High School Business Competition Winners
Congratulations to the 2017 first, second and third place teams!
First Overall
Arlington High School
Syracuse High School
Second Overall
Waverly High School
Third Overall
Lincoln East High School
Omaha Marian
1 | Parker Nagengast, Waverly
2 | Mitchell McWilliams, Syracuse
3 | Livia Wilhelm, Syracuse
Banking and Financial Systems
1 | Kirk Rangel, Arlington
2 | Jac Clements, Elmwood-Murdock
3 | Maddie Foreman, Arlington
Business Calculations
1 | Jacob Reinwald, Lincoln High School
2 | Mitchell McWilliams, Syracuse
3 | Lauren Klingemann, Omaha Marian
Business Math
1 | Mackenzie Hagemeister, Arlington
2 | Divith Rajagopal, Lincoln East
3 | Chloe Andreini, Lincoln High School; Eli Pelc, Freeman
1 | Annie Jia, Lincoln East
2 | Serena Mueller, Waverly
3 | Filo Habib, Waverly
1 | James Van Eperen, Millard Entrepreneurship Academy; Morgan Hodges, Marian
2 | Halie Lewin, Ashland-Greenwood
3 | Riley Knust, Tri County High
(These students received a $2,500 scholarship to the Entrepreneurial Living Learning Community.)
Introduction to Business
1 | Filo Habib, Waverly
2 | Kaw Htoo, Omaha Northwest
3 | Connor Jurey, Arlington
1 | Annie Jia, Lincoln East
2 | Morgan Filter, Fremont High School
3 | Halie Lewin, Ashland-Greenwood
Personal Finance
1 | James Van Eperen, Millard Entrepreneurship Academy
2 | Alyssa Bennett, Lincoln Northeast
3 | Reece Krueger, Arlington