Professor Jack L. Armitage
- Distinguished Alumni Accounting Professor
- School of Accounting, Professor
General Information
Dr. Armitage has significant experience working with academicians and practitioners outside the USA. He worked as a Fulbright Specialist, has taught classes at numerous foreign universities, consulted on curriculum issues with foreign universities, participated in round-table presentations for practicing auditors and accountants, conducted research in foreign countries, and planned and hosted faculty exchange visits at UNO. Before entering the professoriate, Professor Armitage worked for five years in public and private accounting.
Teaching Interests
PhD (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) Professor Armitage has taught Auditing, Governmental Accounting, and Principles, Intermediate, and Advanced Financial Accounting. His primary teaching interests are auditing and intermediate financial accounting. Dr. Armitage has received the UNO Alumni Excellence in Teaching Award and the Outstanding Graduate Accounting Professor Award for his teaching.
Research Interests
Professor Armitage's research interests include auditing and accounting education. He has over 40 publications in academic and professional accounting journals and over 30 academic presentations. His work has been published in Internal Auditing, Journal of Accounting Education, CPA Journal, The Nigerian Accountant, National Public Accountant, Journal of Applied Business Research, Business Journal, and International Business & Economics Research Journal.
Service Summary
Dr. Armitage has served on the AICPA Auditing Subcommittee which approves all auditing questions for the CPA Exam, as a member of the U.S. Fulbright Program Peer Review Committee, as a member of the Douglas County (Nebraska) Audit Committee, on several committees of the Nebraska State Board of Accountancy, as president of the North American Accounting Society, as well as serving in many other capacities. Dr. Armitage has received the Dean's Citation for Recognition of Excellence in Service for his service to the college and profession.