Michelle Black, PhD
- Associate Professor
- Political Science
- 275F ASH
Additional Information
Office Hours: Advising or Meeting
Tuesday and Thursday: 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Email to Schedule: michellblack@unomaha.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Black is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science for the University of Nebraska Omaha, Co-Director for the Nebraska Deterrence Lab, Security Innovations Academic Programming Director for NCITE, a Research Partner for the National Strategic Research Institute (NSRI) at the University of Nebraska, and Co-Editor for Space and Defense Journal. In addition to her academic career, Dr. Black has over seventeen years of professional experience with the Department of Defense.
Prior to joining UNO, Dr. Black was a government civilian for the Department of Defense from 2009-2016. She specialized in Deterrence Analysis and Adversary Decision-making for the United Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Plans and Policy Directorate at Offutt Air Force Base. During her time at USSTRATCOM, she provided analysis and recommendations to senior leaders on decision-making strategy, deterring state and non-state actors, and regional expertise. Additionally, she initiated and directed the Deterrence and Assurance Academic Alliance, recruiting over 35 academic institutions to the program. This program provides a platform for defense and academic organizations to communicate and collaborate on research issues regarding Deterrence and Assurance.
Prior to her government civilian work, Dr. Black worked in Psychological Operations from 2001-2009 as U.S. Army Special Operations NCO (Airborne) for the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) and later as a Defense contractor. She deployed to Iraq, Kuwait, and Qatar during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Dr. Black earned her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 2016. She also earned an M.S. in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution from Creighton University (2009), a Graduate Certificate in Intelligence Studies from Mercyhurst College (2007), an M.S. in International Relations from Troy University (2005), and B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Iowa (2001).
Teaching Interests
Dr. Black teaches in the areas of security studies, specifically: U.S. Foreign Policy; Political Violence, Insurgency and Terrorism; Intelligence and National Security; Deterrence Theory; Political Analysis; Middle East Politics; and International Leadership and Strategy. Additionally, Dr. Black provides lectures and coursework to the Department of Defense (DoD) for senior-level officials through NSRI, and is a frequent contributor to community courses and symposiums.
UNO Courses:
PSCI 2000 – Political Analysis
PSCI 3260/8265 – U.S. Foreign Policy
PSCI 4210/8216 - International Relations of the Middle East
PSCI 4250/8256 – Intelligence and National Security
PSCI 4556/8556 – Political Violence, Insurgency and Terrorism
PSCI 4920 – Special Topics: Middle East Politics
PSCI 8220 – International Leadership and Strategy
DoD Courses:
Strategic Deterrence - USSTRATCOM Fellows
Nuclear Deterrence 300/400 – Deterrence in the 21stCentury
Nuclear Deterrence 400 – Adversary Decision-making and Deterrence Case Analysis
Community Courses:
International and Cyber Security – Chuck Hagel Symposium in Public Service
U.S. Military Influence in World Politics – Nebraska Civic Leadership Program (NCLP)
Interwoven Security: Complications in the Middle East – UNO’s Dual Enrollment Seminar Series
Impact of Islamic State Ideology – Center of Afghanistan Studies (CAS)
Middle East Security Issues – CAS
Insurgency Progression in the Middle East Region – CAS
Terror Networks and Regional Security in South and Central Asia - CAS
Research Interests:
Dr. Black’s research interests include: Insurgency Progression Theory, Violent Extremist Organization/Terrorism’s use of online social media, Multi-Actor Deterrence, Deterring state and non-state actors, Deterrence and Assurance Theory and Application, Political Violence, Group Rebellion, Middle East Politics and Security Issues, and Decision-making analysis.
Michelle Black and Lana Obradovic (2024). Strengthening DHS Intelligence Analysis Education: Core Competencies, Gaps and Challenges. Book Chapter: Strategic Minds: The role of intelligence education in advancing national security analysis. Forthcoming volume by Tylor and Francis/Routledge.
Michelle Black (2024). Teaching on Deterrence and Nuclear Politics. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Forthcoming in Oxford University Encyclopedia.
Michelle Black, Lana Obradovic, and Deanna House. (2024). Behind the Curve: Challenges Facing the Intelligence and Counterterrorism Workforce. Journal of Cybersecurity, 10(1). DOI:10.1093/cybsec/tyae002
Michelle Black (2023). Multi-Domain Escalation Management: A North Atlantic Treaty Organization Case Study. Defense Studies, 23(3) 421-435. DOI:1080/14702436.2023.2238618.
Kira Graves, Hannah Scott, Kathryn H. Floyd, Kate Thornton, Mallory Lucier-Greer, Sorin Adam Matei, and Michelle Black (2023). Future Hunters Elective at the Command and General Staff Officer College: Exposing Emerging Leaders to the Power of Strategic Foresight. Journal of Security, Intelligence, and Resilience Education, 16(1).
Michelle Black and Rula Jabbour (2023). Insurgent and terrorist groups’ participation in politics reduces violence. Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict Journal: Pathways towards Terrorism and Genocide. DOI:10.1080/17467586.2023.2182445
Michelle Black and Lana Obradovic (2022). Multi-Actor Deterrence: Defining the Concept. Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower; 1(2), 69-80. https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/AEtherJournal/Journals/Volume-1_Issue-2/Black.pdf.
Michelle Black and Lana Obradovic (2022). Strengthening DHS Intelligence Analysis Education: Core Competencies, Gaps and Challenges. Journal of Policing, Intelligence, and Counter Terrorism, 17:1. DOI:10.1080/18335330.2022.2069475.
Heather Kearney and Michelle Black (2020). Identifying leader’s intent: An analysis of Kim Jong-Un. Defense and Security Analysis. Defense & Security Analysis, 36:4, 398-421. DOI: 10.1080/14751798.2020.1857910
(2019) Explaining insurgency progression in Iraq, 2003–2011, Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, DOI: 10.1080/17467586.2019.1650386
(2019) Teaching Deterrence: A 21st-Century Update, Journal of Political Science Education, DOI: 10.1080/15512169.2019.1575228
Michelle Black (2016) Cyber ethnography: A critical tool for the Department of Defense?, Comparative Strategy, 35:2, 103-113, DOI: 10.1080/01495933.2016.1176456
Michelle Black & Osamah Alhenaki (2015) Business As Usual: The Egyptian-U.S. Intelligence Relationship, Global Security and Intelligence Studies, 1: 1. DOI: 10.18278/gsis.1.1.3
Research Grants:
Principal Investigator on NATO S&T Collaboration Office and NATO Wargaming Branch, ACT (2024)
Principal Investigator on Multi-domain Deterrence (Awarded 2021-2022), NATO ACT
Principal Investigator on Counterterrorism and Intelligence Education, (Awarded 2020- 2021), DHS
Principal Investigator on Multi-Actor Deterrence (Awarded 2021), NSRI IRAD and NU Collaboration Initiative
Co-Principal Investigator (PI) Counter-Terrorism Center (Awarded 2020-2030), DHS
Principal Investigator on Enabling Coherent Deterrence Concept Development, Deterrence Research (Awarded June 2019-2020), NATO ACT
Principal Investigator on Air Force Deterrence Coursework Development and Education (Awarded 2017-2019), Air Force Global Strike, Department of the Air Force
Co-Principal Investigator (PI) Investigator for Research and Development of Information Operations JMEM (2009-2010), OSD(I) and USSTRATCOM.
Bridging defense gaps: Military-polysci perspective yields deep insight
Dr. Michelle Black - The Chuck Hagel Forum in Global Leadership
NATO-funded Project Explores New Deterrence Methodology
DHS Selects University of Nebraska Omaha to Lead Terrorism Research
What will Iran do next? Assistant Professor Michelle Black, KETV
Deterrence, Assurance Conference Highlights Excellence in National Security: Dr. Michelle Black
Faculty Focus: Michelle Black, University of Nebraska Omaha
Adjunct to Professor: Michelle Black, The Gateway
Dr. Michelle Black: Former PSYOP, University of Nebraska Omaha, Alumni Association
Follow Dr. Michelle Black on Twitter
Additional Information
Office Hours: Advising or Meeting
Tuesday and Thursday: 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Email to Schedule: michellblack@unomaha.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Black is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science for the University of Nebraska Omaha, Co-Director for the Nebraska Deterrence Lab, Security Innovations Academic Programming Director for NCITE, a Research Partner for the National Strategic Research Institute (NSRI) at the University of Nebraska, and Co-Editor for Space and Defense Journal. In addition to her academic career, Dr. Black has over seventeen years of professional experience with the Department of Defense.
Prior to joining UNO, Dr. Black was a government civilian for the Department of Defense from 2009-2016. She specialized in Deterrence Analysis and Adversary Decision-making for the United Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Plans and Policy Directorate at Offutt Air Force Base. During her time at USSTRATCOM, she provided analysis and recommendations to senior leaders on decision-making strategy, deterring state and non-state actors, and regional expertise. Additionally, she initiated and directed the Deterrence and Assurance Academic Alliance, recruiting over 35 academic institutions to the program. This program provides a platform for defense and academic organizations to communicate and collaborate on research issues regarding Deterrence and Assurance.
Prior to her government civilian work, Dr. Black worked in Psychological Operations from 2001-2009 as U.S. Army Special Operations NCO (Airborne) for the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) and later as a Defense contractor. She deployed to Iraq, Kuwait, and Qatar during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Dr. Black earned her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 2016. She also earned an M.S. in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution from Creighton University (2009), a Graduate Certificate in Intelligence Studies from Mercyhurst College (2007), an M.S. in International Relations from Troy University (2005), and B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Iowa (2001).
Teaching Interests
Dr. Black teaches in the areas of security studies, specifically: U.S. Foreign Policy; Political Violence, Insurgency and Terrorism; Intelligence and National Security; Deterrence Theory; Political Analysis; Middle East Politics; and International Leadership and Strategy. Additionally, Dr. Black provides lectures and coursework to the Department of Defense (DoD) for senior-level officials through NSRI, and is a frequent contributor to community courses and symposiums.
UNO Courses:
PSCI 2000 – Political Analysis
PSCI 3260/8265 – U.S. Foreign Policy
PSCI 4210/8216 - International Relations of the Middle East
PSCI 4250/8256 – Intelligence and National Security
PSCI 4556/8556 – Political Violence, Insurgency and Terrorism
PSCI 4920 – Special Topics: Middle East Politics
PSCI 8220 – International Leadership and Strategy
DoD Courses:
Strategic Deterrence - USSTRATCOM Fellows
Nuclear Deterrence 300/400 – Deterrence in the 21stCentury
Nuclear Deterrence 400 – Adversary Decision-making and Deterrence Case Analysis
Community Courses:
International and Cyber Security – Chuck Hagel Symposium in Public Service
U.S. Military Influence in World Politics – Nebraska Civic Leadership Program (NCLP)
Interwoven Security: Complications in the Middle East – UNO’s Dual Enrollment Seminar Series
Impact of Islamic State Ideology – Center of Afghanistan Studies (CAS)
Middle East Security Issues – CAS
Insurgency Progression in the Middle East Region – CAS
Terror Networks and Regional Security in South and Central Asia - CAS
Research Interests:
Dr. Black’s research interests include: Insurgency Progression Theory, Violent Extremist Organization/Terrorism’s use of online social media, Multi-Actor Deterrence, Deterring state and non-state actors, Deterrence and Assurance Theory and Application, Political Violence, Group Rebellion, Middle East Politics and Security Issues, and Decision-making analysis.
Michelle Black and Lana Obradovic (2024). Strengthening DHS Intelligence Analysis Education: Core Competencies, Gaps and Challenges. Book Chapter: Strategic Minds: The role of intelligence education in advancing national security analysis. Forthcoming volume by Tylor and Francis/Routledge.
Michelle Black (2024). Teaching on Deterrence and Nuclear Politics. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Forthcoming in Oxford University Encyclopedia.
Michelle Black, Lana Obradovic, and Deanna House. (2024). Behind the Curve: Challenges Facing the Intelligence and Counterterrorism Workforce. Journal of Cybersecurity, 10(1). DOI:10.1093/cybsec/tyae002
Michelle Black (2023). Multi-Domain Escalation Management: A North Atlantic Treaty Organization Case Study. Defense Studies, 23(3) 421-435. DOI:1080/14702436.2023.2238618.
Kira Graves, Hannah Scott, Kathryn H. Floyd, Kate Thornton, Mallory Lucier-Greer, Sorin Adam Matei, and Michelle Black (2023). Future Hunters Elective at the Command and General Staff Officer College: Exposing Emerging Leaders to the Power of Strategic Foresight. Journal of Security, Intelligence, and Resilience Education, 16(1).
Michelle Black and Rula Jabbour (2023). Insurgent and terrorist groups’ participation in politics reduces violence. Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict Journal: Pathways towards Terrorism and Genocide. DOI:10.1080/17467586.2023.2182445
Michelle Black and Lana Obradovic (2022). Multi-Actor Deterrence: Defining the Concept. Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower; 1(2), 69-80. https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/AEtherJournal/Journals/Volume-1_Issue-2/Black.pdf.
Michelle Black and Lana Obradovic (2022). Strengthening DHS Intelligence Analysis Education: Core Competencies, Gaps and Challenges. Journal of Policing, Intelligence, and Counter Terrorism, 17:1. DOI:10.1080/18335330.2022.2069475.
Heather Kearney and Michelle Black (2020). Identifying leader’s intent: An analysis of Kim Jong-Un. Defense and Security Analysis. Defense & Security Analysis, 36:4, 398-421. DOI: 10.1080/14751798.2020.1857910
(2019) Explaining insurgency progression in Iraq, 2003–2011, Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, DOI: 10.1080/17467586.2019.1650386
(2019) Teaching Deterrence: A 21st-Century Update, Journal of Political Science Education, DOI: 10.1080/15512169.2019.1575228
Michelle Black (2016) Cyber ethnography: A critical tool for the Department of Defense?, Comparative Strategy, 35:2, 103-113, DOI: 10.1080/01495933.2016.1176456
Michelle Black & Osamah Alhenaki (2015) Business As Usual: The Egyptian-U.S. Intelligence Relationship, Global Security and Intelligence Studies, 1: 1. DOI: 10.18278/gsis.1.1.3
Research Grants:
Principal Investigator on NATO S&T Collaboration Office and NATO Wargaming Branch, ACT (2024)
Principal Investigator on Multi-domain Deterrence (Awarded 2021-2022), NATO ACT
Principal Investigator on Counterterrorism and Intelligence Education, (Awarded 2020- 2021), DHS
Principal Investigator on Multi-Actor Deterrence (Awarded 2021), NSRI IRAD and NU Collaboration Initiative
Co-Principal Investigator (PI) Counter-Terrorism Center (Awarded 2020-2030), DHS
Principal Investigator on Enabling Coherent Deterrence Concept Development, Deterrence Research (Awarded June 2019-2020), NATO ACT
Principal Investigator on Air Force Deterrence Coursework Development and Education (Awarded 2017-2019), Air Force Global Strike, Department of the Air Force
Co-Principal Investigator (PI) Investigator for Research and Development of Information Operations JMEM (2009-2010), OSD(I) and USSTRATCOM.
Bridging defense gaps: Military-polysci perspective yields deep insight
Dr. Michelle Black - The Chuck Hagel Forum in Global Leadership
NATO-funded Project Explores New Deterrence Methodology
DHS Selects University of Nebraska Omaha to Lead Terrorism Research
What will Iran do next? Assistant Professor Michelle Black, KETV
Deterrence, Assurance Conference Highlights Excellence in National Security: Dr. Michelle Black
Faculty Focus: Michelle Black, University of Nebraska Omaha
Adjunct to Professor: Michelle Black, The Gateway
Dr. Michelle Black: Former PSYOP, University of Nebraska Omaha, Alumni Association
Follow Dr. Michelle Black on Twitter