The Center works with many Omaha Public Schools.
Omaha Public Schools
K-8 Standards (under revision)
10th Grade Economics course outline (under revision)
Millard Public Schools
School Model Curricula
From 2001 until recently, when the Omaha Public Schools (OPS) revised their magnet approach, the UNO Center for Economic Education had ongoing relationship with the Omaha Public Schools' economics-themed magnet schools. The schools featuring specially designed economics curriculum were the Conestoga Economics and Math Magnet Elementary K-6, and R.M. Marrs Economics, Mathematics and Technology Center 5-8.
The UNO Center worked with each school's economic specialist to provide professional training in economics and personal finance for faculty. We assisted in writing and reviewing economics standards, helped select appropriate curriculum materials, and designed assessments as needed.
We learned a great deal about teaching economics to elementary and middle school children during this period. The Center designed a MODEL elementary economic curriculum for others wishing to add economics themes to their K-6 curriculum. Recently OPS has changed focus on magnets at the elementary level, but some schools still work closely with the Center to include economics activities including a faculty economics related book club.
The UNO Center assisted the two magnet schools by helping them make connections to community partners and creating special projects, such as setting up savings branches in the schools. US Bank and Wells Fargo supported student run savings banks are still active at Conestoga and Marrs schools. The UNO Center hosted an end-of-year outstanding economics student recognition dinner for teachers and parents and supported the Econ Olympics held each year at the two schools. More information about hosting an Econ Olympics and be found at below.
Guidance on how to host your own Economics Olympics
The UNO Center, the UNO College of Business dean, and the Conestoga principal gave a presentation at the Magnet School Conference titled: Why is a College of Business Supporting an Elementary Magnet School?