Women's & Gender Studies
Women and Gender Programming and Outreach

Find Yourself in WGS: WGS major, LGBTQ/Sexuality Studies minor, WGS minor, Gender & Leadership Certificate

UNO now has a chapter of Triota (Iota Iota Iota)!
“Gender is a key dimension of personal life, social relations and culture. It is an arena in which we face hard practical issues about justice, identity and even survival.” – Raewyn Connell and Rebecca Pearse
Women's & Gender Studies looks closely at the impact of gender, sex and sexuality on our lives in a variety of arenas: at home, at work, on the streets, in the classroom.
The UNO Women’s and Gender Studies Program empowers individuals and communities through the collaborative work of students and faculty, who together study and explore all women’s lives and all constructions of gender across time, place, and culture, using a feminist lens.
Students learn while they prepare for life after graduation with a challenging and flexible curriculum of study, internships and independent study. For example, those interested in gender and health take different courses from those interested in art and feminism. Questions such as “Why is there a gender wage gap?” “Where are the women?” and “Why has masculinity been called a public health crisis (by men)?” animate Women’s and Gender Studies. Most fields of study today include women, gender, and sexuality to some extent: This major makes them the focus. The program employs the tools of different disciplines, including communication, arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and history.
Knowledge about women’s history, feminist perspectives, and the differences that gender and sexuality make to peoples’ lives are important to individuals, families, businesses and organizations, communities and nations. Graduating students are prepared for many opportunities. Women’s and Gender Studies students change lives and change the world.