Explore courses being offered in the Department of Philosophy.
Summer Regular Session Courses
PHIL 1020: Contemporary Moral Problems
An introduction to the application of basic moral concepts and theories to contemporary moral issues. Discussion topics will vary and may include: distribution of wealth and resources, capital punishment, torture, environmental ethics and sustainability, animal rights, euthanasia, abortion, cloning, genetic engineering, privacy rights, drug laws, marriage and sexuality, gun control, and affirmative action.
Section 001 is reserved for students in the Exploratory Studies Learning Community (Explorers).
May 27 - July 3: Totally Online | See the class search for details. | link to flyer |
PHIL 3060: Values and Virtues
This course explores advanced topics in ethics with particular emphasis on value theory and virtue ethics. Topics to be considered include the meaning and status of value claims, sources of value, intrinsic goods, agent-relative goods, practical reason, moral development, happiness, moral ambiguity, moral luck, the identification of virtues, and relationships of care, trust, and responsibility. This course supports the Ethics and Values concentration in the Master of Arts in Critical and Creative Thinking. (Cross-listed with CACT 8215)
July 7 - August 15: Totally Online | See the class search for details. |