
Lissette Aliaga-Linares, PhD
Sociology & Anthropology
Associate Professor
Sociology & Anthropology, Assistant Professor
laliagalinares@unomaha.edu- Urban Sociology, Work, Population and Development, Research Methods, US Latinos and Latin America

Dr. Samantha Kay Ammons
Sociology & Anthropology, Associate Professor
sammons@unomaha.edu- Work, Family, Sex and Gender, Organizations, Qualitative Research Methods

Dr. Alecia Danielle Anderson
Sociology & Anthropology, Associate Professor
aleciaanderson@unomaha.edu- Race and Ethnicity, Sociological Theory, Political Sociology

T. Lynne Barone
Sociology & Anthropology, Associate Professor
tbarone@unomaha.edu- Medical Anthropology, Ethnomedicine, Human Adaptation
Dr. Isabelle Beulaygue

Cristian Dona
Sociology & Anthropology, Associate Professor
Dr. Jenny Heineman
Instructor of Sociology
- Gender and Sexuality, Feminist Theory, Qualitative Research Methods, Critical Pedagogy

Dr. Jay Irwin
Associate Professor of Sociology
jirwin@unomaha.edu- Medical Sociology, Sexualities, Sex and Gender, Research Methods

Dr. Kelly Rhea MacArthur
Associate Professor of Sociology
Sociology & Anthropology, Associate Professor
kmacarthur@unomaha.edu- Medical Sociology, Gender, Quantitative Methods

Dr. Alan Joseph Osborn
Sociology & Anthropology, Associate Professor
aosborn2@unomaha.edu- Great Plains Archaeology, Paleoindian Adaptations, Nutritional Anthropology
A. Olu Oyinlade, PhD.
Professor of Sociology
Sociology & Anthropology, Professor
aoyinlade@unomaha.edu- Complex Organizations, Leadership Development, Organizational Structures and Systems Analysis, Organizational Diversity Inclusion Management

Dr. Julie Ann Pelton
Department Chair, Associate Professor
Sociology & Anthropology, Associate Professor
jpelton@unomaha.edu- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Theory, Social Movements, Culture, Environmental Sociology

Dr. Beth Ritter
Associate Professor of Anthropology & Native American Studies
britter@unomaha.edu- Federal Indian Policy, Contemporary Native American Issues

Dr. Thomas Sanchez
Associate Professor of Sociology and Latino/Latin American Studies
thomassanchez@unomaha.edu- Migration and Immigration, Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Theory

Dr. Allison Schlosser
Emeritus Faculty

Bill Clute, PhD

Lourdes Gouveia, PhD
Professor Emerita of Sociology
OLLAS Director Emerita
lgouveia@unomaha.edu- Global Development and Food and Agriculture
- Latin American Migration, US Latino Populations, and Latino American Societies in the Globalization Era

Mary Ann Lamanna, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
mlamanna@unomaha.edu, mlamanna@alumni.nd.edu- Family, Gender, Law and Policy

Boyd Littrell, PhD

Mary Ann Powell, PhD
Associate Professor of Sociology
maryannpowell@unomaha.edu- Family, Education, Gender, Quantitative Methodology

Mark Rousseau, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
mrousseau@unomaha.edu- Stratification/Inequality, Political Sociology, Canadian Studies

Andy Skreija, PhD