Inclusion
Dreamer's Pathway Scholars Program
The Dreamer’s Pathway Scholarship is for Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals DACA) or DACA eligible (undocumented) and Nebraska resident students who are seeking an undergraduate degree at the University of Nebraska Omaha. Students who qualify for this will be eligible to receive a renewable full tuition, fees and books scholarship for up to five (5) years, or until an undergraduate degree is earned, whichever comes first.
Dreamer’s Pathway Scholarship Information
G. Robert Muchemore UNO Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded competitively to outstanding first-year students who are graduates of Nebraska high schools that demonstrate financial need. Typically these are awarded to applicants with above average ACT/SAT scores that rank in the top 10% of their high school class.The scholarship is worth $5,000 per year. This scholarship may be renewed for an additional three years if the recipient continues to demonstrate financial need, and maintains full-time enrollment with a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA.
Muchemore Scholarship Information
Goodrich Scholarship Program
The Goodrich Scholarship Program began in 1972 with funds from the Nebraska State Legislature. It is named in honor of Omaha's former state senator Glenn Goodrich, who authored the enabling legislation. The overall intent of the program is to provide a college education for Nebraska residents who otherwise could not afford it, while offering them a broad and meaningful experience in general education.
The program has reached out to students of cultures including African American, Asian American, European American, Latino American, and Native American. The students it has served have displayed a wide range of academic ability, from those who, in spite of strong motivation, have yet to fulfill their academic potential, to those who are already highly skilled and can help create a stimulating learning environment for their peers.
Goodrich Scholarship Information
Isaacson Incentive Scholarship
The Isaacson Scholarship, funded by the Jacob J. and Dottie M.Isaacson Estate, was established to recognize the academic achievements of talented high school students throughout the Omaha area, while encouraging their enrollment at the University of Nebraska Omaha. Applicants must reside in the Omaha metropolitan area for one year prior to applying for this scholarship. Up to 10 Isaacson Scholarships may be awarded to first-year UNO students on an annual basis. Each scholarship awarded is in the amount of $1,000 per academic year. Scholarships are renewable for up to three years.
Contcat the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and InclusionPaul Beck Memorial Scholarship
The Faculty Senate of the University of Nebraska Omaha has sponsored scholarships for meritorious students since 1970 when Paul L. Beck, a long-time member of the Department of History, urged faculty and staff to go beyond the classroom to assist capable students in their educational pursuits at UNO. Undergraduate seniors and graduate students are invited to apply for the Paul L. Beck Memorial Faculty/Staff Scholarship.
Paul Beck Memorial Scholarship Information
Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) Scholarships
A variety of scholarship opportunities, including the prestigious Walter Scott, Jr. Scholarship, are available for students attending UNL's College of Engineering and Technology (Omaha Campus programs) and UNO's College of Information Science and Technology located in the Peter Kiewit Institute.
For information contact:
The Peter Kiewit Institute
1110 S. 67th St.,PKI 301
Omaha , NE 68182-0694
Peter Kiewit Scholarship Information
Phi Delta Gamma Scholarships
Four scholarships of $500.00 may be awarded once during a school year to three students who have been accepted into a graduate program and have completed nine (9) graduate hours within their degree program. The recipients must be registered for six (6) or more graduate hours in the semester during which the award is granted. To be eligible, students must be graduate students within a master’s degree program at UNO. All materials are due in the Office of Graduate Studies. If you have any questions concerning the scholarship, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies at 402.554.2341.
Phi Delta Gamma Scholarship Opportunities
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation Scholarship
The Susan T. Buffett Foundation provides scholarships for qualifying Nebraska residents with financial need to attend Nebraska State public institutions of higher education. Students who receive these scholarships will be called "William H. Thompson Scholars" in honor of the father of Susan Thompson Buffett.
Buffett Scholarship Application
Maverick Advantage Scholarship
The University of Nebraska Omaha offers scholarships for an amount up to the difference between resident and nonresident tuition to selected new undergraduate students who are not residents of Nebraska.
For consideration, a student should apply for admission by February 1, and meet the minimum criteria for eligibility (23 or higher ACT score or equivalent on the SAT, or rank in the top 25% of high school class). Transfer students must have a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) or higher to be considered.
Maverick Advantage Scholarship Information
UNO Office of Financial Support and Scholarships
A wide range of scholarship programs at UNO have been established to recognize excellent high school achievement by incoming freshman students and exceptional scholastic performance by upper-class students already attending the university. Scholarship funds have been provided for students by the State of Nebraska, corporations, clubs, community organizations, and friends of the university.
Office of Financial Support and Scholarships
UNO Summer Graduate Scholarships
Scholarships for $1,000.00 will be awarded to eligible graduate students during the summer sessions. Students who have outstanding academic performance and potential are encouraged to apply. The number of scholarships awarded for a particular year is determined by the Office of Graduate Studies. If you have any questions concerning the scholarship, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies at 402.554.2341.
Graduate Scholarship Information
Local/Regional Scholarships
American GI Forum (Omaha Men's and Women's Chapter) Scholarship
The American GI Forum was created in 1948 to address the discrimination and inequalities endured by Hispanic veterans. The organization now acts as an advocate for all Hispanics. The Omaha Men's and Women's Chapter offers scholarships to students who have graduated or will graduate from high school and have entered or plan to enter a college, university, or trade/vocational school within the current calendar year.
Applications can be picked up at the American GI Forum located at 2002 N Street.
Barrientos Scholarship Foundation
The Barrientos Scholarship Foundation was created to assist young Latinos pursuing higher education. The scholarships are in honor of the late and distinguished Barrientos brothers. The Barrientos migrated from Aguascalientes, Mexico, in the late 1920s and eventually worked their way to Omaha. They were recognized for their musical talent in the Omaha Latino community. The Barrientos family is now one of the best known and engaged Mexican American families in Omaha.
For more information go to: www.barrientosscholarship.org
Fraser Stryker Diversity Scholarship Program
The general purpose of the Fraser Stryker Diversity Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance in the form of college tuition and paid student internships to students of African-American, Asian, Latino, and Native American origins from low income families in the Omaha metro area who are interested in a career in law. Graduating seniors at any of the public or private high schools in the greater Omaha area who have been accepted to an accredited college or university located in the United States may be eligible.
Fraser Stryker Information and Application
Gateway to Success Minority Nursing Scholarship
Clarkson College and the Nebraska Medical Center are committed to increasing the opportunities for minority students to succeed in the growing dynamic field of nursing. Funded by Clarkson Regional Health Services and the Nebraska Medical Center, this scholarship supports five qualified minority students each year. Each scholarship is worth $10,000 per academic year and is awarded for four years, assuming recipients continue to meet the requirements. Each scholarship includes a yearly summer work internship at the Nebraska Medical Center that provides $5,000 per summer in additional funds.
For more information go to: www.clarksoncollege.edu
Latino Employee Network (LEN) of Union Pacific Scholarship
The Union Pacific Latino Employee Network (LEN) Scholarship Program is available to high school seniors and undergraduate students in their first four years of college who are committed to furthering their education. Students can win up to $4,000. Scholarship amounts will be distributed based on the discretion of the LEN scholarship selection committee. Students are able to apply for the scholarship during all four years of their undergraduate program. The award is intended to cover any expense related to obtaining an education – including tuition, fees, housing, books, and/or a compute. For more information, contact eninfo@up.com
Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific Scholarship Application
Somos El Futuro Scholarship
M.Y.L.P.A. is the premier Latino Professional Association in the Metro area dedicated to the development and empowerment of the Latino community. In order to promote and support the growing aspiring Latino professional they've started this scholarship for DREAMERS. Up to two (2) academic scholarships are available for outstanding students in the Omaha Metro area. These scholarships will be for full cost of tuition and books at Metropolitan Community College for one academic year.
M.Y.L.P.A. Scholarship Information
Schrager Scholarship Program for Student Leaders
The Phillip Schrager Scholarship Program for Student Leaders recognizes students who possess outstanding leadership capability. Selection is based primarily on a student's involvement in high school activities and organizations; scholastic achievement is also a qualification. These two-year awards are given annually to freshman students who are expected to become involved in leadership roles on campus and to enroll in a "Leadership and Administration" class. The scholarship is valued at $2,500 per year. The award may be extended to the junior and senior years if all qualifications are met.
Preference is given to students from the Omaha area.
Applications are available from high school guidance counselors.
True Potential Scholarship
The True Potential Scholarship focuses on creating opportunities for young immigrants who have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) immigration status. This immigration status is commonly called the “Dream Act.” These immigrants are not eligible for any public benefits, including federal financial aid and many scholarships. Because of the public funds restriction, True Potential uses 100% private donations and private institutional funds.
True Potential Scholarship Information
Urban League Scholarships
The following link is to the Urban League of Nebraska's Scholarship Opportunities page. It consists of several scholarships sponsored by the Urban League, as well as links to local area high school, college, and university scholarship websites.
Urban League Scholarship Information
National Scholarships
AAUW Selected Professions Fellowship
Selected Professions Fellowships provide opportunities for women to pursue graduate and first-professional degrees in designated fields where women traditionally have been underrepresented and where the employment outlook and earnings potential are strong. Recipients must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Award stipends range from $5,000 to $12,000.
Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students
Applicants must major in Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or Economics, with an interest in pursuing an actuarial career. There are multiple scholarships with multiple deadlines. Awards vary.
Actuarial Scholarships Information
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program
The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program was established by Congress in 1986 to honor Senator Barry Goldwater, who served his country for 56 years as a soldier and statesman, including 30 years of service in the U.S. Senate. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who intend to pursue research careers in these fields.
Contact your UNO Faculty representative Rosalie Cohen Saltzman at rsaltzma@mail.unomaha.edu
Goldwater Scholarship Information
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
This scholarship provides awards for U.S. undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide. Ranging from $1,000 to $8,000 each, the awards cover travel costs and other expenses for students who are otherwise unable to study overseas. The scholarship program favors students who would like to study in non-traditional locations, especially those outside of Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; however all applicants are considered.
Institute of International Education Information
Or contact Emily Hassenstab, Manager of Education Abroad and Global Partnerships, at ehassenstab@unomaha.edu or 402.554.2293
The Bill and Melinda Gates Scholarship
The Gates Millennium Scholars Program grants scholarships to low-income students of color. Applicants must have at least a 3.3 cumulative GPA and be a graduating senior in high school.
For more information please call 877.690.4677 (toll-free) or visit the website at: www.gmsp.org
Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Spouses Scholarships
The Congressional Black Caucus' mission is to advance the global black community by developing leaders, informing policy and educating the public. Various scholarships are available on their website.
Congressional Black Caucus Scholarship Information
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) Scholarship
The mission of CHCI Scholarship Program is to provide critical financial assistance that will increase graduation rates among Latino students in post-secondary education. CHCI's scholarship opportunities are afforded to Latino students in the United States who have a history of performing public service-oriented activities in their communities and who demonstrate a desire to continue their civic engagement in the future.
There is no GPA or academic major requirement. Students with excellent leadership potential are encouraged to apply. Awards are $1,000 community college or AA/AS granting institution, $2,500 4-year academic institution and $5,000 graduate-level institution.
Education for Excellence Scholarship offered by SALEF
This scholarship is for Salvadoran, Central American, or other Latino high school and college students. Students should have a history of community service. Awards range from $1,000 - $5,000.
Guide to Scholarships for New Americans and Minorities
The following link is to the 2011 Scholarship Guide produced by the Dallas/Forth Worth (DFW) International Community Alliance and sponsored by CitiGroup for minority students and for children of “New Americans.” This is a directory of over 30 available scholarships.
Harry S. Truman Scholarship
The Truman Scholarship has a cash value of over $30,000 which has as its main focus public service. Students need to apply during their junior year. Eligible students are juniors, have a 3.75 or above GPA and are interested in public service—the definition here is very broad, ranging from teaching to medicine to politics and all in between.
Contact your UNO Faculty representative: Rosalie Cohen Saltzman at rsaltzma@unomaha.edu
Truman Scholarship Information
HENAAC Scholars Program
The HENAAC Scholars Program addresses the immense need that the United States has to produce more domestic engineers and scientists. The goal of the program is to ensure STEM college retention with a 3.0 grade point average or higher; to guarantee college graduation with an undergraduate technical degree in four-five years; and, to contribute to Hispanic communities by producing STEM role models for future generations and securing the country's place as the finest technological leader in the world.
The HENAAC Scholars Program was officially created in the year 2000 with the first scholarships being sponsored by the Ford Motor Company and presented at the HENAAC 2001 Conference. In its twelve year history, the HENAAC Scholars Program has shown tremendous growth and has distributed over $1,700,000 in educational grants to over 874 outstanding and deserving recipients.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) is the nation's leading organization supporting Hispanic higher education. HSF was founded in 1975 with a vision to strengthen the country by advancing college education among Hispanic Americans--the largest minority segment of the U.S. population. In support of its mission to double the rate of Hispanics earning college degrees, HSF provides the Latino community more college scholarships and educational outreach support than any other organization in the country. During its 30-year history, HSF has awarded more than 73,000 scholarships, totaling nearly $170 million, to Latinos from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam who have attended more than 1,700 colleges and universities. Various scholarship programs are listed on their webpage.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund Information
National GEM Consortium Fellowship
The National GEM Consortium is addressing the critical shortfall in the production of American engineering and scientific talent. Our model is strategic and proven with more than three decades of results. As a nonprofit corporation, our core business is providing graduate fellowships in engineering and science to highly qualified individuals from communities where human capital is virtually untapped. Amounts vary depending on your program.
National GEM Consortium Information
National Medical Fellowships, Inc.
The National Medical Fellowships, Inc. offers scholarships, awards and fellowship programs. The core program of National Medical Fellowships, Inc is the need-based scholarships. Offered to first- and second-year medical students the award is $2,500 and renewable.
National Medical Fellowships Information
Sikh Education Aid Fund
This fund has been set up to support financially deserving Sikh students, to recognize Sikh students of outstanding academic abilities, and to support those individuals doing research in the Sikh religion or engaged in Sikh studies. Awards have ranged from $400 to $4000 per year.
Sikh Education Aid Information
Varsity Tutors College Scholarship Contest
This scholarship contest is open to US legal residents over the age of 16. A new essay prompt is posted each month, and the individual with the best essay is awarded $1,000.
Western Union Foundation's Family Scholarship Program
The Western Union Foundation's Family Scholarship Program is a new educational initiative for migrants, immigrants, and their families in the United States. The Family Scholarship Program is intended to help two members of the same family move up the economic development ladder through education. Scholarships may be used for tuition for college/university education language acquisition classes, technical/skill training, and/or financial literacy.
For example, one family member may request assistance to attend college and the other family member may request assistance to attend English as a Second Language courses.
All applicants must be 18 or older. Recipients are eligible to receive scholarships in amounts of $1,000 to $5,000 per family.
Visit the Western Union Foundation web site for complete program information: foundation.westernunion.com
Scholarships for Hispanic Students Interested in STEM
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Foundation
The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Foundation awards more than $500,000 in scholarships to Latino students who want to study engineering. Prizes range from $1,000-$5,000. This year, the application deadline was April 1.
ASPIRA Association
Accenture offers multiyear internships and $3,000 scholarships for college sophomores studying business, engineering, computer science, information systems, or math. They are awarded in conjunction with the ASPIRA Association.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The Hispanic Scholarship Fund offers a host of scholarships for students studying all fields.
The Gates Millennium Scholars Program
Each year, 1,000 minority students studying STEM (or library science or education) will get good-through-graduation scholarships to use at any university. The deadline is January 11.
Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities
HACU awards a variety of scholarships for students who demonstrate financial need. Applications will open in the spring.
Hispanic College Fund
The Hispanic College Fund and Google offer $10,000 scholarships and an all-expenses paid trip to Google Headquarters in California. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA, demonstrate financial need, and be studying computer science or computer engineering.
Hispanic Dental Association
The Hispanic Dental Association has a variety of scholarships ranging from $1,000-$10,000 for students interested in studying dentistry.
League of United Latin American Citizens
The League of United Latin American Citizens, in conjunction with General Electric, awards two Hispanic students studying business or engineering with $5,000 scholarships.
National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering
More than 15 percent of minority engineering grads since 1974 have received a scholarship from NACME. More information about deadlines and requirements should be up sometime in the spring.
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
The Alliance/Merck Ciencia (Science) Hispanic Scholars Program dedicated to supporting a new generation of Hispanic scientists. Providing scholarship, summer research experiences, and mentoring support, this initiative is expanding Hispanic student access to higher education and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
National Association of Hispanic Nurses
More information about NAHN's scholarship programs will be available early next year. This year, eight students interested in nursing won $5,000, and five students won $1,000.
Other Financial Aid Opportunities
The following are recommended for additional funding opportunity searches. Click below to learn more.
Chicana/Latina Foundation