The brief should be a minimum of 3 pages, single-spaced. Reference both your textbook and ideas presented in class to support your arguments. You are also required to use outside sources to supplement your paper; please provide references at the conclusion of your paper. The body of the report should indicate the student’s name, ID number, and the class for which the paper is submitted for to receive RPP credit. The report must be typed (12-point font with standard 1-inch margins) and submitted electronically. To do this, email a copy of your summary to (acceptable formats include: .docx; .doc; or .pdf).
This file must be named: last name, first initial, middle initial, and the number of alternative research papers that the document represents (e.g., Jane Marie Doe’s file would be named doejm1).
Contact the CAB Lab ( or Dr. Muntaha Bani Hani ( for any further questions or issues.