Dr. Zhigang Feng
- Economics, Associate Professor
General Information
Dr. Zhigang Feng is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Miami in 2009. Prior to joining UNO, Dr. Feng has held teaching positions at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of Zurich, and Purdue University. His research primarily focuses on Macroeconomics, Computational Economics, Public Finance, and Labor Economics. Currently, his research endeavors are centered around developing innovative numerical methods, utilizing AI/ML, to solve large-scale dynamic equilibrium models. These models are instrumental in understanding optimal fiscal policy and debt sustainability. Dr. Feng has published articles in several top-tier general-interest and field-specific economics journals, including the International Economic Review, Review of Economic Dynamics, Quantitative Economics, and Economic Theory. He is also a sought-after speaker, having been invited to present his work at numerous prestigious universities, central banks, and international conferences.
Teaching Interests
Macroeconomics, Machine Learning, Quantitative Method, Public Finance
Research Interests
Macroeconomics, Machine Learning, Computational Economics, Public Finance and Labor Economics
Service Summary
Dr. Zhigang Feng is serving as a member of the advisory committee for Holland Computing Center at University of Nebraska. He organized a mini-conference on Quantitative Macro and Public Finance in 2015 and 2024. He has been invited to review research articles for numerous leading economic journals and grant applications for National Science Foundation and Swiss National Computing Center.
Awards and Honors
UCRCA 2022 Research fellowship, Scholarship/Research - 2022
CBA 2022 Summer Research Fellowship, Scholarship/Research - 2021
CBA 2021 Summer Research Fellowship, Scholarship/Research - 2020
Mammel Faculty-in-Residence Fellowship, Scholarship/Research - 2019
CBA 2019 Summer Research Fellowship, Scholarship/Research - 2019
UCRCA 2018 Research fellowship, Scholarship/Research - 2018
CBA 2018 Summer Research Fellowship, Scholarship/Research - 2018
Ph D, University of Miami, Coral Gables, USA, Economics, 2009
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Feng, Zhigang. 2024. Health, Health Insurance, and Inequality, International Economic Review.
Feng, Zhigang, Miao, Jianjun, Peralta-Alva, Adrian , Santos, Manuel. 2014. Numerical Simulation of Non-optimal Dynamic Equilibrium Models, International Economic Review, 55, 1, 83-110.
Feng, Zhigang. 2015. Time Consistent Optimal Fiscal Policy over the Business Cycle, Quantitative Economics, 6, 1, 189-221.
Feng, Zhigang, Villamil, Anne , Chivers, David . 2017. Employment-based Health Insurance and Misallocation: Implications for the Macroeconomy, Review of Economic Dynamics, 23, 1, 125-149.
Feng, Zhigang, Zhao, Kai. 2018. Employer-based Health Insurance, Uncertain Medical Expenses, and Aggregate Labor Supply, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 154, Oct 2018, 156-174.
Externally Funded Research
Public Finance for a Sustainable Future: Strategic Green Initiatives and Low Interest Rate, Univ of Miami, Universities - present
Department, College, and University
Holland Computing Center (HCC) Advisory Committee, Committee Member, 01/01/2019 - 01/31/2019
Faculty Senate, Committee Member, 05/01/2021 - 05/31/2021
The Academic Freedom Coalition of Nebraska, Committee Member, 08/01/2021 - 08/31/2021
Media Contributions
TV, KMTV News Omaha, "Possible physician shortage concerns local doctors"https://www.3newsnow.com/news/local-news/possible-physician-shortage-concerns-local-doctors, 07/01/2021
TV, KMTV News Omaha, "What is 'stagflation?': Ukraine crisis and its effect on Midwest economy" https://www.3newsnow.com/news/local-news/what-is-stagflation-ukraine-crisis-and-its-effect-on-midwest-economy, 03/01/2022
Newspaper, Omaha World Herald, "How should I spend my stimulus money?"https://www.3newsnow.com/news/local-news/what-is-stagflation-ukraine-crisis-and-its-effect-on-midwest-economy, 03/01/2021
TV, Access the Experts, “What will be the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on the travel and tourism industry?”, 03/01/2021
TV, Fox42 KPTM, "$20 minimum wage in Nebraska" https://fox42kptm.com/newsletter-daily/lawmakers-pitch-20-minimum-wage-in-nebraska, 02/01/2021