Executive MBA benefits
Access to top faculty
Executive MBA students are the most knowledgeable and demanding audience a business school instructor will face in the classroom. We select our best faculty to teach in these programs. Most often, the faculty members who teach in our programs also have extensive work and consulting experience in the business world. You can expect our instructors to be adept at teaching you about their areas of expertise from an executive perspective, and skilled at facilitating classroom interaction among experienced students.
An outstanding peer group
Interacting with other students in the classroom and in study groups is an important part of our Executive MBA program. You will learn as much from the experience and insights of other students as you do from the instructors, and you will be expected to contribute at the same level.
Executive perspective
Our Executive MBA program helps you look at business problems and opportunities from a senior management perspective. You will become knowledgeable about the important concepts of the key business disciplines. You will integrate this knowledge with your prior background and experience. You will develop and enhance your management and leadership skills so you can make your new knowledge and perspective productive for you and your firm.
Collaborative learning
Participants in top MBA programs often compete with each other in the classroom. But at the executive level, building partnerships, alliances and other cooperative relationships becomes as important as competing with others, if not more so. Our Executive MBA program focuses on collaboration rather than competition. In the classroom and in study groups, you will test your team-building skills and learn to rely on others to help you succeed. Successful Executive MBA participants learn how to share responsibilities with each other and take advantage of the experience and knowledge that each participant brings to the classroom for mutual benefit. This skill is directly transferable to their work.
Immediate applicability
Applying what you learn to challenges and opportunities in the business world is essential to the Executive MBA experience. As an Executive MBA student, the workplace becomes a laboratory in which you test what you have learned in the classroom. Often, you will have opportunities to design projects that allow you to solve real problems you face at work as you complete course requirements, sometimes with help from your fellow students. This not only enriches your education, but also has a positive impact on your performance on the job.
Increased confidence
If you have developed your business skills and knowledge on the job, an Executive MBA program can help you fill in the gaps, learn the language of business and give you a firm grounding in the fundamentals of its various disciplines. Beyond that, an Executive MBA program provides you with strategic perspective, allowing you to view your organization and its environment from the viewpoint of the CEO or chairman of the board. It will also help you develop leadership skills to support your career growth and prepare you for executive responsibilities.