General Information
Dr. Dale T. Eesley is the John Morgan Community Chair in Entrepreneurship, Founder and Director of the Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Franchising, and Professor of Entrepreneurship & Strategy.Dr. Eesley received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in Entrepreneurship & Strategy. He has been teaching and consulting in the field of entrepreneurship for over 18 years.
Teaching Interests
Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Finance, Corporate Strategy, Introduction to Management, Maverick Startups
Research Interests
Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial behaviors, small business, human resource practices.
Service Summary
As Director, he developed and runs the BigIdea! Pitch Contest, the Maverick Business Plan Contest, the Midwest Entrepreneurship Conference, the Entrepreneurial Living Learning Community, the Maverick Venture Fund, a student-run business called Stedman's Cafe, Maverick Summer Bootcamp and is the adviser to the Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization. This club has received numerous national awards, including national Adviser of the Year in 2017 and Top Three Chapter in 2013 and Best Chapter in 2022.
Awards and Honors
John Morgan Community Chair in Entrepreneurship, Service, Community - 2014
CBA Alumni Association Teaching Award, Teaching - 2018
Honors Program Faculty of the Year, Teaching - 2016
2017 Dean’s Citation of Excellence in Service, Service, University - 2017
2013-14 Service Award, Service, Community - 2014
Ph D, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, Entrepreneurship & Strategy, 2004
MA, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA, Religion, 1991
BA, Gordon College, Wenham, MA, English & Economics, 1987
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Baker, Ted, Miner, Anne, Eesley, Dale. 2003. Improvising Firms: Bricolage, Account Giving and Improvisational Competencies in the Founding Process.” Research Policy, Research Policy, 32, 2, 255.
Eesley, Dale, Meglich, Patricia. 2013. Abusive Supervision in Small Businesses: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Ethics and Entrepreneurship, 3, 1, 39-59.
Eesley, Dale, Longenecker, Clint . 2006. Barriers and Gateways to Intrapreneurship in Rapidly Changing Organizations, Industrial Management, 48, 1, 18-23.
Bass, Andrea, Milosevic, Ivanna, Eesley, Dale. 2015. Examining and Reconciling Identity Issues among Artist-Entrepreneurs, Eburon Academic Publishers .
Eesley, Dale. 2013. Cash Flow Statement Construction for Entrepreneurship and Non-Accounting Majors., Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics, 14, 16-33.
Department, College, and University
Academic Program Council, Program Reviewer, I reviewed the English, Chemistry and Gerontology departments., 01/01/2018 - present
Faculty Senate, University Senate Service, Represent the CBA at Faculty Senate meetings. I was elected and served for two years as the Secretary/Treasurer, one of three elected offices in Faculty Senate. This required attending 2 hour meetings on north campus every week., 05/01/2014 - 05/31/2014
Creator of Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community, Program Organizer / Coordinator, I founded and organized the first living learning community at UNO. The ELLC is for freshman and sophomore entrepreneurship students., 04/01/2015 - present
Founder of Stedman's Cafe, a Student-Run Coffee Shop, Other, I wrote a business proposal for a student run coffee shop, shepherded it through administrative approval and then spent about 20 to 30 hours a week for 12 weeks putting the plan into action so that it could open January 11th, 2016. I have hired and trained two assistant directors, who manage the day to day operations., 06/01/2015 - 06/30/2015
National CEO Faculty/Educator Advisory Council, Committee Member, Work with other University Faculty across the country as faculty advisers to the Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization. 8 hours / year., 05/01/2012 - 05/31/2012
Journal of Small Business Management, Reviewer, Journal Article, Reviewed submissions to the Journal, 01/01/2016 - present
Mountain Plains Business Conference Host, Program Organizer, Hosted and planned Conference, 01/08/2017 - present
Personnel Management, Reviewer, Journal Article, Reviewed submissions to the Journal, 01/01/2017 - present
1 Million Cups Omaha, Program Organizer, 08/20/2014 - present
Maverick Young Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, Program Organizer, 06/07/2015 - present
Midwest Franchising Seminar, Committee Member, 06/01/2012 - 06/30/2012
Ponca Financial Loan Committee, Committee Member, 08/20/2013 - present