The SHRM Learning System® delivers the most effective SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP certification preparation. Interactive, online study tools and learning modules that reflect current HR content that prepares you for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification exam.
Top 5 Ways Your Organization will Benefit from your SHRM-CP SHRM-SCP Certification
- Your knowledge will be current and relevant. The certification program covers behavioral competencies and functional knowledge areas within the themes of HR Competencies, People, Organization, and Workplace.
- You will learn practical skills that will impact your job immediately. SHRM certification measures an HR professional’s most critical skill: the ability to apply HR principles to actual, everyday situations. It is among the first to focus on practical, real-life HR information, teaching, and testing competencies and knowledge. When you prepare for the certification exam, you will not be simply memorizing a textbook, you will be applying concepts, using behavioral judgement and understanding best practices for handling day-to-day business as well as unexpected scenarios.
- These certifications were developed with employers in mind. SHRM conducted global research, and based on their findings, they determined that, in addition to technical knowledge, a successful HR career will also be determined by behavioral competencies. By attaining your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP credential, you will learn what you need to know and how to apply it to be a leader in your organization.
- Your knowledge and skills will be globally applicable and universally recognized. Earning the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP credential will give you the recognition and flexibility to use your knowledge and skills and competencies anywhere…now and in the future. The SHRM-CP SHRM-SCP exams are accredited by the Buros Center for Testing, asserting that the HR credentials meet the highest standards in testing.
- Your Certification and Training are provided by the leading advocate for HR professionals. SHRM has represented the HR community for nearly seven decades and has more than 300,000 members in 165 countries. It is a well-respected organization at the forefront of HR trends and emerging professional knowledge.
Spring 2025 Course
Course Details:
- Class Dates: Feb 18 - May 20
- Tuesday evenings, from 6-9pm
- All sessions will be recorded
Course Fee - $1,699 and includes:
- Live online class sessions (recorded and available for 1 year)
- 2025 SHRM Learning System printed materials
- 2025 SHRM Learning System online materials which includes a SHRM customized study plan, online topic cards and practice questions (available for 18 months)
- Weekly reading, quizzes, discussions, and assignments done at your own pace
Contact Kim for more information at
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