More Professional Development Courses
Building Teams
Teaming is the norm in successful organizations. Teams that do not just talk about collaboration but actually live it usually realize strong results. Collaborative teams: share a common purpose, see value in the contributions and abilities of each team member, they speak frankly, they seek out and address conflict and they look for ways to improve the status quo. Learn to identify core behaviors and learn how to motivate team members based on their strengths.
Communicating to Power with Power
This course will teach you how to communicate effectively and build confidence in your ability to speak well to coworkers, managers, and top-level executives in your organization. You will learn tools to communicate with clarity, discover how empathy, respect, presence and authenticity influence communication and apply communication techniques for persuasion.
EQ Essentials
Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, is a specific set of learned competencies that allow us to accurately read and recognize our own emotions, impulses, and thought processes, and that of others, and to respond effectively with resilience, wisdom, and adaptability for bese cse outcome in every situation. EQ is an essential ingredient of long-term success, particularly in complex and ever changing workplace environments. Well-developed EQ allows us to gain deeper insight into interpersonal dynamics and greter mastery over navigating a care focused environment.
Understanding Generations at Work
There are currently five generatins in the workforce, and employeres faced with the retirement of Baby Boomers are looking for ways to prepre for the changes that will result. This training examines the history and reality of the generation gap, exploring why people of different generations view the world so differently and why they are motivated in such different ways.