Juan Casas, Ph.D.
- Dean for Graduate Studies
- Professor, Psychology
- Graduate Studies: 108 Eppley Administration Building
- Psychology: 347U Arts and Sciences Hall
- Developmental Psychology
Additional Information
Child Psychology, Social Development
Relational aggression and victimization, peer relationships, friendshipsCurrent Positions
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha (07/2019 – present)
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska at Omaha (09/2019 – present)
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska at Omaha (08/2007 – 08/2019)
Director of Developmental Psychology program, University of Nebraska at Omaha (08/2009 – 07/2019)
Associate Director, Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS), University of Nebraska at Omaha (09/2012 – 08/2015; 09/2016 – 08/2019)
Interim Director, Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS), University of Nebraska at Omaha (09/2011 – 08/2012; 09/2015 – 08/2016)
Faculty Administrative Fellow, Office of Academic Affairs, University of Nebraska at Omaha (08/2014 – 08/2015; 08/2018 – 07/2019)
Member, Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS), University of Nebraska at Omaha (09/2001 – present)
Member, Graduate College, University of Nebraska at Omaha (11/2002 – present)
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska at Omaha (08/2001 – 07/2007)
Ph.D. (Child Psychology), Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, 1996-2002
Master’s student, Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois, 1993-1996
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), University of Michigan, 1989-1993
Honors and Awards
Member, University of Nebraska at Omaha Outstanding Community Engagement Link. Awarded for partnership with Douglas County Correctional Facility, 2012.
Committee Leadership Award, Office of Latino-Latin American Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2009
Certificate of Appreciation from Psi Chi (The National Honor Society in Psychology) for service as faculty advisor of UNO chapter, 2007
Listed in Who's Who Among American Teachers and Educators (11th Edition), 2007
National Institute of Mental Health Training Grant Fellowship (#T32MH15755), 1999-2000
University of Minnesota Graduate Fellowship, 1998-1999
Institute of Child Development Block Grant Fellowship, 1998-1999
University of Illinois Graduate Fellowship, 1993-1994
Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) Fellowship, 1992
Lau, E.Y., Casas, J.F., & Chang, L. (Under Review). Negative parenting and aggression among Hong Kong Chinese preschoolers: Examining effortful control as a moderator. International Journal of Behavioral Development.
DeVries, K., Santo, J.B., & Casas (Under Review). Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.
Casas, J.F. & Bower, A.A. (2018). Developmental manifestations of relational aggression. In S.M. Coyne and J.M. Ostrov (Eds.), The Development of Relational Aggression, 29-48. New York: Oxford University Press.
Murray-Close, D., Ostrov, J.M., Nelson, D.A., Casas, J.F., & Crick, N.R. (2016). Relational aggression: A developmental psychopathology perspective. In D. Cicchetti and D.J. Cohen (Eds.), Developmental Psychopathology (3rd Edition), Volume 4, Genes and Environment, 660-722. New Jersey: Wiley.
Bower, A.A. & Casas, J.F. (2016). What Parents Do When Children are Good: Strategies for Reinforcing Early Childhood Prosocial Behaviors. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(4), 1310-1324.
Ryan, C.S., Hunt, J.S., Weible, J.A., Peterson, C.R., & Casas, J.F. (2014). Multicultural versus colorblind ideology, stereotypes, and ethnocentrism among Black and White Americans. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10, 617-637. As reproduced in R.J. Crisp (Ed.), Intercultural Communication, London: Taylor & Francis.
Cabrera, N.J. & Casas, J.F. et al (member of SRCD Ethnic and Racial Issues Committee; 2013). Positive development of minority children. SRCD Social Policy Report, 27(2), 1-30.
Cruz, A.M., Garcia, C., Brignoni, E., Guerra, R., & Casas, J.F. (2013). Development of an educational model for detainees awaiting deportation: A community-based partnership between a correctional center and metropolitan university. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement.
Casas, J.F. & Santo, J.B. (2012). Recent issues in Latino labor and migration around the globe: Interdisciplinary approaches. Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies, 4(1), 1-6.
Santo, J.B. & Casas, J.F. (2012). Cross-contextual examination of current Latino issues: International/Intranational research and pedagogy. Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies, 4(2), 1-7.
Casas, J.F., & Ryan, C.S. (2010). How Latinos are Transforming the United States: Research, Theory, and Policy. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 1-10.
Ryan, C.S., Casas, J.F., & Thompson, B. (2010). Interethnic ideology, intergroup perceptions, and cultural orientation. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 29-44.
Ryan, C. S., Casas, J. F., Kelly-Vance, L., Ryalls, B. O., & Nero, C. (2010). Parent Involvement and Views of School Success: The Role of Parents’ Latino and White American Cultural Orientations. Psychology in the Schools, 47, 391-405.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Nelson, D.A. (2010). Toward a more comprehensive understanding of peer maltreatment: Studies of relational victimization. Current Directions in the Psychological Sciences, 11, 98-101. As reproduced in Current Directions in Gender Psychology, a joint project of the Association for Psychological Science (APS) and Pearson. New Jersey: Pearson.
Ryan, C.S., Hunt, J.S., Weible, J.A., Peterson, C.R., & Casas, J.F. (2007). Multicultural and colorblind ideology, stereotypes, and ethnocentrism among Black and White Americans. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10, 617-637.
Casas, J.F., Weigel, S.M., Crick, N.R., Ostrov, J.M, Woods, K., & Jansen Yeh, E, Huddleston-Casas, C.A. (2006). Early parenting and children’s relational and physical aggression in the preschool and home contexts. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 27, 209-227.
Kelly-Vance, L., Nero, C., Casas, J.F., Ryan, C.S., Ryalls, B.O., Kurien, S., & Ferguson, A. (2006). Parental involvement in education: A comparison of English and Spanish speaking parents. New Mexico Review, 14 (1), 15-25.
Casas, J.F., Ryan, C.S., Kelly-Vance, L., Ryalls, B.O., Ferguson, A., & Nero, C. (2005). Examining the impact of parental involvement in a dual language program: Implications for children and schools. OLLAS Special Report No. 2. Omaha, NE: Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS) at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Nelson, D.A. (2004). Toward a more comprehensive understanding of peer maltreatment: Studies of relational victimization. Current Directions in the Psychological Sciences, 11, 98-101. As reproduced in Developmental Reader, a joint project of the American Psychological Society (APS) and Prentice Hall. New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Casas, J.F. (2004). Aggression. In C.B. Fisher & R.M. Lerner (Eds.), Applied developmental science: An encyclopedia of research, policies, and programs. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Ostrov, J.M., Woods, K., Jansen, E., Casas, J.F., & Crick, N.R. (2004). An observational study of delivered and received aggression, gender, and social-psychological adjustment in preschool: “This white crayon doesn’t work…” Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19, 355-371.
Crick, N.R., Ostrov, J.M., Appleyard, K., Jansen, E.A., & Casas, J.F. (2004). Relational aggression in early childhood: “You can’t come to my birthday party unless…” In M. Putallaz & K. Bierman (Eds.), Aggression, Antisocial Behavior, and Violence Among Girls: A Developmental Perspective. Volume 1 of the Duke Series in Child Development and Public Policy. New York: Guilford Press.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Nelson, D.A. (2002). Toward a more comprehensive understanding of peer maltreatment: Studies of relational victimization. Current Directions in the Psychological Sciences, 11, 98-101.
Crick, N.R., Nelson, D.A., Morales, J.R., Cullerton-Sen, C., Casas, J.F., & Hickman, S.E. (2001). Relational victimization in childhood and adolescence: I hurt you through the grapevine. In J. Juvonen and S. Graham (Eds.), Peer Harassment in School: The Plight of the Vulnerable and the Victimized. New York: Guilford Press.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Ku, H. (1999). Relational and physical forms of peer victimization in preschool. Developmental Psychology, 35, 376-385.
Crick, N.R., Werner, N.E., Casas, J.F., O’Brien, K.M., Nelson, D.A., Grotpeter, J.K., & Markon, K (1999). Childhood aggression and gender: A new look at an old problem. In D. Bernstein (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation; Vol. 45. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Mosher, M. (1997). Relational and overt aggression in preschool. Developmental Psychology, 33, 579-588.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Mosher, M. (1997). Relational and overt aggression in preschool. Developmental Psychology, 33, 579-588. As abstracted in Youth Update, 15, Winter, 1997. A publication of the Institute for the Study of Antisocial Behavior in Youth (I.A.Y.).
Other information
Manuscripts under review and in preparation
Grants and Research Scholarships
Journal Reviews and Grant Reviews
Additional Information
Child Psychology, Social Development
Relational aggression and victimization, peer relationships, friendshipsCurrent Positions
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha (07/2019 – present)
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska at Omaha (09/2019 – present)
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska at Omaha (08/2007 – 08/2019)
Director of Developmental Psychology program, University of Nebraska at Omaha (08/2009 – 07/2019)
Associate Director, Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS), University of Nebraska at Omaha (09/2012 – 08/2015; 09/2016 – 08/2019)
Interim Director, Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS), University of Nebraska at Omaha (09/2011 – 08/2012; 09/2015 – 08/2016)
Faculty Administrative Fellow, Office of Academic Affairs, University of Nebraska at Omaha (08/2014 – 08/2015; 08/2018 – 07/2019)
Member, Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS), University of Nebraska at Omaha (09/2001 – present)
Member, Graduate College, University of Nebraska at Omaha (11/2002 – present)
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska at Omaha (08/2001 – 07/2007)
Ph.D. (Child Psychology), Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, 1996-2002
Master’s student, Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois, 1993-1996
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), University of Michigan, 1989-1993
Honors and Awards
Member, University of Nebraska at Omaha Outstanding Community Engagement Link. Awarded for partnership with Douglas County Correctional Facility, 2012.
Committee Leadership Award, Office of Latino-Latin American Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2009
Certificate of Appreciation from Psi Chi (The National Honor Society in Psychology) for service as faculty advisor of UNO chapter, 2007
Listed in Who's Who Among American Teachers and Educators (11th Edition), 2007
National Institute of Mental Health Training Grant Fellowship (#T32MH15755), 1999-2000
University of Minnesota Graduate Fellowship, 1998-1999
Institute of Child Development Block Grant Fellowship, 1998-1999
University of Illinois Graduate Fellowship, 1993-1994
Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) Fellowship, 1992
Lau, E.Y., Casas, J.F., & Chang, L. (Under Review). Negative parenting and aggression among Hong Kong Chinese preschoolers: Examining effortful control as a moderator. International Journal of Behavioral Development.
DeVries, K., Santo, J.B., & Casas (Under Review). Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.
Casas, J.F. & Bower, A.A. (2018). Developmental manifestations of relational aggression. In S.M. Coyne and J.M. Ostrov (Eds.), The Development of Relational Aggression, 29-48. New York: Oxford University Press.
Murray-Close, D., Ostrov, J.M., Nelson, D.A., Casas, J.F., & Crick, N.R. (2016). Relational aggression: A developmental psychopathology perspective. In D. Cicchetti and D.J. Cohen (Eds.), Developmental Psychopathology (3rd Edition), Volume 4, Genes and Environment, 660-722. New Jersey: Wiley.
Bower, A.A. & Casas, J.F. (2016). What Parents Do When Children are Good: Strategies for Reinforcing Early Childhood Prosocial Behaviors. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(4), 1310-1324.
Ryan, C.S., Hunt, J.S., Weible, J.A., Peterson, C.R., & Casas, J.F. (2014). Multicultural versus colorblind ideology, stereotypes, and ethnocentrism among Black and White Americans. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10, 617-637. As reproduced in R.J. Crisp (Ed.), Intercultural Communication, London: Taylor & Francis.
Cabrera, N.J. & Casas, J.F. et al (member of SRCD Ethnic and Racial Issues Committee; 2013). Positive development of minority children. SRCD Social Policy Report, 27(2), 1-30.
Cruz, A.M., Garcia, C., Brignoni, E., Guerra, R., & Casas, J.F. (2013). Development of an educational model for detainees awaiting deportation: A community-based partnership between a correctional center and metropolitan university. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement.
Casas, J.F. & Santo, J.B. (2012). Recent issues in Latino labor and migration around the globe: Interdisciplinary approaches. Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies, 4(1), 1-6.
Santo, J.B. & Casas, J.F. (2012). Cross-contextual examination of current Latino issues: International/Intranational research and pedagogy. Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies, 4(2), 1-7.
Casas, J.F., & Ryan, C.S. (2010). How Latinos are Transforming the United States: Research, Theory, and Policy. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 1-10.
Ryan, C.S., Casas, J.F., & Thompson, B. (2010). Interethnic ideology, intergroup perceptions, and cultural orientation. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 29-44.
Ryan, C. S., Casas, J. F., Kelly-Vance, L., Ryalls, B. O., & Nero, C. (2010). Parent Involvement and Views of School Success: The Role of Parents’ Latino and White American Cultural Orientations. Psychology in the Schools, 47, 391-405.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Nelson, D.A. (2010). Toward a more comprehensive understanding of peer maltreatment: Studies of relational victimization. Current Directions in the Psychological Sciences, 11, 98-101. As reproduced in Current Directions in Gender Psychology, a joint project of the Association for Psychological Science (APS) and Pearson. New Jersey: Pearson.
Ryan, C.S., Hunt, J.S., Weible, J.A., Peterson, C.R., & Casas, J.F. (2007). Multicultural and colorblind ideology, stereotypes, and ethnocentrism among Black and White Americans. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10, 617-637.
Casas, J.F., Weigel, S.M., Crick, N.R., Ostrov, J.M, Woods, K., & Jansen Yeh, E, Huddleston-Casas, C.A. (2006). Early parenting and children’s relational and physical aggression in the preschool and home contexts. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 27, 209-227.
Kelly-Vance, L., Nero, C., Casas, J.F., Ryan, C.S., Ryalls, B.O., Kurien, S., & Ferguson, A. (2006). Parental involvement in education: A comparison of English and Spanish speaking parents. New Mexico Review, 14 (1), 15-25.
Casas, J.F., Ryan, C.S., Kelly-Vance, L., Ryalls, B.O., Ferguson, A., & Nero, C. (2005). Examining the impact of parental involvement in a dual language program: Implications for children and schools. OLLAS Special Report No. 2. Omaha, NE: Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS) at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Nelson, D.A. (2004). Toward a more comprehensive understanding of peer maltreatment: Studies of relational victimization. Current Directions in the Psychological Sciences, 11, 98-101. As reproduced in Developmental Reader, a joint project of the American Psychological Society (APS) and Prentice Hall. New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Casas, J.F. (2004). Aggression. In C.B. Fisher & R.M. Lerner (Eds.), Applied developmental science: An encyclopedia of research, policies, and programs. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Ostrov, J.M., Woods, K., Jansen, E., Casas, J.F., & Crick, N.R. (2004). An observational study of delivered and received aggression, gender, and social-psychological adjustment in preschool: “This white crayon doesn’t work…” Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19, 355-371.
Crick, N.R., Ostrov, J.M., Appleyard, K., Jansen, E.A., & Casas, J.F. (2004). Relational aggression in early childhood: “You can’t come to my birthday party unless…” In M. Putallaz & K. Bierman (Eds.), Aggression, Antisocial Behavior, and Violence Among Girls: A Developmental Perspective. Volume 1 of the Duke Series in Child Development and Public Policy. New York: Guilford Press.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Nelson, D.A. (2002). Toward a more comprehensive understanding of peer maltreatment: Studies of relational victimization. Current Directions in the Psychological Sciences, 11, 98-101.
Crick, N.R., Nelson, D.A., Morales, J.R., Cullerton-Sen, C., Casas, J.F., & Hickman, S.E. (2001). Relational victimization in childhood and adolescence: I hurt you through the grapevine. In J. Juvonen and S. Graham (Eds.), Peer Harassment in School: The Plight of the Vulnerable and the Victimized. New York: Guilford Press.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Ku, H. (1999). Relational and physical forms of peer victimization in preschool. Developmental Psychology, 35, 376-385.
Crick, N.R., Werner, N.E., Casas, J.F., O’Brien, K.M., Nelson, D.A., Grotpeter, J.K., & Markon, K (1999). Childhood aggression and gender: A new look at an old problem. In D. Bernstein (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation; Vol. 45. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Mosher, M. (1997). Relational and overt aggression in preschool. Developmental Psychology, 33, 579-588.
Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Mosher, M. (1997). Relational and overt aggression in preschool. Developmental Psychology, 33, 579-588. As abstracted in Youth Update, 15, Winter, 1997. A publication of the Institute for the Study of Antisocial Behavior in Youth (I.A.Y.).
Other information
Manuscripts under review and in preparation
Grants and Research Scholarships
Journal Reviews and Grant Reviews