Bethany Lyon, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor
- 420B ASH
- Experimental Psychology
Additional Information
Instructor of Record
Methods of Psychological Inquiry, Fall, 2018. Section 1 Enrollment- 20. Section 2 Enrollment- 20. University of Nebraska at Omaha, Psychology Department, Omaha, NE.
Child Development, Summer, 2016 to Summer, 2018. Rolling enrollment. Online course. Louisiana State University, Continuing Education: Online Distance Learning, Baton Rouge, LA.
Lifespan Development, Spring, 2016. Enrollment- 123. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA.
Lifespan Development, Fall, 2015. Enrollment- 69. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA.
Lifespan Development, Summer, 2015. Enrollment- 10. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA.
Guest Lecturer
Invited lectures in Adult Development. Louisiana State University Psychology, Baton Rouge, LA.
- April 24, 2014: Death and Dying
- April 1, 2014: Relationships
- March 27, 2014: Language, Problem Solving, and Intelligence
- October 16, 2013: Personality and Psychosocial Development
- September 20, 2013: Health
- March 8, 2013: Personality and Psychosocial Development
- February 8, 2013: Health
Invited lecture in Cognition. Louisiana State University Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA.
- March 18, 2015: Normal and Pathological Memory Aging
- September 30, 2014: Normal and Pathological Memory Aging
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Introduction to Statistical Analyses, Fall, 2017. Taught 8 SAS statistics lab sections, grade assignments, manage course grades, grade lab practicums. Addressed student concerns regarding classroom performance. Explain statistical principles to undergraduate students. Louisiana State University, Department of Experimental Statistics, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: William N. Coxe, Jr., J. D.
Research Methods, Fall, 2014; Fall, 2016; Spring, 2017. Assisted instructor and fellow graduate assistants in grading writing assignments, management of course grades and internet interfacing (Moodle). Addressed student concerns regarding classroom performance. Taught a 2-hour weekly lab. Instructed small groups of students through an entire research project from start to finish. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Melissa Beck, Ph.D.
History of Psychology, Fall, 2016; Spring, 2017. Addressed Student concerns about classroom performance. Available for questions about course content twice weekly. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Alan Baumeister, Ph.D.
Introduction to Statistics, Spring, 2015. Taught SPSS statistics lab, grade assignments, manage course grades, grade examinations. Addressed student concerns regarding classroom performance. Explain statistical principles to undergraduate students. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Janet L. McDonald, Ph.D.
Adult Development, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014. Assisted instructors of record with teaching-related duties, including preparing examinations, graded assignments and managed course grade books (Moodle). Addressed student concerns regarding classroom performance. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Katie E. Cherry, Ph.D.
Introduction to Psychology, Spring, 2014. Monitored and assisted students with MyPsychLab software and content. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Emily Elliott, Ph.D.
Professor Assistant
Psychology Statistics, Fall 2011-Spring 2012. Tutor collegiate undergraduate students, complete data entry, proctor lab practicals, and assisted with teaching-related duties. Augustana College, Psychology Department, Rock Island, IL. Supervisor: Daniel P. Corts, Ph.D.
Research Experience
Dr. Lyon's primary research interests are in memory and healthy aging. More specifically, she is interested in how older adults remember to carry out their future intentions (Prospective Memory) and what memory strategies can be used to help improve memory performance. She is also interested in older adults’ self‐perceptions of their memory abilities and how willing people are in general to adopt memory improvement methods.
Laboratory Member (Spring 2017 – Summer 2018) LSU Hicks Memory Lab, Baton Rouge, LA. Duties: Conduct dissertation research, train and manage undergraduate lab workers in data collection. Assist with a variety of ongoing research projects in the lab, contribute ideas to new lab research projects. Supervisor: Jason Hicks, Ph.D.
Laboratory Coordinator (Fall 2012 – Fall 2016) LSU Adult Development Lab, Baton Rouge, LA. Duties: Assist with a variety of ongoing research projects in the lab, including data collection and entry into SPSS. Contribute ideas to new research projects for the lab. Supervisor: Katie E. Cherry, Ph.D.
Intermediate Research Project (Summer 2014 – Summer 2015) LSU Hicks Memory Lab, Baton Rouge, LA. Duties: Design and carry out a research project, manage undergraduate lab workers in data collection. Supervisor: Jason Hicks, Ph.D.
Support for Research
LSU Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2016
Prospective Memory in Older Adults.
Role: Principle Investigator
Status: Not Awarded
Graduate Student Strategic Research Grant, 2015
Improving Older Adults’ Prospective Memory
Role: Principal Investigator
Total costs: $880
Status: Awarded
Publications and Manuscripts in Progress
Cherry, K. E., Lyon, B. A., Boudreaux, E. O., Barker, A. A., Hicks, J. L., Elliott, E. M., & Jazwinski, S. (in progress). Memory self-efficacy and beliefs about memory and aging in oldest-old adults in the Louisiana Healthy Aging Study (LHAS). Submitted to Experimental Aging Research.
Cherry, K. E., Lyon, B., Sampson, L., Galea, S., Nezat, P. F., & Marks, L. D. (2017). Prior hurricane and other lifetime trauma predict coping style in older commercial fishers after the British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 22. doi: 10.1111/jabr.12058
Cherry, K. E., Sampson, L., Galea, S., Marks, L. D., Nezat, P. F., Baudin, K. H., & Lyon, B. A. (2017). Optimism and hope after natural and technological disaster: Relationships to health-related quality of life. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 22(1), 61-76. doi: 19.1080/15325024.2016.1187047
Cherry, K. E., Brigman, S., Lyon, B. A., Blanchard, B., Walker, E. J., & Smitherman, E. A. (2016). Self-reported ageism across the lifespan: Role of aging knowledge. The International Journal of Aging and human Development, 83(4), 366-380. doi: 10.1177/0091415016657562
Cherry, K. E., Lyon, B. A., Marks, L. D., Nezat, P. F., Adamek Campbell, R., Walsh, D., Fitzgerald, K., Anbinder, D., & Bernacchio, C. (2015). After the British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Financial and health concerns among coastal residents and commercial fishers. Current Psychology, 34(3), 576-586.
Cherry, K. E., Blanchard, B., Walker, E. J., Smitherman, E., & Lyon, B. (2014). Knowledge of memory aging across the lifespan. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 175(6), 547–553.
Cherry, K. E., Brigman, S., Denver, J. Y., & Lyon, B. (in progress). Effects of instruction on memory aging knowledge in community-dwelling older adults.
Published Book Chapters
Lyon, B., Nezat, P. F., Cherry, K. E., & Marks, L. D. (2015). When multiple disasters strike: Louisiana fishers in the aftermath of hurricanes and the British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In K. E. Cherry (Ed.), Traumatic Stress and Long-Term Recovery - Coping with Disasters and Other Negative Life Events, (57-70). New York, NY: Springer.
Cherry, K. E., Marks, L. D., Adamek Campbell, R. & Lyon, B. A. (2015). Younger and older coastal fishers face catastrophic loss after Hurricane Katrina. In K. E. Cherry (Ed.), Traumatic Stress and Long-Term Recovery - Coping with Disasters and Other Negative Life Events, (327-348). New York, NY: Springer.
Published Abstracts
Lyon, B., Cherry, K. E., Boudreaux, E., Barker, A., & Jazwinski, S. (2014). Subjective memory appraisal in nonagenarians. Gerontologist, 54(2), 201-201.
Cherry, K. E., Marks, L., Sampson, L. A., Galea, S., Nezat, P. F., Holland, K., & Lyon, B. (2013). Religiosity and psychological well-being six years after the hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Gerontologist, 53, 108-109.
Brigman, S., Cherry, K. E., & Lyon, B. A. (2016). Self-reported ageism across the lifespan: Role of aging knowledge. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America annual meeting. November, 2016. New Orleans, LA.
Lyon, B., Hicks, J., & Cherry, K. E. (2015). Do implementation instructions improve memory performance in younger and older adults? Poster presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Luncheon. February, 2016. Baton Rouge, LA. LCAC Poster Award Recipient. Poster Presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference. April, 2016. Atlanta, GA.
Lyon, B., Cherry, K. E., Adamek, R., & Marks, L. D. (2015). Younger and older coastal fishers face catastrophic loss after Hurricane Katrina. Poster presented at the Katrina at 10 Symposium. August, 2015. Baton Rouge, LA.
Lyon, B. A., Cherry, K. E., Boudreaux, E. O., Barker, A. A., & Jazwinski, S. M. (2014). Subjective memory appraisal in nonagenarians. The Gerontologist, 54 (2), 201. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. November, 2014. Washington D. C. Poster presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. April, 2015. Baton Rouge, LA.
Johnson, T., Ballard, S., Lyon, B., Walsh, D., Adamek, R., Salvaggio, B., Montgomery, C., Manning, A., Hebert, S., Mughal, F., Marks, L. D., Cherry, K. E. (2014). Indirect impacts of hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the Baton Rouge community. Poster presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. March, 2014. Baton Rouge, LA.
Ryker, K., Lyon, B., Nezat, P. F., Sampson, L., Holland, K. R., Kytola, K. L., Marks, L. D., Cherry, K. E. (2014). Assessing religiosity after disaster: The Religiosity Questionnaire. Poster presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. March, 2014. Baton Rouge, LA.
Lyon, B., Adamek, R., Walsh, D., Anbinder, D., Fitzgerald, K., Bernacchio, C., Nezat, P. F., Marks, L. D., Cherry, K. E. (2014). After the oil spill: Concerns of the Louisiana fishermen. Poster presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. March, 2014. Baton Rouge, LA.
Silva Brown, J. (2013). A longitudinal assessment of resilience: An investigation of predictors among 2011 Joplin tornado survivors. Talk presented by Beth Lyon at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. November, 2013. New Orleans, LA.
Lyon, B., Forest, P., Sampson, L., Holland, K., Marks, L. D., Cherry, K. E. (2013). After the British Petroleum oil spill: On cumulative adversity and psychological well-being in commercial fishers from south Louisiana. Poster Presented at the 3rd Annual Deepwater Horizon Conference. April, 2013. Baton Rouge, LA.
Quaddourah, J., Lyon, B., Blanchard, B., Walker, E. J., & Cherry, K. E. (2013). Knowledge of memory aging across the lifespan. Poster Presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. February, 2013. Baton Rouge, LA.
Nezat, P. F., Holland, K., Lyon, B., Sampson, L., Marks, L. D., & Cherry, K. E. (2013). Psychological well-being seven years after Hurricane Katrina: Does age, religiosity, and spirituality matter? Poster Presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. February, 2013. Baton Rouge, LA.
Lyon, B. & Corts, D. (2012). Examining the influences of category size, focus, and age on prospective memory. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Undergraduate Research Symposium. May, 2012. Chicago, IL. Psi Chi Region Research Award.
Lyon, B. & Corts, D. (2011). Are there priming effects from intentionally forgotten material? Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Undergraduate Research Symposium. May, 2011. Chicago, IL.
Kline, K., Murato, A., Lyon, B. & Corts, D. (2010). Audio and visual distractions directed forgetting and working memory. Poster Presented at Midstates Research Consortium. November, 2010. Chicago, IL.
Dr. Bethany Lyon earned her Ph.D. in Cognitive and Developmental Psychology from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA.
Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 2018
Cognitive/Developmental Psychology
MA, Louisiana State University, 2014
Cognitive/Developmental Psychology
BA, Augustana College (Illinois), 2012
Psychology & Biology
Work Experience
Assistant Professor
2018 – present
Department of Psychology, Experimental Psychology Program
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, NE
Department of Continuing Education
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA
Department of Psychology
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA
Additional Training and Continuing Education
Graduate Student Interview Day Coordinator
Winter, 2016-2017. Coordinate and contact all LSU applicants for the Cognitive and Brain Sciences and Industrial Organizational Programs. Arrange for housing and transportation for all applicants. Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Dr. Jason Hicks
Alzheimer’s Services
Summer Intern, 2016. Interview family members and clients about their musical preferences. Create personalized playlists for the Music and Memory Program for all clients. Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Dana Territo
Mini-ERP Bootcamp
Hosted by Dr. Steve Luck, August, 2015. Explored key issues in experimental design and analysis used in conducting research using event-related potentials.
Undergraduate Representative
Midwestern Psi Chi Steering Committee, 2011-2012. Process and encode entrants for the Midwestern Psychological Association Undergraduate Research Symposium, code and assemble documents to be reviewed, record abstract scores from reviewers, assist in organizing and contacting participants for the May 2012 Symposium in Chicago, IL. Compile 2012 event program. Rock Island, IL. Supervisor: Daniel P. Corts, Ph.D.
Honors and Awards
LCAC Outstanding Poster Award, Louisiana State University (February 2016)
Elected President of Sigma Phi Omega, National Honor Society in Gerontology, LSU (December 2014)
Sigma Phi Omega, National Honor Society in Gerontology, Louisiana State University (February 2013)
Midwestern Psychology Association Psi Chi Region Research Award (May 2012)
Psi Chi member, The National Honor Society in Psychology (2008-2012)
Dean’s List, Augustana College (2008-2012)
Outstanding Senior in Psychology, Augustana College (May 2012)
Summa Cum Laude, Augustana College (May 2012)
Phi Beta Kappa Society, Chapter Zeta of Illinois (2012)
Acquired Technical Skills and Certifications
SPSS, statistical software
SAS, statistical software
APA stylistics and formatting
E-Prime, programming software
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) certified
Virtual Week, prospective memory testing software
Additional Information
Instructor of Record
Methods of Psychological Inquiry, Fall, 2018. Section 1 Enrollment- 20. Section 2 Enrollment- 20. University of Nebraska at Omaha, Psychology Department, Omaha, NE.
Child Development, Summer, 2016 to Summer, 2018. Rolling enrollment. Online course. Louisiana State University, Continuing Education: Online Distance Learning, Baton Rouge, LA.
Lifespan Development, Spring, 2016. Enrollment- 123. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA.
Lifespan Development, Fall, 2015. Enrollment- 69. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA.
Lifespan Development, Summer, 2015. Enrollment- 10. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA.
Guest Lecturer
Invited lectures in Adult Development. Louisiana State University Psychology, Baton Rouge, LA.
- April 24, 2014: Death and Dying
- April 1, 2014: Relationships
- March 27, 2014: Language, Problem Solving, and Intelligence
- October 16, 2013: Personality and Psychosocial Development
- September 20, 2013: Health
- March 8, 2013: Personality and Psychosocial Development
- February 8, 2013: Health
Invited lecture in Cognition. Louisiana State University Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA.
- March 18, 2015: Normal and Pathological Memory Aging
- September 30, 2014: Normal and Pathological Memory Aging
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Introduction to Statistical Analyses, Fall, 2017. Taught 8 SAS statistics lab sections, grade assignments, manage course grades, grade lab practicums. Addressed student concerns regarding classroom performance. Explain statistical principles to undergraduate students. Louisiana State University, Department of Experimental Statistics, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: William N. Coxe, Jr., J. D.
Research Methods, Fall, 2014; Fall, 2016; Spring, 2017. Assisted instructor and fellow graduate assistants in grading writing assignments, management of course grades and internet interfacing (Moodle). Addressed student concerns regarding classroom performance. Taught a 2-hour weekly lab. Instructed small groups of students through an entire research project from start to finish. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Melissa Beck, Ph.D.
History of Psychology, Fall, 2016; Spring, 2017. Addressed Student concerns about classroom performance. Available for questions about course content twice weekly. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Alan Baumeister, Ph.D.
Introduction to Statistics, Spring, 2015. Taught SPSS statistics lab, grade assignments, manage course grades, grade examinations. Addressed student concerns regarding classroom performance. Explain statistical principles to undergraduate students. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Janet L. McDonald, Ph.D.
Adult Development, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014. Assisted instructors of record with teaching-related duties, including preparing examinations, graded assignments and managed course grade books (Moodle). Addressed student concerns regarding classroom performance. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Katie E. Cherry, Ph.D.
Introduction to Psychology, Spring, 2014. Monitored and assisted students with MyPsychLab software and content. Louisiana State University, Psychology Department, Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Emily Elliott, Ph.D.
Professor Assistant
Psychology Statistics, Fall 2011-Spring 2012. Tutor collegiate undergraduate students, complete data entry, proctor lab practicals, and assisted with teaching-related duties. Augustana College, Psychology Department, Rock Island, IL. Supervisor: Daniel P. Corts, Ph.D.
Research Experience
Dr. Lyon's primary research interests are in memory and healthy aging. More specifically, she is interested in how older adults remember to carry out their future intentions (Prospective Memory) and what memory strategies can be used to help improve memory performance. She is also interested in older adults’ self‐perceptions of their memory abilities and how willing people are in general to adopt memory improvement methods.
Laboratory Member (Spring 2017 – Summer 2018) LSU Hicks Memory Lab, Baton Rouge, LA. Duties: Conduct dissertation research, train and manage undergraduate lab workers in data collection. Assist with a variety of ongoing research projects in the lab, contribute ideas to new lab research projects. Supervisor: Jason Hicks, Ph.D.
Laboratory Coordinator (Fall 2012 – Fall 2016) LSU Adult Development Lab, Baton Rouge, LA. Duties: Assist with a variety of ongoing research projects in the lab, including data collection and entry into SPSS. Contribute ideas to new research projects for the lab. Supervisor: Katie E. Cherry, Ph.D.
Intermediate Research Project (Summer 2014 – Summer 2015) LSU Hicks Memory Lab, Baton Rouge, LA. Duties: Design and carry out a research project, manage undergraduate lab workers in data collection. Supervisor: Jason Hicks, Ph.D.
Support for Research
LSU Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2016
Prospective Memory in Older Adults.
Role: Principle Investigator
Status: Not Awarded
Graduate Student Strategic Research Grant, 2015
Improving Older Adults’ Prospective Memory
Role: Principal Investigator
Total costs: $880
Status: Awarded
Publications and Manuscripts in Progress
Cherry, K. E., Lyon, B. A., Boudreaux, E. O., Barker, A. A., Hicks, J. L., Elliott, E. M., & Jazwinski, S. (in progress). Memory self-efficacy and beliefs about memory and aging in oldest-old adults in the Louisiana Healthy Aging Study (LHAS). Submitted to Experimental Aging Research.
Cherry, K. E., Lyon, B., Sampson, L., Galea, S., Nezat, P. F., & Marks, L. D. (2017). Prior hurricane and other lifetime trauma predict coping style in older commercial fishers after the British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 22. doi: 10.1111/jabr.12058
Cherry, K. E., Sampson, L., Galea, S., Marks, L. D., Nezat, P. F., Baudin, K. H., & Lyon, B. A. (2017). Optimism and hope after natural and technological disaster: Relationships to health-related quality of life. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 22(1), 61-76. doi: 19.1080/15325024.2016.1187047
Cherry, K. E., Brigman, S., Lyon, B. A., Blanchard, B., Walker, E. J., & Smitherman, E. A. (2016). Self-reported ageism across the lifespan: Role of aging knowledge. The International Journal of Aging and human Development, 83(4), 366-380. doi: 10.1177/0091415016657562
Cherry, K. E., Lyon, B. A., Marks, L. D., Nezat, P. F., Adamek Campbell, R., Walsh, D., Fitzgerald, K., Anbinder, D., & Bernacchio, C. (2015). After the British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Financial and health concerns among coastal residents and commercial fishers. Current Psychology, 34(3), 576-586.
Cherry, K. E., Blanchard, B., Walker, E. J., Smitherman, E., & Lyon, B. (2014). Knowledge of memory aging across the lifespan. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 175(6), 547–553.
Cherry, K. E., Brigman, S., Denver, J. Y., & Lyon, B. (in progress). Effects of instruction on memory aging knowledge in community-dwelling older adults.
Published Book Chapters
Lyon, B., Nezat, P. F., Cherry, K. E., & Marks, L. D. (2015). When multiple disasters strike: Louisiana fishers in the aftermath of hurricanes and the British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In K. E. Cherry (Ed.), Traumatic Stress and Long-Term Recovery - Coping with Disasters and Other Negative Life Events, (57-70). New York, NY: Springer.
Cherry, K. E., Marks, L. D., Adamek Campbell, R. & Lyon, B. A. (2015). Younger and older coastal fishers face catastrophic loss after Hurricane Katrina. In K. E. Cherry (Ed.), Traumatic Stress and Long-Term Recovery - Coping with Disasters and Other Negative Life Events, (327-348). New York, NY: Springer.
Published Abstracts
Lyon, B., Cherry, K. E., Boudreaux, E., Barker, A., & Jazwinski, S. (2014). Subjective memory appraisal in nonagenarians. Gerontologist, 54(2), 201-201.
Cherry, K. E., Marks, L., Sampson, L. A., Galea, S., Nezat, P. F., Holland, K., & Lyon, B. (2013). Religiosity and psychological well-being six years after the hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Gerontologist, 53, 108-109.
Brigman, S., Cherry, K. E., & Lyon, B. A. (2016). Self-reported ageism across the lifespan: Role of aging knowledge. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America annual meeting. November, 2016. New Orleans, LA.
Lyon, B., Hicks, J., & Cherry, K. E. (2015). Do implementation instructions improve memory performance in younger and older adults? Poster presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Luncheon. February, 2016. Baton Rouge, LA. LCAC Poster Award Recipient. Poster Presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference. April, 2016. Atlanta, GA.
Lyon, B., Cherry, K. E., Adamek, R., & Marks, L. D. (2015). Younger and older coastal fishers face catastrophic loss after Hurricane Katrina. Poster presented at the Katrina at 10 Symposium. August, 2015. Baton Rouge, LA.
Lyon, B. A., Cherry, K. E., Boudreaux, E. O., Barker, A. A., & Jazwinski, S. M. (2014). Subjective memory appraisal in nonagenarians. The Gerontologist, 54 (2), 201. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. November, 2014. Washington D. C. Poster presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. April, 2015. Baton Rouge, LA.
Johnson, T., Ballard, S., Lyon, B., Walsh, D., Adamek, R., Salvaggio, B., Montgomery, C., Manning, A., Hebert, S., Mughal, F., Marks, L. D., Cherry, K. E. (2014). Indirect impacts of hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the Baton Rouge community. Poster presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. March, 2014. Baton Rouge, LA.
Ryker, K., Lyon, B., Nezat, P. F., Sampson, L., Holland, K. R., Kytola, K. L., Marks, L. D., Cherry, K. E. (2014). Assessing religiosity after disaster: The Religiosity Questionnaire. Poster presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. March, 2014. Baton Rouge, LA.
Lyon, B., Adamek, R., Walsh, D., Anbinder, D., Fitzgerald, K., Bernacchio, C., Nezat, P. F., Marks, L. D., Cherry, K. E. (2014). After the oil spill: Concerns of the Louisiana fishermen. Poster presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. March, 2014. Baton Rouge, LA.
Silva Brown, J. (2013). A longitudinal assessment of resilience: An investigation of predictors among 2011 Joplin tornado survivors. Talk presented by Beth Lyon at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. November, 2013. New Orleans, LA.
Lyon, B., Forest, P., Sampson, L., Holland, K., Marks, L. D., Cherry, K. E. (2013). After the British Petroleum oil spill: On cumulative adversity and psychological well-being in commercial fishers from south Louisiana. Poster Presented at the 3rd Annual Deepwater Horizon Conference. April, 2013. Baton Rouge, LA.
Quaddourah, J., Lyon, B., Blanchard, B., Walker, E. J., & Cherry, K. E. (2013). Knowledge of memory aging across the lifespan. Poster Presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. February, 2013. Baton Rouge, LA.
Nezat, P. F., Holland, K., Lyon, B., Sampson, L., Marks, L. D., & Cherry, K. E. (2013). Psychological well-being seven years after Hurricane Katrina: Does age, religiosity, and spirituality matter? Poster Presented at the Life Course and Aging Center Annual Meeting. February, 2013. Baton Rouge, LA.
Lyon, B. & Corts, D. (2012). Examining the influences of category size, focus, and age on prospective memory. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Undergraduate Research Symposium. May, 2012. Chicago, IL. Psi Chi Region Research Award.
Lyon, B. & Corts, D. (2011). Are there priming effects from intentionally forgotten material? Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Undergraduate Research Symposium. May, 2011. Chicago, IL.
Kline, K., Murato, A., Lyon, B. & Corts, D. (2010). Audio and visual distractions directed forgetting and working memory. Poster Presented at Midstates Research Consortium. November, 2010. Chicago, IL.
Dr. Bethany Lyon earned her Ph.D. in Cognitive and Developmental Psychology from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA.
Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 2018
Cognitive/Developmental Psychology
MA, Louisiana State University, 2014
Cognitive/Developmental Psychology
BA, Augustana College (Illinois), 2012
Psychology & Biology
Work Experience
Assistant Professor
2018 – present
Department of Psychology, Experimental Psychology Program
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, NE
Department of Continuing Education
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA
Department of Psychology
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA
Additional Training and Continuing Education
Graduate Student Interview Day Coordinator
Winter, 2016-2017. Coordinate and contact all LSU applicants for the Cognitive and Brain Sciences and Industrial Organizational Programs. Arrange for housing and transportation for all applicants. Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Dr. Jason Hicks
Alzheimer’s Services
Summer Intern, 2016. Interview family members and clients about their musical preferences. Create personalized playlists for the Music and Memory Program for all clients. Baton Rouge, LA. Supervisor: Dana Territo
Mini-ERP Bootcamp
Hosted by Dr. Steve Luck, August, 2015. Explored key issues in experimental design and analysis used in conducting research using event-related potentials.
Undergraduate Representative
Midwestern Psi Chi Steering Committee, 2011-2012. Process and encode entrants for the Midwestern Psychological Association Undergraduate Research Symposium, code and assemble documents to be reviewed, record abstract scores from reviewers, assist in organizing and contacting participants for the May 2012 Symposium in Chicago, IL. Compile 2012 event program. Rock Island, IL. Supervisor: Daniel P. Corts, Ph.D.
Honors and Awards
LCAC Outstanding Poster Award, Louisiana State University (February 2016)
Elected President of Sigma Phi Omega, National Honor Society in Gerontology, LSU (December 2014)
Sigma Phi Omega, National Honor Society in Gerontology, Louisiana State University (February 2013)
Midwestern Psychology Association Psi Chi Region Research Award (May 2012)
Psi Chi member, The National Honor Society in Psychology (2008-2012)
Dean’s List, Augustana College (2008-2012)
Outstanding Senior in Psychology, Augustana College (May 2012)
Summa Cum Laude, Augustana College (May 2012)
Phi Beta Kappa Society, Chapter Zeta of Illinois (2012)
Acquired Technical Skills and Certifications
SPSS, statistical software
SAS, statistical software
APA stylistics and formatting
E-Prime, programming software
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) certified
Virtual Week, prospective memory testing software